"Doing my best to piss off the religious right. Are we there yet?" M. Green 2007
Some of your sermons are too verbose. You said more than "hello" or "good morning."
Author: M. Green 2007
Piss off...
Author: M. Green2007
My maternal Grandfather
may have had dreams, hopes & aspirations that he never told anyone about. He worked at Central Foundry almost until the
day he died of complications due to gangrene. His dreams, hopes & aspirations were/are never unimportant. It’s just
that way with dreams, hopes & aspirations.
He would have worked at Central Foundry much longer
if he could have. Everybody has hopes, dreams & aspirations.
Author: M. Green2007
The gay lifestyle…
I am not claiming to be an expert on the gay lifestyle. I do know that some gay people are homophobic or present themselves
as being homophobic. Some of them may be heterophobic.
Many members of the heterosexual community are homophobic even
though there may not be a gay person sitting next to them with their hand on their leg. Many members of the heterosexual community
openly condemn gay marriages,
There have been or are gay men who were or are married to a woman.
The late Brian Epstein managed the Beatles. Brian Epstein was legally married to a woman. Brian Epstein was gay. Who is sleeping
in your bed? Are you sure he or she is heterosexual? Other than their possibly dishonest testimony. What proof do you have?
A great many people are married to someone of the opposite gender.
This is not adequate enough proof of their heterosexuality for me. There are still some gay people who are “in the closet.”
They are not openly, publicly gay. They hide their homosexuality from most. What are you hiding? What is your minister/pastor
hiding? What is your priest hiding?
Author: M. Green2007
"Indiana wants me but it's too close to you." M. Green2007
My psychiatrist talks to himself. They make psychotropic drugs for that. Do you need
to borrow some of mine for your own consumption/ingestion? Opinions may vary. I am running at least running low grade “fevers.”
What is his excuse? I have a digital thermometer that I personally own. I do know how to read at least that.
Author: M. Green2007
Bitch making parties...
These do not include conception of new babies. Do they include castrating pigs (which I recently
learned how to do)? Honey, do this... Honey do that...
A bitch making party is when they supposedly teach you how to be either a gay male or a wife.
Let's make you one first and see whether or not you like it before you try it on me.
Author: M. Green2007
The Death wish…
There are those who either have or may have a death wish. Some of those with a death
wish just want to die so that they can go to heaven. We all do not have a death wish. Opinions may vary regarding who actually
supplies the “life force” within each of us but we are alive so that we may live not so that we can locate or
construct ways for us to die. I consider it very rude that some of those with a death wish want to take me with them.
There are also some utter anuses that like to bring people to the edge of death as a teaching method
or to gain some amount of power over them or to find out what happens when people die or whatever. If you really desire to
know what happens at the moment of death then there are people who can infect you with the HIV/AIDS virus and with the appropriate
amount of little or no medical treatment, you can soon find out for yourself what dying people see. You can then come back
from the dead and inform the rest of us whether or not you saw a white light or whether or not you traveled in a tunnel, or
whatever. We may not always believe you though so your paycheck for the speaking engagements you garner may be small. We may
not always be interested in your fables.
Some of us might consider it rude for you to either be making us miserable or trying to while you
are alive though. Consider yourself warned. There may be some gay people (or others) that have been bashed who are running
around out there that may agree with me.
Opinions may vary as to the successfulness of your life and your chosen mission in life. Since you
may not be such a great success at managing your own life, you need not even ever try to manage mine. Aside from which, I
might consider your management of my life rude. You were given your life to manage. You were not given my life to manage or
you would be walking constantly in my shoes, head & heart and you would have been born there. Such is probably not the
case. What is it that demons are rumored to do? You might be a demon in disguise if you even try. Opinions may vary. Do you
know what an exorcism is?
You might be a demon if:
1. You are
2. You ain’t
Demons are people too and people
are demons too. Where did I put that Voodoo recipe for turning others into zombies? I’ll need one empty coffin and…
Author: M. Green2007
Ladylike behaviour…
I weary of you ignorant and/or arrogant little dweebs calling me unladylike. You’ll make somebody
a fine kilt/skirt wearing huzband someday. Hey, batter, batter. Swing!
Author: M. Green2007
My half-brother was in the U.S. Navy when our government decided to send aid to Somalia. He claims not
to have had sexual relations with any of the natives. My half-brother is not famous for his honesty nor is he famous for always
behaving honorably. Even if he did not contract the HIV/AIDS virus from a native, he may have contracted it from a shipmate.
My half-brother is constantly dieting. He is worse this way than a Frenchman. Which he most assuredly
is not! He never holds any important title /function within the Radcliffe family either because he never is one. I attended
some of the same high school classes he did before he did and he apparently was not paying adequate attention during class.
Either that or he only heard what he wanted to hear (which was less than what was taught). I would never pay my paternal half-brother
to tie his own shoelaces or anything else. His time & efforts are never of any value. He is never qualified or designated
to manage an estate or any estate affairs/business or any of my personal affairs/business. Sit on it and spin, Bill (William
Joseph (B.J. “Blow Job”) Green. You are the only one ever responsible for any debts you have accrued/acquired.
Maybe the next time you will think before you kick me between my legs (or any other time). You ain’t ever thought yet
so I won’t hold my breath. You arrogant little milk sop.
I have a deceased maternal half-brother that was never privileged to attend school that is more intelligent
than my surviving paternal half-brother. My mama ain’t ever the one that raised the fools. I am not welcome at any of
my paternal family functions. If I don’t attend then I don’t buy the food. It is just as well. I might live longer
& more happily by avoiding them. Opinions may vary. Some of my paternal relatives never utilize the education they have.
I also don’t need my non-Irish father teaching me about Irish quisine. The fact that he only
knows how to cook corned beef & cabbage is not very impressive. He probably only learned how to cook that dish just to
annoy me (or make me homesick). He is a always a cad at best. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I sometimes
must try very hard to be a cad.
Author: M. Grren2007
Children of the corn…
Is Malachi in the White House? Is Malachi in the Vatican? Is Malachi
your minister/pastor? Is Malachi in your head? Opinions may vary.
Author: M. Green2007
"Home, James." M. Green
"You mean "Charles." C. Rhodes
"No. The chauffeurs name is always "James." The name of the butler is always "Jeeves""
M. Green
"What was the name of the butler in the movie, "Arthur?" C. Rhodes
"I disrecall. If it was not Jeeves then it must have been a typo." M. Green
Some time later that day... "It was "Hobson." C. Rhodes
I can stereotype you like you stereotype me. Perhaps I can stereotype you as easily as
you like or seem to stereotype me. Is there a difference between stereotyping and slander/libel? I'm trying real hard to make
friends here. Aren't I? You might stab me in the back when you think that I ain't looking. Now you know why.
Author: M. Green2007
When did it become polite to criticize, disrespect or insult others?
Author: M. Green2007
I have a female cousin that is fond of giving people "titty twisters." She apparently has no
preference as to which gender she bequeths this act upon. At a certain point though I had to wonder just what her sexual preference
really is as she kept trying to do it to me. Needless to say, I'd much rather that she kept her hands to herself because I
ain't ever gay and her antics could make it appear otherwise.
Tornadoes are also known as twisters. I was born in "tornado alley." I lived there for a number
of years and retired from farming there.
Author: M. Green2007
If you don't like my cigarette smoke then don't you breath. It won't annoy
you then. Smokers have rights too. You are using up too much of the air & oxygen that I need anyway so if you stop breathing
it would be a boon for me.
Author: M. Green 2007
Peace frogs…
Where would my biological father be without
someone to inject with his sperm into? They’d be extinct. Their family line would be extinct. There is never anything
more important than my family line continuing.
I was taught that when a healthy woman is in childbirth that she
is near death never the man. Where is an unhealthy woman in childbirth? You ain’t her, are you?
If you think that men or lesbians are expendable then you’ve
never heard of sperm banks, turkey basters, vibrators, strap on dildos or sex change operations. Vote for the peace frog.
