The belief that the name which you call yourself
contains the essence of your being and must be kept secret is very ancient. Many newcomers to Witchcraft choose a new but
secret name to symobolize their life as a Witch. The name can be chosen from many sources, including mythology, folklore or
from a favorite work of literature. It is best to choose a name that reflects the way that you think of yourself and about
Witchcraft or "the Craft" as it is commonly called.
Gematria is the proper term for the art of numerology. It is a form of divination.
The first step is to write down your name. The second step is to enter under each etter its numerical value as is described
in the following tables. Add the numbers together. If the sum is more than ten, add them together to obtain a single digit.
This is your name number. If you do not usually use your middle name or middle initial then omit it.
Many numerologists stress the importance of another number- the birth number-
which is obtained by adding up your date of birth. This is the number which most affects you, it has similar meaning to an
astrological symbol. It is the influence of the Cosmos that was given to you at the time of your birth, it may sometimes conflict
with your name number which means that there will be extra conflict in your life.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
Table 1-1
Hebrew Gematria
Following are listed the various characeristics
assigned to a given name number.
One: Ones generally have a great fixity
of purpose and an unswerving drive to excel in their own particular goals. They are more single-minded. They are powerful,
positive, obstinate, self-reliant, self-assertive, ambitious and agreesive. They usually have few close friends. Often they
are friendly to others only because they see such behaviour as a way to advance their own ideas. They are usually very dominating,
sometimes to the point of tyranny. They very much tend to "look out for number one."
Twos: Twos generally are somewhat effiminate. They generally have soft, sweet natures. They are
quiet, tactful and conciliatory. They are somewhat fickle and tend to procrastinate. The more negative of them can be cruel,
malicious and deceitful.
Three: Threes are brilliant, imaginative, versatile and energetic. They are bold and vivid and
have a sparkling quality. They are witty, lively, charming and usually successful. They are proud, independent, ambitious
and commanding. they tend to have too many irons in the fire. They tend to place too much importance in their own popularity
and gaining the approval of others.
Four: Fours are solid, practical, uninspired and uninspiring. They are better administrators
and organizers than inventors. They are more down to earth, calm, steady, industrious and respectable. They tend to think
of themselves as pillars of society. They can also be stern, grim, repressive, and resentful of those who are different. They
are also prone to fits of melancholy, rage and violence. Four traditionally is the number of poverty, misery and defeat.
Five: Fives are generally restless and jumpy. They love travel and new people. They tend to have
general knowledge of a great number of subjects but seldom gain expert status at any one thing. They are adventurous, attractive,
quick-tempered, sometimes sarcastic and conceited. They usually have interesting but unstable love lives. The dark side of
their nature shows itself in excess, debauchery or perversion.
Six: Sixes are more harmonious, domestic and peacefully happy. They are equable, kindly, reliable
and well-balanced. They are loyal, conscientious, idealistic and affectionate. They are generally more successful in the long
term. They can also be smug, self-satisfied, fussy, gossipy, obstinate and conceited.
Seven: Sevens are more scholarly, philosophical, mystical and occult oriented. They are
natural recluses. They are dignified, serious, self -controlled and have
no patience with frivolity or foolishness. They care little for money or physical comfort. They have powerful intellects but
are also dreamy, imaginative, fey or strange. They often are terrible at explaining themselves and their ideas and they dislike
being questioned or argued with. They are deeply unhappy, pessimistic, disappointed, aloof, superior and witheringly sarcastic.
Eight: Eights are usually powerful, wealthy and worldly. They are strong, tough and practical.
They tend to have to work hard at their careers in order to succeed. They can be hard, materialistic, selfish, tyrannical
and unscrupulous, They often seem grim and cold. Often they have a wild eccentric streak or are sometimes wildly rebellious.
They can be great successes but constantly face resounding failure.
Nines: Nines are often more mentally and spiritually advanced. They are large-minded, visionary,
idealistic, romantic, passionate, impulsive, sympathetic and charming. They are often philanthropists. Sometimes they seem
to love the world or their cause more than their lover.
