This site contains information about this page and some of the views of those who created
it. We may only agree with some of our theories some of the time. There are different Pagan legends that correspond with particular
trials (ordeals) or times in a person's life and so it may be with some of our theories. Hence you may get the idea hat perhaps
we are not as dogmatic as some and as long as you are not trying to convert us to a new religion, we are open to hearing other
theories. Much that is stated herein is the result of personal observations and study by us. This is primarily an information
site and you will either agree with us or disagree, but some of the information contained here is widely accepted among other
churches, groves, covens, et cetera, as fact and/or doctrine.
All religion (including Christianity) is based upon one or
more mythologies and any good encyclopedia will support this theory. This is not widely known among most modern , so being
victimized by religious zealots is one of our reasons for authoring this page. We subscribe to a Pagan religion and lifestyle
as interpreted by us which is partially based upon fact as opposed to being based wholly upon emotion.
This is for those people who always wanted to know but didn't know whom to ask. IF we
don't know about a particular tradition, we will at least try to obtain basic information or will tell you where you can find
it (if we can). We are dedicated to the idea of freedom of religion even for us Pagans and to disproving those satanic accusations
that sometimes arise. We will not be a party to a new or continued "Inquisition" or to a "satanic panic". We advocate religious
freedom and free speech. Don't expect us to "spy" on the neighborhood "Satanists" for you or to tell on the "heathens". We
practice primarily in the Welsh pantheon but we share some of the same values as some Asatru groups.
Pagan: 1. same as heathen.2. one who has no religion. 3. of paganism. 4. rube.
heathen:1.anyone not a Jew, Christian, or Moslem 2. a person regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, etc.
3. pagan
paganism: 1. countryman 2. civilian 3. nonbelievers 4. heathen 5. ancient religion that was genuinely more
religious than the literary mythology, this ancient religion influenced LATER Christian practice in such matters as seasonal
festivals and ceremonies, as well as remembering various "superstitions" and legends.
These are definitions out of an actual book...
Donations will be used to pay for Internet and other costs to update and add to this website.
We are not little children. The authors have combined a total of 78 years of life on this planet and
we have seen and done many things. We know the value of a library card and we collect as many "tomes" for our personal
libraries as our budget permits.
Hate mail will be round filed after I
laugh at it.
I am the webmaster of this site but that doesn't necessarily mean that I
am the only one with access to it or that I get to approve everything that goes on it. I don't necessarily get to check it
regularly nor do I necessarily have regular access to a computer to access it and assess the contents.
I may not necessarily approve or agree with everything on this site
(or any other). I just may not have had time to access this one to repair it.
I ain't necessarily willing to be blamed for what somebody else did
to this site or at this site or any other. This site ain't necessarily hacker proof.
I ain't necessarily going to always use proper spelling, punctuation
or grammar merely because you say so, think so, expect it, or want it.