You ain’t ever it. You don’t ever have to feed or clothe a dildo and the only dirty/evil habits it has are the
ones that you permit.
I don’t ever live in the dark ages because you don’t.
I don’t ever freeze my ass or kneecaps off because you don’t. I don’t ever wear skirts because you don’t.
You’re just too masculine to discover what sexually excites a woman or why you may need too or why you never can. I
don’t ever jeoperdize my health by not wearing pants because you don’t.
You are never my master because of your skin color. It is your
own dilemma if I happen to know that I am white. I never starve myself to death for you or any of your stupid ideas. I never
work myself to death or exhaustion for you. I never run myself ragged. I never offer my tithes to you. I am never your eve
whipping boy, girl, it, or anything else. That’s what you are there for.
My children (offspring) only ever attend public schools. Where
does that leave your psychic abilities? It was never good enough for you so maybe it
is better than you think. At least I know who is handing out some of the wooden nickels.
Author: M. Green2007
Why should I practice yours when you don't?
"Pagan by choice." M. Green2007
The Garden of Eden…
Ex. 3: 9-11
And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
(So much for omnitience and omnipotence… There’s no sign of that here. If you have to ask then
you must not be very alert or attentive.
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I
hid myself.
(Apparently St. Joan of Arc was
not the first to hear voices of the not so present…)
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded
thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Why do you think you have teeth? The apple was there for you to bite when you had teeth and if you
did not bite it then that is your loss (dilemma). Do you like starving, being anorexic, et cetera. Why should I play tiddly
winx with you? The Garden of Eden is in Africa.
Author: M. Green2007
The tree of the knowledge of good & evil...
"This is the con man." radio d.j.
(Ain't they all? What if the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the only tree? What if the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil is actually the tree of life?) M. Green2007
Global warming...
I was doing some research on the internet today and discovered that Jerry Falwell denied the
reality of "global warming." That explains why the polar ice caps are melting... Perhaps Hell is coming to us. "Global warming"
still ain't spring thaw or summer. The higher number of droughts that we are suffering could be proof of global warming. The
weather patterns are changing and it may not be to something good or conducive to the continuence of life on earth.
Author: M. Green 2007
The Internet...
According to ne famous musical celebrity, the internet should be banned & shut down because
it makes people stupid. According to experts listening to Mozart makes babies stupid. Just because this particular musical
celebrity (that ain't me) has fun or enjoys being stupid does not mean that the rest of us do. Perhaps, just his websites
should be banned from the internet. Censorship be damned back to the stupid, bitchy, elitist mentality it came from! The particular
celebrity musician is British.
The British got their asses beat by the American Colonists during the Revolutionary War
for at least one reason. Another reason they got beat may have been because they don't know how to fight. Opinions may differ. At
least one of my maternal ancestors fought against the British during the Revolutionary War. It is interesting to
note that this particular "queen" of rock & roll "bling bling" wants everybody to either visit his websites or link to
one of them, yet he hates the internet.
This from a man that conveniently "forgot" that he ahd to pay taxes and had to sell off nearly
everything he owned to pay them. he owned properties in more than one country at the time...
It is also interesting that the British like to criticize Americans (who live in a much warmer
climate than them) for drinking iced tea. I prefer mine without lemon but sometimes I'll take what I can get... Sometimes
the brand matters... Many places will not serve iced tea with no lemon. I usually fish mine out (occasionally I'd like to
fling it at a waitress). I have specified with no lemon but that doesn't always guarantee that I'll get what I ask for.
If you visit the United States, iced tea is usually safe to drink & you get to eat the
ice cubes after you drink it (which sometimes is a good thing). It does get muggy in some portions of this country. I sometimes
make my tea in bulk, being busy causes this. I don't always add ice because I don't always have it. I don't always have time
to make tea or time for it to cool enough to drink it. This is when tea by the gallon is handy...
I haven't always had enough food either... Tea by the gallon is also handy during these times...
Sometimes tea & cigarettes are the only vices that I have. I know what the "potato famine" was/is because I am part Irish
& it is part of the family history that I was taught by my maternal grandfather. Somebody once asked me if I'd like
for them to teach me about the potato famine (by starving me). Needless to say, I drank great quantities of tea as a young
adult & even later. Gee, thanks. (Sarcasm)
Author: M. Green2007
"Something Wiccan this way comes." M. Green 2007
The boy who cried wolf…
Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf repeatedly when there was no
wolf? When the big bad wolf finally showed up the boy got eaten because nobody believed him when the wolf finally showed up
at his door. How many times have you cried “wolf” when there was none? Why are you always crying wolf? Why does
the wolf look like you? Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good. You’re everything that a big, bad wolf could
want… Where did I put my sheep suit? Has anybody seen my white bowtie?
Author: M. Green2007
It's an acquired taste...
Being pissed on by my younger half-sister is definitely an acquired taste...
It's an acquired taste... How many times have I heard that remark? Perhaps, that is what you are and we ain't all acquired
the taste for you yet. We won't necessarily acquire a taste for you. I am apparently an acquired taste.
Author: M. Green2007
The Holy Bible…
Is a collection of mythological tales about somebody you have never met.
Author: M. Green2007
For setting my own hair on fire when I was approximately 3 yrs. old. It was an accident
the first time. What if I could sit in your body and do it? For being Wiccan (which was/is not an accident). For being Gay
(which I still ain't & you'd never prove it anyway). Do I look happy to you?
Author: M.Green2007
Slackers for God…
You are one. Always.
Author: M. Green2007
Communism & the world at large...
In the past, in some communist countries, communist governments could & would sometimes
take the personal property of private individuals such as you & I. In effect, they were stealing from the legal owners.
Even today, in "free" societies, laws are passed that can & sometimes will award the legal personal property of people
such as you & I to others who never earned it and don't deserve it.
How many free societies are really free? probably not as many as you think. How many laws or
legal decisions are fair? Less than you think. Opinions seem to vary. laws can change with the whims of others. Whims can
be impulsive & erratic.
whim: 1. passing or idle notion 2. a sudden fancy
Author: M. Green2007
"You had to be there." M. Green2007
(Were you?)
The Inquisition...
1. is coming.
2. It ain't me.
3. Shame on you!
4. Can I stick it up your ass?
5. Stick it up your ass (anus)! (That's where it came from...)
You little hags.
I'm telling my only boss (Satan) on you.
I'm telling the only important boss (Satan) on you.
The Spanish Inquisition or Inquisition came out of your anus.
Author: M. Green 2007
"I'm an equal opportunity pisser offer." M. Green 2007
(Are you all pissed off yet?)
Why are some of you little girls still preaching from one?
You might be standing behind the wrong pulpit if:
1. You are you.
2. You ain't me.
Some of you little girls always preach from behind a poison pulpit... Are you little still
"preaching." Your preaching is only ranting and raving to the rest of us. Your preaching ain't necessarily preaching to us.
Author: M. Green 2007
"You're just jealous because I look better in boxer shorts." M. Green2007
Doing the Irish thing…
You should not criticize/insult my maternal Grandfather because you dishonored his youngest & then
underage daughter by impregnating her & deflowering her. He forced you to be responsible for your actions by marrying
my mother before I was born but after you helped conceive me. You could have gone to jail for rape instead. You wanted to
produce your own heir so you lied to my mother about loving her just so that you could get her into the backseat of your Chevelle
so that you could try to impregnate her. She did not even rate a cheap motel room.
My mother was trying to escape the oppressive yoke of living with her parent(s) at home and she believed
your whispered lies of love. I’m descended from both of you so maybe I’m not quite as naïve as either of you.
Some traits are inherited from one’s parents. Did I inherit the knowledge of what my parents did to each other?
I almost have an old 1970 Ford Mustang paid for and in my possession. Who can I persuade to get into
my backseat? Does anybody want me to make an honest man out of him after we have sexual intercourse with each other? If the
right person happens along, I might do the Irish thing. Whom can I legally conceive with??? Whom can I legally deflower???
With whom can I erect the ancient altar. With whom can I legally try??? Can we just be friends before, during & after???
