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Ruminations from Hell


Our Father who wert in heaven  (but ain't now),
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in Hell.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive not our enemies as we shan't.
Lead us straight into temptation,
And deliver us from our enemies.

A few definitions to loosen the cobwebs of your mind... 

According to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (1974):
Satan:  the adversary of God and lord of evil in Judaism and Christianity.  The chief evil spirit.
Hell:  1.  a nether world in which the dead continue to exist:  HADES.  2.  the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which the damned suffer everlasting punishment.  2a.  a place or state of torment or wickedness.
heaven:  1.  the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome.  2a.  The dwelling place of the Deity and the joyful abode of the blessed dead.  2b.  a spiritual state of ever-lasting communion with God.  3.  a place or condition of utmost happiness.  4.  a state of immortality in which sin is absent and all manifestations of Mind are harmoniously ordered under the Divine principle.  In the creation story,  the world is divided into heaven and earth. Heaven contains sun,moon,and stars The Book of Psalms(33:13)  uses heaven poetically as the abode of God,  whence He sees man on earth. The phrase "heaven of heavens" would indicate more than one heaven. The Apocrypha and Pseudopigrapha add fantastic speculation.
Apocrypha: Septugaint
Septugaint: Greek translation of the Old testament.
speculation: the act of speculating.
speculate: 1. to thimk reflectively; ponder; esp. to conjecture. 2. to engage in a risky venture on the chance of making huge profits.
conjecture:  an inferring, theorizing, or predicting from incomplete evidence; guesswork. to guess.
fantastic: 1. imaginary; unreal 2. grotesque; odd 3. extravagant.
purgatory:  1.  an intermediate state after death for expiatory purification.  2.  a place or state of temporary suffering or misery.  The suffering of purgatory does not exclude a certain joy and security in knowing that when the last vestiges of sin have been purged away the soul will come to a blessed eternity.
devil:  1.  the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Jewish and Christian belief as the tempter of mankind,  the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell.  2.  a malignant spirit: DEMON  3a.  an extremely and malignantly wicked person: FIEND  b. a great evil.  4. a person of notable energy,  recklessness,  and dashing spirit. 5. anything hard to operate, control,etc. 6. a printer's apprentice.
Pan:  a Greek God of shepherds and hunters and the traditional inventor of the panpipe.  Satan.  The devil.
Hades:  1:  Pluto.  2.  the underground abode of the dead in Greek mythology.  The home of the dead in Greek mythology.
shaitan:  an evil spirit;  an evil jinn.
Styx:  the river crossed by dead souls entering Hades in Greek myth.
American heritage College Dictionary:
devil:  In many religions,  the major personified spirit of evil,  ruler of Hell,  and the foe of God. 
Satan:  The profoundly evil  adversary of God and humanity,  often identified with the leader of the fallen angels.
vampire:1. a reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck blood from people in their sleep. 2. somebody that sucks all of the love out of the room. 3. somebody that sucks all of the money out of your wallet, etc.
zombie: 1. West Indian "superstion", a supernatural power by which a corpse may be reanimated. In Haiti- reanimated dead, it is sometimes said that they cannot talk, and that they must not be given salt, or they will fall down dead again. It also means people who have supposedly been transformed into animals by sorcerers. Some people beleieve that zombies are people who have been numbed by drugs or hypnosis, in some cases they were/are? buried alive for a short period of time then dug up and enslaved while in their drug and shock induced state.
loup garou:  a werewolf.
werewolf:  A person transformed into a wolf or capaable of assuming the form of a wolf.
lycanthropy:  In folklore, the magickal ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf.
ghost:The spirit of a dead person...
spirit:The vital priciple or animating force within living beings. The soul.
soul mate: One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity.
soul kiss:  A kiss in which the tongue enters the partner's mouth; a French kiss.
homosexual:  Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. A gay man or a lesbian.
sapphic: lesbian.
Holy Spirit:  Holy Ghost.  The third person of the Christian Trinity. 
prostitute:  a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse for pay.  to offer (oneself) as a prostitute. to sell (oneself, one's talents, etc.) for base purposes.
whore: a prostitute
talent: 1. talent:  an ancient unit of weight or money. 2.any natural ability or power. 3 a superior ability in an art, etc.4. people, or a person, with a talent.
greek sex: anal sex
anal:  of or near the anus.
anus:  the opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal.  (asshole)
alimentary canal:  the passage in the body (from the mouth to the anus) that food goes through.
vigilante: one of an unauthorized group organized professedly to keep order and punish crime.
wench:  1.a young woman: derogatory term. 2.a female servant.
rape:  1.the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman forcibly and without her consent.2.the plundering (of a city, etc.) as in warfare.
randy: amorous; lustful
incest:  sexual intercourse between two persons too closely related to be legally married.
plunder: to rob or pillage 2. to take property by force.
communism: 1. any theory or system of common ownership of property. 2. socialism as formulated by Marx, Lenin, etc. b. any government or political movement supporting this.
 fascism:  a system of government characterized by dictatorship, belligerant nationalism and racism, militarism, etc.:  first instituted in Italy.
dictator:  one who dictates; especially a ruler or tyrant with absolute power.
tyrant: absolute ruler.  2. a cruel, oppressive ruler, etc.
transsexual:  a person who is predisposed to identify with the opposite sex (gender),  sometimes to the point of undergoing sex-change surgery.

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Author: M. Green 2007