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                                    Idols or icons?



Websters Dictionary, circa 1970


Idol: an image of a God, used as an object of worship.


Icon: an image, figure. A sacred image of Jesus, Mary, et cetera




  Exodus 20: 4,5 Holy Bible----King James Version


Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the fourth and fifth generations of them that hate me;




The Wiccan Book of the Law, # 48

   by Lady Galadriel, 1992


    It is right to study and to understand the sigils, and stories of the Gods (and/or Goddesses), for they shall guide your thoughts to Them, and They shall hear you. Yet you must ever remember that you worship not the sign or the statue, but the Gods (and/or Goddesses) which inspire them.





    Muslims traveling during the Haaj or praying in the direction of Mecca, Jews and Christians traveling to Jerusalem, Druids traveling to Stonehenge, New Agers traveling to Sedona, Az, etc. Christians wearing or praying to a cross, statues of saints in a Catholic Church, voodoo altars with statues and candles, Wiccan pentagrams, Satanic Baphomets, et cetera.


    These are all external artifacts that mankind has used in order to find spiritual guidance. And in the modern world, they seem to have overtaken that which is spiritual innately in the species. In fact, they have become little more than material icons for marketers. What do they have to do with following The White Path? No belief system is immune

to this material transformation of spirituality.


    Granted, not all belief systems adorn their worshippers with jeweled icons like Islam does. However, the belief in the martyrdom of the individual to attain ascendance to Allah clearly fits the mold of iconoclasm. If one is to become a martyr in his pursuit of spirituality, then that person has denied the belief system in favor of merely transcending to Allah.


    At-onement is that circumcision  of the material in favor of the spiritual.  At-onement, is that portion of the person seeking the means of spirituality in all deeds, designs, and beliefs.  This is the beginning of the travel on The White Path. In feigning to iconoclasm, the person never truly circumcises itself from the mundane. Rather, the person merely continues to follow the pursuits associated within that iconoclastic nature and mollifies the self into believing it has attained a spiritual nature.


    People really are as Jesus said, like sheep. Given a particular belief system, the individual will choose to follow the teachings of the system to a point. Clergy become revered and considered wholly because they have purportedly learned the belief system. However, ritual reigns. 


    Spirituality, in spite of a belief system is an individually based concept. Any avenue allowing the individual to attain it is sacred only to the individual. This means, if truth is found in the Satanic Verses, the Koran, the Talmud, philosophy, history, et cetera, it cannot be considered blasphemous, heretical, or a derogation of any other belief.         


    I have a statue of the Dancing Shiva on my altar to remind me that Shiva is the Lord of the Dance. He is always the Lord of the Dance, whether I am thinking purely in spiritual terms or not. It is a reminder that spirituality and balance are important and not to be ignored or forgotten. I do not revere this personification of Shiva as such, but I do understand the aspect of its embodiment. People dont come to my house and bow down before this little statue as they do in front of various other religious symbols. I imagine they could but I would think they were being silly if they thought that this was the only way to worship. Worship can occur any time and at any place. The only requirement is that a worshipper be present.





   ©  M. Green & C. Rhodes, 2002


I have the utmost respect for the late Anton LaVey. I do not always agree with his opinions but upon re-reading some things penned by him, I thought they might merit discussing. One of the things I find interesting are the Nine Satanic Sins.


Stupidity is the first one on the list. To me this means many things. One of the most important is the act of remaining undereducated by choice. The other is assuming that you know everything about another person just because you believe that you are more spiritually advanced.


The second one is an all time favorite of mine: pretentiousness. How many people can you name that wander around acting as though they are better than you just because they studied with Guru X? Im always constantly amazed by the supposed great thinkers acting as though they know everything about your spiritual path just because they studied with Guru X, who never even heard of you!


The third is being voluntarily subservient to another who does not deserve it. Why are we commonly expected to turn the other cheek when plainly this is not in our best interest?


The fourth is self-deceit. How many of those self appointed gurus are deceiving themselves about their innate wisdom, knowledge and ability.

When you have examined a particular issue from every conceivable angle and when you recognize that there may be some pertinent details that you are not aware of, you are closest to the truth sometimes.


The fifth is being a sheep and letting others guide your spiritual path. It is never deciding for yourself when this or that bit of wisdom is really total crap. I am not asking for forgiveness for not trusting some elses spirit guide or  guardian angel.


Lack of perspective is the sixth. Am I to lose my perspective by permitting another to have power over me and my choices?


The seventh is forgetting that old ideas can be given a face lift in order to be reintroduced to us. Some ideas are not worth considering but this does not necessarily prevent their supporters from repeatedly trying to convert you.


The eighth is not knowing when to compromise.


The ninth is a lack of aesthetics. If your doctrine, belief, et cetera holds no beauty for me then I am not obligated to convert to your way of thinking. If your way of doing things or believing things does not bring balance into my life, I am not obligated to do things your way.


     Many Christians seem to have a problem with Satanic teachings, based upon the Nine Satanic Statements, the Nine Satanic Sins and most of the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth it would be hard to outright condemn the followers of Anton LaVey. They mostly seem to be telling us about methods of behaviour that most of us utilize anyway. Anyone who does not say that at least some Satanists have a moral and ethical code needs to study further Church of Satan teachings.


The one point that I have problems with is the statement of destroying ones enemies. I do realize that at particular times, destroying your enemies may be the only feasible alternative. We do not all have a body- guard to protect us and sometimes ones enemies can be rather stubborn about backing off. If Anton LaVey merely meant that it is okay to defend yourself when it is necessary then I cannot argue.


The Wiccan Rede states; An it harm none, do as you will. How many Wiccans are aware that it also means not to harm themselves? If you are involved in a dispute with one of your religious teachers and his/her beliefs do not totally agree with you, you are justified in walking away. It is not weak to walk away if that is an alternative. If fisticuffs are not a necessity as a form of defence there is no need to apply them. Wisdom might also decree that if one has spent most of their life being less than totally healthy and therefore they lack the physical strength of their opponent it might be better to walk away.


The Christian Bible does not just teach to turn the other cheek. There is the teaching of an eye for an eye. There are also many instances mentioned when war was waged on non-believers (non-Christians) mainly because they were unbelievers. There is the tale of the destruction of Babylon in which the destruction of Babylon is seen as necessary to destroy the wicked. According to the Bible, only a few of the inhabitants of Babylon were guilty of victimizing some Christians, innocent inhabitants were also destroyed in this legend. Were they destroyed just to prevent the possibility of their future wrongdoings against Christians?


One of the tenets that Aleister Crowley followed was: Do what you must and only what you must. Perhaps this is a tenet that should also be adhered to. If fisticuffs are necessary for defence then they should be utilized. If compromise is the appropriate path then all should strive to compromise.


The Bible gives us all the right to choose our own spiritual path or the gift of freewill. It is demeaning to Christians and to those they are trying to convert to Christianity. The Bible does teach that the beliefs of others are to be respected whether you totally agree with them or not. It teaches to love thy neighbor as thyself and to love thy enemies. Respect is a major aspect of what love is. If you do not respect others then you do not love them.

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Author: M. Green 2007