Our family apparently needs some new blood in it. I think I’ll go look for some and then try to get
him in my backseat. I’ve been wanting to play “strip poker.” I’m just saving the “Irish thing”
for the right fresh blood. My maternal grandfather played piano, banjo, guitar, fiddle & harmonica. He enjoyed fishing,
bacon, Lawrence Welk and his country home.
Members of my own birth family or those of my own gender or generation (or younger) need not ever
apply for the position as my consort. Looks unimportant. Age unimportant. Can wear eyeglasses. Can like hunting, fishing,
guns, blades, jewelry, arrows, hats (I’ve worn many different ones), bacon, beef, cats, tea, music (rock & roll
in particular), cars, boas, bowties, motorcycles, trucks, money, ale, country life, watching city people be weird, rum, swimming
naked (preferably without sharks), traveling, sex, photography, art, old movies, roses, handcuffs (Who can we handcuff to
the bed?), Tantric sex, having a home (home is where the heart is) & Tantric sex. Can be a wild man. Can wear a boa (I’ll
wear my bowtie). Can be a smoker. Can be a practicing Satanist. Can be white. I like white men… Can be a dirty old man.
Can like “Greek” sex.
Nor are you necessarily allowed to choose my consort unless I get caught with him in my backseat
(or if I get pregnant). I already have my own tuxedo shirt and bowtie for the ceremony if I do get caught (or pregnant)…
I’m also on birth control and intend to stay on it until… If it were my decision to make I’d just stay single.
Does anybody want to stay single and fool around with me in my backseat and not get pregnant? Practice makes perfect. For
the right person I might want an heir. Anybody? My maternal Grandfather may try to make me do the “Irish thing.”
I have a tuxedo shirt & bowtie for my own body if he does. At least I don’t do “jailbait.”
Author: M. Green2007
Iced tea...
The art of making tea in bulk (possibly with a twist of lemon). I have no idea why it is sometimes
served with lemon either and I am from the U.S. Lemon contains vitamin C. So do some other things. At least it's tea.
Author: M.Green2007
In my 41 years of life, I have heard and/or been the recipient of many
remarks. They don’t sound any odder, ludicrous or slanderous coming from my mouth. You may see some of them here. You
may also find that your sarcasm and/or sarcastic “wit” may sometimes pale next to mine. What if I ain’t
ever the one who is odd? What if I at least ain’t ever the oddest of a totally odd lot?
Author: M. Green2007
I ain't necessarily your soulmate merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it
and I ain't the one that made the extravagant claims. You don't necessarily know what a soulmate is or who one is merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily marrying you merely because you or anybody else say(s)you
are a soulmate merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily paying you to find my soulmate
merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily the one that agreed to pay you merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
I don't necessarily believe you or believe in you merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it. You cannot make me become your soulmate either.
Author: M. Green 2007
"All your love is gone." The Doors
(That was a short lived affair. That did not take long at all.) M. Green2007
You ain't necessarily an expert on them just because you are one... If
"gays" were/are supposed to die of HIV/AIDS then why were/are they born alive & NOT infected with HIV/AIDS? If people
were/are supposed to die or be dead then why are/were they born alive or with life? Other than self-defense, what excuse do
you have?
If you "gay bash" women, then you'll never find one when you want one or find one that wants
you when you want one. You might find it difficult to procreate alone (or your good friend might).
Bashing "gays" does not make you an expert on gays or who is gay & who ain't. It is my
experience that "gays" often bash other "gays" as well as straight people. Similarly, being a "nigger" or a "nigger" hater
does not make you an expert on who is one. "Woman is the nigger of the world." John Lennon
Bashing others does not make you an expert on who deserves to be bashed. Calling it justice
does not make it justice. Being a transvestite does not make you an expert on transsexuals. Being gay does not make you an
expert on heterosexuals. Being heterosexual does not make you an expert on gays or other heterosexuals. If I'm a "carpet muncher"
then why ain't I at least trying to munch yours? Being gay does not make you an expert on bisexuals or people with lisps.
being gay does not make you an expert on transvestites.
Author: M. Green2007
"If I've pissed you off then you are probably guilty." M. Green 2007
Knights Templar…
The Knights Templar were a Roman Catholic knightly order of monks that was disbanded & discredited by one of the
Popes. Before they were branded heretics by the Roman Catholic “church” the Knights Templar were the protectors
of pilgrims to the “holy” land. The Knights Templar were a very wealthy order and at least most of their wealth
was confiscated by the Roman Catholic “church. They were accused of sodomy, heresy, and other things. The Roman Catholic
“church” put many Templar Knights to death.
“I am descended from a Templar Knight.” C. Rhodes
My sword ain’t your sword. You are suspect anyway maybe even
more so now. I am descended from at least one Pict. Some of my maternal ancestors prudently gave up being Catholic before
they left Ireland for what eventually became the United States.
Author: M. Green2007
Bedroom prowess...
Do you deserve to be on the receiving end of it? Opinions may differ. I may know how to "curdle
your cream" but why should I?
Author: M. Green2007
Bowties & suits…
My paternal Grandfather absolutely refused to wear a necktie at least for the whole
11 years that I knew him. The only type of suit he would wear was a leisure suit. He was buried in it. His own funeral was
probably the only time he got roses as he complained it would be. Roses were his favorite flower.
He preferred cowboy boots, cowboy hats & western wear shirts
while he was not at work. He last worked for Nutrena Feeds. He was a big fan of Hank Williams Sr. and actually got to see
him perform live. He lived through the “dust bowl.” He was raised in Oklahoma but lived during his latter years
in S. Indiana where he is interred. He was a WWII veteran. He loved to watch the Grand Ole Opry on t.v. He was a real man.
The fact that you wear a suit & tie does not necessarily make you a man. Opinions may vary.
My maternal Grandfather was born in Indiana. He was a machinist
by trade. He was a musician & fisherman on the weekends. His week was not complete if he could not watch Lawrence Welk
on the t.v. He wore patent leather shoes with his “Dickie” work clothes to work. I seldom saw him in anything
else. He did own a suit & tie and on rare occasions he would dust it off and wear it with his brown hat. He was buried
in a suit & tie and holding a cross necklace that I put in his coffin. He too was a real man. You really don’t ever
want to argue that point with me.
Author: M. Green2007
"Sing a duet with yourself if you are so skilled." the Phantom of the Opera
"It ain't over until the fat lady sings."unknown
(Would you like for me to?)
I ain't necessarily converting to your religion whatever it might be merely because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it nor are you or any of your "buddies" an expert on mine or likely to be merely because you
say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on yours merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
I ain't necessarily yours to convert ,rape, or steal from merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily giving me to you or any of your "buddies" merely because you say so, think so,
expect it or want it. I ain't required to give you anything merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't
necessarily going to give you anything merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it or are too lazy to work.
You ain't necessarily entitled to everything or anything merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You don't necessarily know me or what I want merely because you say so, think so, expect it
or want it. I don't necessarily agree with you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't required
to agree with you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
"Life has taught me many things but I still ain't claiming to be the wisest thing going." M. Green 2007
Sexual preference or sexual orientation...
I am the opposite of what you expect, believe or want (which may be the
same thing). Whoever you are, whenever you believe it.
Author: M. Green2007
"You don't have to be drunk to work/live here but it helps." M. Green2007
You don't necessarily know what mine is merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
it. You don't necessarily know what yours is merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily
letting you choose mine merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
People who ain't in convents don't necessarily marry nor do they necessarily join a convent
merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily joining a convent merely because you say so,
think so, expect it or want it, You ain't necessarily an expert on who needs to be in a convent or wants to be merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily going to live in a convent merely because you put me in one
or say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily marrying who you choose or say merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily going to stay celibate merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
I ain't necessarily taking any vows or keeping any vows merely because you say so, think so,
expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on vows merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You
ain't my vocation.
Author: M. Green 2007
Wild hunt...