Some numerologists halt the addition process at 11 and 22. Eleven is the number of martyrdom
and revelation. They have a special message to give to the world. They have the same characteristics as nines. Twenty-two
is the number of the master. They have a super-human personality with all of the better characteristics of all the other numbers.
However, sometimes the genious and energy are used to become a supreme crime boss rather than an extraordinary leader.
Countercharm against the “evil eye”…
The “evil eye” is also known as glamour. A countercharm for the “evil eye” is a phallus.
The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Demonology: Rossell Hope Robbins
There’s just one more reason for me to have a $100,000 sex
change operation performed upon myself. I don’t have a penis or a phallus.
Matt. 7:21,22
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,
adulteries, fornications, murders,
Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil
eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
You will notice that it clearly states that evil comes from the hearts of men and not women.
“You’ve wanted to be a boy since you were a kid.” Margaret Pluris
“You want to be just like me.” Margaret Pluris
Everybody wants to be a naïve felon. I can see them lining up
from here. NOT!
Author: M. green, 2008
Protective Native American Tobacco Pouch
Equal parts:
Loose tobacco (preferably organic) American Spirit out of New Mexico sells one and they do have a website in
case you cannot find it locally.
Sage leaf (This can be bought in most grocery stores.)
Cedar shavings (Wal-mart carries this in the pet department.)
1 quartz crystal
Place tobacco, sage, cedar shavings & charged quartz crystal
in a small leather pouch. Securely fasten leather pouch closed and place in pants pocket, preferably not on your dominant
side. (I have been wearing mine around my neck.) Some people do. This is reputed to protect you from anyone attacking you
as well as any influence you deem harmful to you.
Black Tourmaline is also reputed to be protective. It sends all negative (harmful) energy directed at you back to
its origin. Just carry it in your pocket.
Birthstone lore…
March 21 to April 19, Aries: Diamond, ruby, sapphire, bloodstone
April 20 to May 20, Taurus: Emerald, carnelian, chrysoprase, sapphire, topaz
May 21 to June 21, Gemini: Pearl, agate, alexandrite, topaz, tourmaline,
Iceland spar, chrysoprase, moonstone
June 22 to July 22, Cancer: Ruby, carnelian, chalcedony, emerald, amber
July 23 to August 22, Leo: Sardonyx, jasper, cat’s eye, onyx, peridot
August 23 to September 22, Virgo: Sapphire, peridot, olivine, lapis lazuli, carnelian, emerald
September 23 to October 23, Libra: Opal, tourmaline (yellow), beryl, jade, chrysolite, aquamarine, emerald
October 24 to November 21, Scorpio: Topaz, snakestone, turquoise, amethyst, red tourmaline, aquamarine, cat’s
eye, citrine, topaz quartz (yellow)
November 22 to December 21, Sagittarius: Turquoise, jacinth, zircon, topaz, malachite, hyacinth, lapis lazuli (medium
December 22 to January 19, Capricorn: Garnet, chrysoprase, jet, ruby, jacinth, black diamond
January 20 to February 18, Aquarius: Amethyst, artificial glass, chalcedony, jacinth, garnet, rock crystal
February 19 to March 20, Pisces: Bloodstone, aquamarine, pearl, sapphire, amethyst
The first stone listed after each birth sign is traditionally
considered the birthstone for that month. A few months have more than one and some months have only one. The others come from
other sources. According to some ancient legends, each birthstone represents one of the twelve tribes of the Israelites.
The Witches Bible Compleat, by Stewart & Janet Farrar
The Holy Bible Ex. 28: 17-20; 39: 10-13 & Rev. 21: 19,20
New Age Encyclopedia
Biblical birthstones:
Sept. to Oct. : Sardius
Nov.: Topaz
Dec.: Carbuncle
Jan.: Emerald
Feb.: Sapphire
March: Diamond
April: Ligure
May: Agate
June: Amethyst
July: Beryl
Aug.: Onyx
Sept.: Jasper