There is a negative "wild hunt" (there is at least one) and maybe you need to know this and
maybe you don't. There is a positive "wild hunt" (or so I'm told).
Author: M. Green2007
My money ain't necessarily your money merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
it. You ain't necessarily an expert on my money merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You don't necessarily know who my chosen heirs are merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it. You ain't necessarily entitled to my money merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't
necessarily qualified to spend my money for me merely because you think so, say so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily
qualified or justified in taking my money away from me merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Everything ain't necessarily a gift for you or merely for you nor am I likely to give it all
or any part of it to you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily special to me merely
because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily qualified to wear the pants or be the man of my household merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain' necessarily qualified to say what I can have or do merely because you
say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily going to give you everything I own merely because you say so.
think so, expect it or want it.
"Money don't grow on trees." Margaret Pluris
(You finally noticed.)
Author: M. Green 2007
Inferiority complexes...
I have one. Would you like one?
Author: M.Green2007
You ain't necessarily an expert on who belongs in an institution merely because you say so,
think so, expect it or want it. Your "buddies" ain't necessarily an expert on who needs to be institutionalized merely because
you or they say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on institutions or who belongs in one
merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
I ain't necessarily yours to institutionalize merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it. I ain't necessarily going to give me to you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You
ain't necessarily qualified to have me institutionalized merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
I have civil rights whether you like it or not and I may be older than you think (if you ever
do think). You ain't necessarily an expert on lunatics merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. Would you
like to be in one?
lunatic: 1. a worshipper of the moon. 2. a foolish person. 3.insane or for the insane.
luna: moon
Author: M. Green 2007
I was once as bald as a cue ball (or so I am told). I probably will
be again (my hair ain't none too thick & it ain't getting any thicker). Wear your hair if you've got it (wherever you've
got it).
Author: M. Green2007
Personal and business concerns/affairs of others:
You ain't necessarily needed to manage my personal/ business affairs merely because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily qualified to manage my personal affairs/business merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. Your little friends ain't necessarily qualified to manage my personal affairs
merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. Everybody ain't necessarily qualified to manage my affairs or be
me merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it, or because they say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Stealing from others to pay your debts don't necessarily make you an adequate or optimum or
honest manager of somebody else's affairs/business or your own affairs/business either. When did I say that I wanted to have
an affair with you?
Author: M. Green 2007
"You are all little girls in your heads. You all want to be women. Therefore you all have "vagina/pussy
envy." The ghost of Christmas past.
You might be immature if:
1. If you ain't me.
2. You are you.
I ain't necessarily more immature than you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. It
ain't necessarily any of your damned concern if I am nor am I likely to say it is merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
You might be a bitch if:
1. You ain't me.
2. You are you.
You ain't necessarily an expert on who wants you to teach them what a bitch is merely
because you say so, thinkso, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on bitches merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it.
Every bitch ain't necessarily your bitch. I ain't necessarily your bitch just because you say
so. Everybody ain't necessarily a bitch just because you may be. Just because I look at some bitches does not mean that I
expect them to be mine. (My gaze is just sooo enthralling).
Just because you look at a bitch does not make them yours nor does it make you an expert on
others or honest with yourself. You don't know the identity of every bitch just because you may be one.
Author: M. Green 2007
"You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died." Aerosmith
The Druid's Curse...
Wouldn't you like to know?
Author: M. Green2007
I ain't necessarily going to kiss your ring merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You
should not necessarily be trying to force me to kiss your ring merely because you have one, say so, think so, expect it or
want it.
"Don't put that in your mouth, you don't know where it's been." M. Green 2007
You ain't necessarily an expert on cock rings or where they go or should go merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
Peace via anal sex…
Are you willing to give it? Are you willing to receive it? If not. Why not? If so. Why? I’m not allergic to anal sex or sexual intercourse. You may be…
Author: M. Green2007
I ain't necessarily marrying you or who you say I am merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
it. I ain't necessarily married to who you say I am merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily
"in love" with who you say I am merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
I don't necessarily want what you want merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
it. I ain't necessarily happy merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily capable of
making me happy or satisfying me merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily qualifies to manage my personal or affairs/ business merely because you
say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily going to lay down and die because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on anything merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessatily the man of the household merely because you sat so, think so, expect
it or want it. You ain't necessarily the head of my household or any other merely because you are older or because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily wise enough to manage my household merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it.
Everything ain't necessarily for you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
it Everything ain't necessarily yours to destroy merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You don't necessarily
think like me or think at all merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily psychic merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You
don't necessarily know what anybody else thinks merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You don't necessarily
know who somebody else is fond of merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily fond of who
you say I am merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
I ain't necessarily legally married to you nor am I necessarily going to be merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily going to stay married merely because you say so, think so,
expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on marriage or who should be married merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on love or soulmates merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
You ain't necessarily an expert on what is optimum for me merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it. I don't necessarily have to give you what you want merely because you say so, think so, expect it
or want it. I ain't necessarily going to give you what you want merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
I ain't necessarily required to give you what you want merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You don't always get what you deserve or deserve what you get. You ain't necessarily an expert
on what others want, need or deserve merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily qualified
to think for somebody else merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily qualified to say
who needs somebody else to think for them merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily married to the person you should be merely because you say so, think
so, expect it or want it. Everybody ain't necessarily pregnant or willing to be pregnant with your whelp merely because you
say so, think so, expect it or want it. Everybody don't need to be or get married merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it. You ain't necessarily the judge of who should be married or who they should be married to merely because you
say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily an expert on who is using you for sex or other reasons merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on who wants to use me merely because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on the orgasm merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
You ain't neceesarily an expert on who should or wants tobe married or who they should
or want to be married to merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on anal
sex merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on who sucked the cock of their
brother or had thier cock sucked by their brother merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You don't necessarily give other people away to be married or for any other reasons merely
because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily paying your debts for you merely because you or anybody
else says so, thinks so, expects it or wants it.
You ain't necessarily qualified to manage your own affairs merely because you say so, think so, expect it
or want it.
I ain't that lonely yet...
Author: M. Green 2007
You ain't necessarily made an honest person out of someone else merely because you say so,
think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily honest merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. You
don't necessarily know the truth merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
The Phoenix…
“From the ashes we can build another day…” The Moody Blues
Many years ago, I began to study Wicca alone. I also got a couple
of addresses to purchase books by mail order. On their particular list were some
books about Neo-Paganism. I eventually ordered a particular book from Herman Slater via the telephone.
While not strictly adhering to the path that was advocated by Herman
Slater, I did find a way to combine Wicca with Paganism. Eventually, I made my own robe as advocated by a particular Wiccan
path but mine had a phoenix on the back.
The reason for the phoenix was my interpretation of what both paths
advocated. Life rising from the ashes of conflagration. Life rising from death. Life rising from despair. I could not ignore
what I had learned from Herman Slater. The phoenix robe was my way of acknowledging at least some of his teachings. Herman
sounded like a sweetheart over the telephone. HIV/AIDS took him from us and at least one of us misses him. He was a guiding
light to at least one of us. He is & will be sorely missed.
The various Witchcraft trials left many ashes and made ashes of
many. What if something tangible was built upon the ashes/ruins of the various Witchcraft trials and it is never what you
believe in or what caused all of the ashes or built by you?
When the Catholic “Pope” John Paul publicly apologized
for the Spanish Inquisition, I was skeptical of his public stance about the issue. The Protestants have never apologized for
the role that they played in the affair. Particular governments have never apologized for their role in the affair that brought
pain, poverty & death to many. Pardon me for being the skeptic of the lot but if they can do it once without shedding
any tears then they can do it twice. They were not exactly nice to the Knights Templar either. They will kiss my ring before
I ever kiss theirs.
What if I ain’t ever the one that needs to change my heretical
ways? Where does that leave them? Is that a question that they need to ask themselves? Opinions may vary and perhaps this
is a fact they have forgotten. Opinions may vary because they don’t or may not have all of the answers. Opinions may
also vary about this. Don’t take any wooden nickels, children.
Some of you have been away from Rome, Italy or wherever and you
have not fallen off the edge of the world yet. Are some of you afraid to quit sucking on the teet (tit) of your mother? Opinions
may vary. I was never breastfed so this is never my dilemma.
Just because you are too stupid to explore new possibilities or
acknowledge that there may be some does not give you the “Right” to take the life away from another. It was not/never
your life to give so maybe it is never your life to take away/end because it is never your own. It never resides within your
head/heart. What if it is never your “genius” that keeps you alive? It ain’t necessarily the rest of us
that are totally unlearned. Your lack of wisdom may just be your own dilemma and undoing. Opinions may vary.
What if your “religion” is just an excuse for
you to be and/or remain immature? Opinions may vary. Ponder that. You don’t ever tell me what I am guilty of if you
were never there and since you never have a brain even if/when you are there. If it does not involve your physical being/person
then perhaps it is none of your concern. Opinions may vary as to where you are welcome in either mind or body. Your attendance
does not necessarily guarantee your understanding (either partially or in full). Your lack of attendance never guarantees
your understanding either. You may never be accurate or right or ethical. Opinions may vary.
You may think you have peace because you are under the mistaken
impression that it is ever yours to take, have or hold. Opinions may vary. What if you’ve never labored enough to have
peace yourselves? That does not give you the “Right” to steal it from someone else.
Not everybody is miserable just because you think so and not everybody
is miserable for the reason you may think. What if your existence is the sole cause of their misery? What if the misery that
you cause only ever is supposed to earn you misery? What if you ain’t as holy as you think? Opinions may vary. Your
path of love should also be a path of peace. The various Witchcraft trials that you generated and/or continue to generate
are never a testimony to the path of love/peace that you preach. Opinions may vary.
If it is not time for me to judge you (and reject you and/or your
path) then perhaps it is not time for you to judge me (and reject me and/or my path). Opinions may vary. Perhaps we are given
the will to choose because you are never correct. Opinions may vary. Perhaps it is time that your path was rejected and stuck
someplace you might find uncomfortable. Opinions may vary. If mine is different than your own then perhaps mine is the more
valid. Opinions may vary. Your opinion may not be wise just because you have it. Opinions may also vary regarding that.
You’re an unweaned fop, how refreshing. Opinions may vary
as to just exactly what you are. You don’t necessarily tell others what they are. They tell you. Unrighteousness is
in the eyes of the beholder and you may just never be a righteous man. Opinions may vary. You may be an unweaned fop in plainclothes.
I am still entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not.
Author: M. Green2007
You might be a politician if:
1. You should be doing something else.
2. You ain't me.
Author: M. Green 2007
If you come over here to negatively, physically attack me (bash,rape,murder,torture or
otherwise abuse) perhaps I have the right to defend myself. How would you look with a Bon Scott album up your
a-s-s. Then you'd have something to play with your diamond studded anus(a-s-shole). Or perhaps your
all-seeing, all knowing eye that also resides in your anus (anal passage) could read/scan it...
According to the U.S. Constitution, I have the rights to defend myself and keep and bear
arms. I may know a little more than just how to pronounce the word "karate." Do you feel lucky?
I may not necessarily attack the person you want me to merely because you say so, think so,
expect it or want it. I may not necessarily want you to or let you kill me (throw me out of "the Dance of Life") merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it. I have civil rights too. Your civil rights end where mine begin. I may become
insulted if you purposely stomp on my toes.
You don't necessarily have the "right" to kill me (throw me out of "the Dance of Life"
) merely because you say so, think so, expect it, want it or merely want to take my property for yourself. I still have the
"right to defend myself as well as to keep and bear arms" whether you like it or not. You saying differently don't necessarily
change this because it is in the "U.S. Constitution" which you don't necessarily have the wisdom or "right" to change merely
because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
What happened to "government for the people, by the people?" When did I stop being a people?
The last time I looked, I was an adult people, not a damned robot or slave. I ain't your little poodle on a leash merely
because you want one or expect one.
Author: M. Green 2007
You might be a particular type of Wiccan if:
1. You think all Wiccans ride brooms.
2. You think you are the only Wiccan.
Author: M. Green 2007
The bottomless pit...
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall
make war aginst them, and shall make war against them, and shall overcome the, and kill them. KJV
You are a bottomless pit.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great
chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound
him a thousand years.
And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should
deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
You are a bottomless pit...
That don't necessarily mean that he will stay there nor does it necessarily mean there will only be one
season. I am the Devils_Advocate. You ain't necessarily who you say you are merely because you say so, think so, expect it
or want it.
You ain't necessarily my pastor merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
This site ain't necessarily only for you merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Your church might be a bottomless pit if:
1.If you are in it.
Hug a tree.
Author: M. Green2007
You might be a bottomless pit if:
1. You are you.
2. You are one
3. You ain't me.
bottomless pit: 1.Hell 2. your soul3. Sheol 4. Hades 5. your mouth.
sheol:1. Hell2. hades
mouth: a bottomless pit
vagina: a bottomless pit
anus: a bottomless pit
grave: a bottomless pit
bitch: a bottomless pit
love: a bottomless pit
My wallet ain't necessarily a bottomless pit merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
My wallet ain't necessarily yours to take money out of merely because you say so, think so, expect it or
want it. I ain't necessarily going to give you my wallet merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
Hell fire & damnation preachers…
Many like to brag that they either know or are a hellfire & damnation preacher. Is that not what a
practicing Satanist is? Some practicing Satanists frequently speak of Hell, fire and damnation so they are in effect Hellfire
& damnation preachers in their own right. Opinions may vary. Satan is the only one that ever loves me this I know…
Author: M. Green2007
I need one of my own. You never do. Nuff said.
Author: M. Green2007
You might be too stupid to be a minister if:
1. You are you.
2. You ain't me.
Author: M. Green 2007
I know a male homosexual feline. According to secular science, homosexuality is natural.
Is this particular case of male feline homosexuality drug induced or caused by coercion? You decide. This particular male
homosexual feline was like he is when I arrived upon the scene... Are you accusing me of corrupting a minor of the feline
As usual, I still ain't a lesbian or bisexual.
Perhaps, some of you ain't behaving as natural as you think...
Author: M. Green 2007
There may be at least a few of you (if not more) that I could easily compare to Adolph Hitler and Adolph Hitler would
come out smelling like roses while you would NOT. Is this you? Opinions may vary.
Author: M. Green2007
The mythical continent of Atlantis sank beneath the ocean (sea). It’s unfortunate that you were
not on it at the time. What are you going to do if there is a big earthquake in California and it falls into the Ocean? If
this happens California can take Liberty University, Tennessee Temple, The Vatican, The Garden of Eden, Jerusalem, Mecca,
atheists, Republicans and PETA with it.
Author: M. Green2007
“You’re the only bitch
my mama ever raised.” M. Green2007
"You either have a sense of humor or you don't" M. Green2007 (You can't prove a thing just because you don't.)
Women, Pants & Homosexuality
Did I forget to mention, "kilts?"
Many years ago, I was cursed to hear
particular Fundamental Baptist ministers rant and scream on various days. They seemed to be a bit bent out of shape
at the very idea of a woman wearing long pants in public!?! Oh dear, and I suppose that is what is
causing "global warming." Run for your life, the sky is falling! Actually, it was my pants that needed to
fall because they needed desperately to see a full moon.
Other thoughts at the time, were why I should freeze my ass
off while wearing a skirt while it was 20 below zero. The skirts had to fall to just below the knee. If you were
to show your knee, some poor "innocent" man might get a hard on. How dare I corrupt the natives! These were mostly
married men... Though fortunately, not to me...
After listening to various bits of recent news, listening to various
pieces of music and pondering some of the strange and/or sad events I have witnessed in my lifetime, a somewhat
heretical thought bit me on the ass. No, I am not apologizing. Not ever! Here it is. I hope
all you holes read this and it pisses you off!
If seeing a woman in pants, which are supposedly a garment solely
for men to wear, causes you to be sexually excited "gentlemen" (and I use the term, "gentleman" VERY loosely), then
perhaps you are secretly desiring to have a male lover of your very own.
I am very well aware of your opinion regarding the supposed "evils" of homosexuality.
I have an acquaintance that has a fuzzy, homosexual male feline. This has to be a natural occurence. I have proof
that some of you are, once again, utterly WRONG!!! I can see from here that Science and the study of nature just
ain't your forte'. Gee, what a surprise!
If homosexuality occurs naturally among the feline population, then perhaps it
is a natural occurence among human beings. Could it be that some of you holes owe some very special people a very large
According to the U.S. Constitution, I have the right to defend myself. It is always
possible that I may know how. Do you feel lucky?
I also know a short, actual history
of a very real "Vlad the Impaler." I'd be happy to show you why he was known as "the Impaler"... I have a photograph
of an old woodcutting...
Just so you know, I am a heterosexual female. I ain't "your"
personal "bitch" today either... White slavery is still illegal. Some "people" (I use the term loosely) seem to
forget that secular laws apply to not just me.
I am an American citizen by birth. One of my ancestors fought in the
Revolutionary War as well as other wars. I am of mixed heritage. Lately, I am not ashamed of it. I need
to point out to you squares, that it is customary in Scotland ( the one across the big fish pond known as the Atlantic
Ocean) for MEN to sometimes wear a kilt. According to my copy of Webster's Dictionary, a kilt is a skirt...
You ain't necessarily wiser merely because you are older. You ain't necessarily
more intellectual merely because you are older. I ain't necessarily yours merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
it. I ain't necessarily going to give me to you merely because you say so, think so expect it or want it. My legs ain't
necessarily yours to freeze off merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
Of the "ten commandments" mentioned in Ex. 20 ,there is not one forbidding homosexuality
(or shoving a "fig leaf" up some of your asses...Where did I put the Ben-Gay...) Only lesbians wear skirts/kilts. Lesbians
only wear skirts/kilts. Lesbians only wear skirts/kilts and culottes (gauchos). Only lesbians wear skirts/kilts and culottes
You cannot differentiate between a man and a woman merely by her smell? How much
snot is in your head anyway? If you don't know what a rutting male smells like by now then you have got big problems.
To those of you who think women should not wear pants. The bulge between your
legs is rather prominent against the fabric of your trousers and strange women could get sexually aroused by seeing it. You
little girls are going to show me some leg one of these days...
Where did I put that particular photograph of Elton John? It makes one wonder
what's under those trousers... Some thoughts are normal and healthy and you ain't necessarily privy to any or all of them
or the object of any or all of them. Nor should you necessarily be.
If he were to ever ask then it would be between Sir Elton and myself (especially
if he were standing in front of me and I know what "it" is). Let's get it up. I get my thrills when, where and however I can
whenever I get them (which may be a little less often or for different reasons than some of you think).
Author: M. Green 2007
By the way, when did you holes stop wearing fig leaves...
Who first told you personally that you were naked?
"You'll make someone a good huzband someday." Mrs. Fred Vaught (You
already are. You $%*@#!)
Author: M. Green 2007
"I'm not ever gay. Everybody else must be." M. Green2007
The Curse Of AIDS/HIV
I recently was reminded of a particular viewpoint that I find reprehensible. I
was reminded that some of you think that the HIV/AIDS virus is some sort of spiritual judgment against homosexuals.
This viewpoint is utterly reprehensible.
Perhaps you should be informed that heterosexuals can also become infected with HIV/AIDS.
They also eventually die. They become infected at least some of the time due to heterosexual carnal relations. If the
disease itself is a judgment against sexual "deviants" then why are heterosexuals also dying? Why are heterosexual intravenous
drug users dying from HIV/AIDS? Perhaps I should point out that not all heterosexual HIV/AIDS victims are or were intravenous
drug users/addicts...
According to the scientific information that I was perusing, HIV/AIDS first contaminated
the human blood when a particular physician performed an emergency blood transfusion on a human in the African bush
using abundant monkey blood because there was a lack of the required type of human blood.
The physician did not know that a particular type of monkey was the carrier of the HIV/AIDS
virus. This is way before the very first documented case of a human HIV/AIDS victim. They know for a fact that
a particular type of monkey in Africa is infected with HIV/AIDS.
How did this breed of monkey become infected with HIV/AIDS out there in the bush, way
back in the forties or fifties? Was there a homosexual male human there with his penis up his hole(anus)? Not
according to my sources.
This particular breed of monkey is also still used as a scarce food source in poverty
and drought stricken Africa. Sometimes, due to extreme hunger or lack of adequate facilities, it is eaten
either raw or undercooked. If the monkey meat being discussed is not thoroughly cooked, then the HIV/AIDS virus
is almost always passed to the human diner, who eventually becomes physically ill and then dies.
This particular breed of monkey is often hunted for meat and the meat is also often sold
as a delicacy to tourists, who then may also become infected with HIV/AIDS. The Africans are so poverty stricken
that some of them may not care that the tourists they are selling this HIV/AIDS infected monkey meat to become infected with
HIV/AIDS then die.
It is also a known fact that some African heterosexual HIV/AIDS victims will knowingly
infect others during heterosexual carnal relations simply because they desire to produce an heir. They seldom inform
their sex partners that they are infected with HIV/AIDS. So, eventually the other parent plus any child produced
may possibly become HIV/AIDS positive. They too may become physically ill due to HIV/AIDS then die.
This does not account for the numerous people who have contracted the HIV/AIDS virus
because they were knowingly caring for one of these HIV/AIDS victims and contracted HIV/AIDS via contact with such things
as blood, urine, semen as well as fecal matter.
I have also heard of HIV/AIDS victims purposely spitting into the food or drinks of those
who do not have HIV/AIDS in an attempt to purposely infect them.
If you did not become infected with HIV/AIDS because of a particular person then why would you wish to kill
him via the HIV/AIDS virus? Does, "Thou shalt not kill," ring any bells? Perhaps some of you are being told not
to purposely infect others with HIV/AIDS without their express consent.
Why are homsexuals alive? If homosexuals were not supposed to be alive then
they would be dead before you are born or become aware of their sexual preference. I have yet to see any of you bearing
the title of "hangman," or Circuit or Supreme Court Judge so and so... Therefore, you have no business passing
judgment upon these homosexuals who probably have little or no interest in your hole.
If they don't "know" your sexual orientation for a fact, most homosexuals
will not make sexual advances toward you. A great portion of them do NOT molest small children either... They
ain't "in love" with their mother or father or first cousins. That's the role of some clergy... It is a known fact that
there are many clergy that are homosexual and pedophiles (child rapers). They are never suspected because of their profession.
It is also a known fact that some clergy are abusive holes. They just seldom
get caught in the act. They are never suspected because of their profession. It is also a known fact that some
clergy members have been known to have illicit carnal relationships with someone other than their lawful spouse. Some
are rapists. They are never suspected because of their profession.
Women are NOT brood mares! You are never their pimp. You are never their
manager. You are never their foster-mother or father or their biological mother or father. Ponder that, when
you wake up in H-e-l-l-. You know who you are whether you are willing to admit it to yourselves or not.
Why would anybody want the "Gift of Eternal Life" aka HIV/AIDS aka "Russian Roullette"
aka "The Gift" aka "pregnancy?" aka "wedded bliss" aka (possibly) mad cow disease aka ad naseum
from some of you fools? Why would an intellectual human desire to be browbeaten by some of you cold-hearted
some of you "people" are very cold-hearted for desiring to see another possibly loving human
being (regardless of their sexual preference) die of HIV/AIDS. Homosexuality ain't more evil than revelling in the fact
(or the idea ) that others are dying of an incurable disease known as HIV/AIDS. Your temptation to coldly watch as another
dies of an incurable disease known as HIV/AIDS should perhaps be your one way ticket to H-e-l-l-. I hope I get to watch your
descent into Hell even if it is just on the television from many miles away.
Your book teaches that revelling in the idea of sinning is in itself a sin. You
are wishing death upon others, people who have never sinned against you, personally. You are not asking for justice
for say, the sin of rape. There was not one. You were never sodomized. Neither was anyone you know.
You are judging others based upon your lack of understanding or lack of wisdom or lack
of information. You refused to pray for wisdom. You are judging others based upon your lack of scientific knowledge.
You refuse to love, therefore you hate. You are not civil court judges...
Are you a lynch mob that hates homosexuals, women, children, negroes... I
know who some of you are. You are vigilantes chasing homosexuals.
It is a known fact that Adolph Hitler was a practitioner of the Christian religion. He
believed in "purifying" the human race. One of his many targets was Jews. He stole everything some
of them owned and slaughtered many. Adolph Hitler murdered Jews. He and his cronies revelled in the demise of
their Jewish victims.
Some of you revell in the demise of HIV/AIDS victims.
Some of you also believe the white race should be purified or some of you would
not desire the death of so many homosexual people or supposedly homosexual people. Do you
desire the wealth of these homosexual (or supposedly homosexual) HIV/AIDS victims to be in your pocket? Do you know
how to apply for a job? Perhaps you should. Why do you constantly request/demand monetary donations.
Why do you ride in a big, shiny, new automobile, while some HIV/AIDS victims starve?
Why do you prance around behind your pulpit while you are wearing a rolex? Why do you prance around behind your poison
pulpit while you are wearing a $2000.00 suit of clothing?
HIV/AIDS has also been called cancer, gay cancer, the plague of the century, the new
plague and the new leprousy & leprousy and possibly mad cow disease. HIV/AIDS victims of every sexual orientation
are often treated like lepers or pariahs. That ain't love. That ain't humane. That ain't compassionate.
A very few people, do not die of HIV/AIDS but are carriers of the HIV/AIDS virus which
means that they can infect others who will eventually die from HIV/AIDS.
If you prevent another from having the necessities of life, then you are in effect "wishing"
they were dead. You holes are seldom qualified to judge what is necessary for the well-being and happiness of someone
that ain-t you!
There are 3 types of plague: pneumonic, bubonic & septicemic (gangrene). The principle
carrier of the plague is the rat, although it is also found in squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits,mice, and other animals. It is
also known as the "Black Death." There are many antibiotics that can be used at times to possibly
treat the plague.
When did some of you become whichever "heavenly saint" whose job it is "supposedly" to judge sinners?
I read in an encyclopedia that originally, Satan was sent to be the judge of mankind, this was before his supposed
"fall" from "grace." Then later, it was supposedly St. Peter that was to judge the dead at the "gates" of "heaven."
Then later still...
According to the Dead Sea Scrolls aka Gnostic Gospels, Jesus went to H-e-l-l-.
He did not then leave H-e-l-l-. He did not then become co-regent or regent of H-e-l-l-, neither did you. He
did not pass, "Go," he did not collect $200.00. He did not have a "get out of jail free" card (or was it, a get
out of H-e-l-l -free, card). What else don't you know?
According to Jewish teachings, you cannot become a "rabbi" or teacher (or preacher)
until you are at least 30 years of age. How many of you started publicly or privately "preaching" before you celebrated
your 30th birthday? According to an encyclopedia, the Jews were not very skilled dieticians, neither are you.
From which school did you receive your medical doctorate? From which school did you receive
your psychiatric doctorate? In which states are you licensed to practice medicine? From which states are you licensed to practice
psychiatry? In which countries are you licensed to practice medicine? In which countries are you licensed to practice psychiatry?
From which legally recognized seminary did you receive your doctorate of theology?
For under $200.00, I can legally buy a meta-physical doctorate for myself. I can do so
on the internet and I ain't saying from whom. I am also a legally ordained minister. I was only ordained after I had "celebrated"
my 30th birthday. I am always only resposible for my own debts. I am never "in love" with my mother or father or any of my
first cousins or any of my immediate family. You talk to yourselves.
Some of you are little virgins. What do you know again?
My computer identified me as a prince. Am I a prince of a guy? (A guy is a boy or man.)
Who am I? I reside on earth, third rock from the sun... What about you?
Some Christians supposedly believe(d) the following:
Did you know that the world is flat? It drops off sharp at the edge of town, when people
leave town, they never come back. The latter is the supposed "proof"
A secular encyclopedia states that the world (earth) is round, so did many of my public
school (secular) science classes. There have been many photographs of the planet earth taken from outer space. In these
photographs, the world (earth) is round. There is also "moving" film footage showing a round planet earth also taken from
outer space.
(By moving pictures, I am referring to a camera similar to the one's used while making motion pictures...)
What is it you holes know again? It ain't me,babe? It don't seem to be you either from the
looks of things...
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, saith the preacher.
Are some of you too vain to discover that the homosexuals are not as evil as you?
Are you closet murderers. Some of you murder in your head, every time you wish a homosexual dead (via HIV/AIDS).
Does not the wish make you guilty of murder? As usual,I am heterosexual. I also have lisp and am female. I have the
ovaries to prove it, I also still have a menstrual cycle.
Perhaps some of you are being compared to Adolph Hitler...
If some of you wish an untimely death upon another then you are guilty of murder whether you
actually physically committed murder. "Thou shalt not kill." Where've I heard or read this before? Some of you old hags from
nowhere seem to know less than you think.
Perhaps some of you need to be sodomized. Perhaps some of you would then learn how to
be a man. Perhaps some of you would eventually mature in your spirituality...
Is it time for your mind to lose it's virginity... Is it time for your anus
to lose it's virginity... Perhaps the "Song of Solomon" is never for the likes of you. Perhaps some of you ain't behaving
as natural as you think... Perhaps some of you ain't as beautiful as you think...
It's radio ga ga, radio goo. That's all I hear. Some of you with your bully pulpit and poison
pen ( or is it your poison pulpit and bully pen?) (I'm glad somebody invented dependable, regular, steady, reliable birth
control that I can control...)
Are some of you afraid that if you mind your own business (keep your nose in your own bedroom)
that homosexuals and others will find a way to healthy? Some of you are prudes to say the very least...
You ain't necessarily qualified to judge the "sins" of others or decide what is a suitable
punishment merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You don't necessarily live as long as you deserve to live. Everybody ain't necessarily going
to let you throw them out of "the Dance of Life" merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. Everybody ain't
necessarily going to pay you to throw them out of "the Dance of Life" merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want
I'll be dead before you're born for the very first time.
I ain't necessarily the one that needs to be taught about "bitches" merely because you say
so, think so, expect it, or want it. I ain't necessarily the ont that needs to be taught about love merely because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it. I ain't necessarily the one that needs a marriage counselor merely because you say so,
think so, expect it or want it.I ain't neceesarily the one that needs a mediator merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
I ain't necessarily the one that needs to be taught a "little lesson
in humility" merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. Perhaps you ain't necessarily qualified to be my pastor/rector
merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it. Perhaps you ain't entitled to everything I own merely because you
say so, think so, expect it or want it.
All of the victims of the HIV/AIDS virus ain't necessarily homosexual merely because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it. All of the victims of the HIV/AIDS virus don't necessarily die right away or at all. It
ain't necessarily homosexuality that is the sin merely because you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily an expert on every HIV/AIDS detection test merely because you say
so, think so, expect it or want it. You ain't necessarily an expert on homosexuals, heterosexuals or bisexuals merely because
you say so, think so, expect it or want it.
You ain't necessarily an expert on lupus merely because you say so, think so, expect it or
want it. Are you sure it is time for homosexuals to die of HIV/AIDS? Some of you others don't look so good... Some of you
ain't breathing either... I ain't the one that made the funeral arrangements. I ain't paying the tab...
Some of you little hags are homophobic. I am secure in my manhood. Would you like
it if I chose all of your "russian roulette" partners for you?
You don't love the sinner and hate the sin if you wish the sinner in Hell or an early death.
Most of the people who die of HIV/AIDS are in the prime of their life at the time of their death.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that
hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you:
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise
on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
And the second is namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, there is none other
commandment greater than these.
Masturbation anyone? I sometimes use a vibrater. Am I supposed to stick one up my neighbor's
I pray not that thou shouldest take thou out of this world, but that thou shouldest keep them
from evil.
Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual
fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
You are throwing stones at dying people because one may have cut himself on your church pew?
Let's hear some of you mock your knowledge, your proof, your wisdom, your life, your self, your religion, your failing health,
your hopes, your dreams, your love, your lifestyle, etc. like you mock others.
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.
God has no respect? Neither do some of "His" followers. Heterosexuals are also dying of HIV/AIDS.
Perhaps because God is no respecter of persons. Perhaps I just discovered the cause of "global warming." Someone is trying
to thaw out your cold hearts.
There is more than one scientist and there is usually more than one scientific opinion about
any given topic. Some scientists are perhaps more skilled than others or more honest than others. Perhaps you lack the gift
of discernment. I think I see a definite lack of compassion.
In Matt.24:35, it states that the heaven and earth shall pass away...
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
What if the earth is passing away now? What if the deaths of victims of the HIV/AIDS virus
are a part of that death? The day of their passing is known only by "God." When did you become the confessor of "God?" When
did you become omnitient or omnipresent? How do you KNOW AIDS is a judgment upon homosexuals? You don't. It is just your opinion.
Why do (at least a few) some of those infected with the HIV/AIDS virus survive to become carriers
that spread the disease rather than immediately or soon dying an untimely death? It appears as though some of you not stricken
with AIDS are dying far short of 100 yrs. of age or 200 yrs. or 300 yrs. etc.
Why is it that people are wrong to judge you and your supposed sins but it is NOT wrong for
you to judge others and their supposed sins?
One man's trash/rubbish is another man's treasure. Ask a homeless person or someone living
in or on the edge of poverty. Did you buy your Lear jet used? Ask the outcast of the family. Ask an outcast of society.
Ask an outcast of your church. One is verbally venting their spleen now. I'm still holding some of my verbage in check so
I may be one up on you.
If "God" or whomever is the one supposed to judge my sins/errors and the sins/errors of others
then why are you doing it? Why are you always the one doing it?
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
You don't necessarily know when or why people die.
According to Jerry Falwell, HIV/AIDS is the judgment of "God" upon homosexuals before they
die and at the time of their death.
According to He.9:27, judgment only occurs after death or after you die. Not before or during
your death. So instead of the judgment of "God" in the form of physical sickness and death in the form of HIV/AIDS. What you
have is the "judgment" of a mere little mortal man named Jerry Falwell which ain't necessarily the same as the judgment of
Some of you look like men to me but appearances can be and often are deceiving. Some of you
"men" would be better wives than husbands. Some of you "men" ain't necessarily as masculine as you think. Hormones ain't necessarily
everything but I can tell that some of you have both types of hormones.
Some of you seem to have voyeuristic tendencies. How kinky... Some of you seem to have excessive
interest in the sexual activities of others, including homosexuals. In some circles, voyeurism is considered abnormal. Sodomy
includes "abnormal" sexual activities according to some. Ponder that...
What goes on between two consenting individuals in the privacy of their bower... When did my
bower become public domain? Would you like for it to? What would be a fair admission price for that show? Hmm. Should I help
educate the masses just because I can or... Perhaps it would become a "cult" classic like "The Rocky Horror Picture Show,"
or "The Devil In Miss Jones."
How could you possibly know God's will for others when you don't even know what it is for you?
"Et tu, Brute." William Shakespeare
voyeur: a person who has excessive interest in sexual objects or activities.
Author: M. Green 2007
Your church may have saints, but that don't make you one...
You may be straight, but that don't make you a saint...
I may be ugly, but perhaps some of you are a wee bit daft.
Some of you holes fubar everything, eventually...
I am a registered democrat, by the way....
What do some of you little virgins know ?
Some of you would not know a homosexual if one were sitting in your own head.
Some of you never will wear the pants in my household.
If you are going to ride my a-s-s, at least pull your hair.
What is holding up (elevating) your halo? Could it be your own horns?
A beached whale was here.
I may be fat but at least I know where my head is... It ain't over there, honey...
I know where your head is... it ain't over here.
I ain't necessarily convinced there is a brain in your head merely because you say so, think so, expect
it or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
"All the good men are either gay, married or dead." M. Green
"If you ain't homosexual then you ain't ever a real man." M. Green 2007
"If you ain't me then you don't know any real men." M. Green 2007
The "evils" of licker (liquor)...
1 Timothy 5:23
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.
I recently read some findings a some scientists, they stated that up to 3 alcoholic
drinks per day are beneficial to the health of a human. One glass of red wine per day is a good blood tonic.
How much bleach and other chemicals that are used to treat city water and cause it to be fit for human consumption do you
really wish to inbibe? How much flouride do you wish to drink in your city water so that your teeth will rot faster?
These things and others are in much of your your drinking water.
When proper anesthesia is lacking, alcoholic beverages can be a handy substitute.
Marijuana is also beneficial for the easing of pain, it is also used in some Hindu religious rituals and is also an aphrodisiac.
Cocaine also will ease pain and is an aphrodisiac.
Cigarette tobacco is used in some native American religious rituals. Some people find it's
use relaxing...
Perhaps you need to sometimes do some of these things in moderation.
If some of you drink enough alcoholic beverages, perhaps you will forget you are a homosexual
and try to shag a woman... If some of you drink enough liqour, perhaps you will forget that you are frigid and shag your husband.
Various types of liquor have at various times been utilized as a pain reliever.
If you lick her in the right places, one or more of you might have some fun. If you lick her
in the wrong places, one or more of you might have some fun.
wine: fermented juice of the grape or other fruit, used as an alcoholic beverage.
beer: 1.an alcoholic fermented drink made from malt and hops. 2. a soft drink made from extracts of
roots, etc.
Hail, Satan!!!
Author: M. Green 2007
"Welcome to my nightmare. I hope I didn't scare you." Alice Cooper
Your Shit...
I've recently been having trouble with some overgrown children who don't know me and who're
claiming to show me how I behave. They didn't know me before they were born so they don't have a clue.
It centers around the fact that they are too lazy to work and I'm not. They're basically trying
to extort from me and I'm not buying it. The fact that they're younger than myself proves that they were not taught to respect
their elders like I was.
I've had to disown ALL of my close relatives because of their shenanigans and this time I'm
NOT trying to replace my family. I no longer try to make friends within my own age group or with those younger than myself.
I've had snobs call me snobs. I've had liars call me snobs and I'm DONE being polite to the
little rubes. My paternal Grandfather taught me NOT to gossip as most gossip is mostly less than truthful and I'm having to
teach everybody else who should already know to be polite but who immaturely refuse to be polite.
I was taught not to stupidly obey my stupid, younger relatives and they still don't know why.
They don't have any sound or new ideas and everybody wonders why there are no new ideas. I'm the generation that everybody
ignores and that's why you haven't heard any new ideas. Get a clue, Sherlock.
F. Holiday 2011
nature prints
I hope you read this and it pisses you off.
banner prints
Hate mail will be round filed after I
laugh at it.
I am the webmaster of this site but that doesn't necessarily mean that I
am the only one with access to it or that I get to approve everything that goes on it. I don't necessarily get to check it
regularly nor do I necessarily have regular access to a computer to access it and assess the contents.
I may not necessarily approve or agree with everything on this site
(or any other). I just may not have had time to access this one to repair it.
I ain't necessarily willing to be blamed for what somebody else did
to this site or at this site or any other. This site ain't necessarily hacker proof.
I ain't necessarily going to always use proper spelling, punctuation
or grammar merely because you say so, think so, expect it, or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007