Aker- male deity of the earth and the east and west horizons in the Underworld. Usually depicted as two lions
back to back or as a tract of land with lion or human heads at either end.
Amaunet- female primeval deity and also the deity of hidden power. Usually depicted as snake-headed. Her main
cult centre was at Hermopolis Magna.
Amenhotep Son Of Hapu- male deity of healing. Usually depicted as a man. His main cult centre was Thebes.
Ammit- female deity of judgment. She devoured the hearts of the unworthy at judgment day to prevent them from
having eternal life. She is usually depicted with the head of a crocodile, front part of a panther or lion and the rear of
a hippopotamus. Her cult centre was Thebes.
Amun- male primeval deity, "King of gods" and deity of hidden power. He is usually depicted as a man with
a double-plumed headdress, as a ram or ram-headed or as frog-headed.
Anat- female deity of war and Syria-Palestine. She is usually depicted as a woman with a lance, axe and shield.
Sister or sometimes consort of Baal. Sometimes the consort of Seth or Min.
Anubis- male deity of cemetaries and embalming. He is usually depicted as a jackal or jackal-headed.
Anuket/Anukis- female deity of cataracts and hunting. She is usually depicted as a woman with a tall plumed
headdress and papyrus sceptre. Her cult centre was Elephantine.
Apis- male deity . Manifestation of Ptah. He is usually depicted as a bull. His cult centre was Memphis.
Apophis- male deity of the Underworld, chaos and enemy of the sun God. He is usually depicted as a snake.
Arensnuphis- male nubian deity. Usually depicted as a man with a plumed crown. His cult cult centres included
Astarte- female deity of war and Syria. She is usually depicted as a naked woman with an Atef-crown or bull's
horns or riding horse Sun disc. Daughter of Re or Ptah. She is thought to be one of Seth'd consorts.
Aten- male solar deity. Usually depicted as a sun disc. His cult centre was Akhetaten.
Atum- male deity of totality, solar deity and creator deity. He is usually depicted as a man with a Nemes
headdress or double crown or as a snake. His main cult centre was Heliopolis. The head of the Ennead.
Baal- male deity of the sky, storms and Syria (Ugaritic). He is usually depicted as a man with a pointed beard
and horned helmet, holding a cedar tree.
Baba- male deity of aggression, virility and penis= bolt of heaven's door or mast of Underworld boat.
Banabdjedet- male deity of virility and the sky. Usually depicted as a ram. His main cult centre was Mendes.
Bastet- female deity. Duaghter, "Eye of Re". Usually depicted as a cat or cat-headed. Her main cult centre
was Bubastis.
Bat- female celestial deity and of fertility. Usually depicted as a human head with cow's ears and horns and
body in the shape of a necklace counterpoise. her main cult centre was Upper Egypt.
Benu- male solar deity and of rebirth. Usually depicted as heron. His main cult centre was Heliopolis.
Bes- male deity of the household and childbirth. Usually depicted as a leonine dwarf.
Buchis- male deity. Manifestation of Osiris and Re (Ra). Usually depicted as a bull. His main cult centre
was Armant.
Duamutef- male deity of the stomach and upper intestines, canopic and of the east. Usually depicted as jackal-headed.
Geb- male deity of the earth and fertility. Usually depicted as a man (smtms ithyphallic), smtms with a goose
on his head or Red Crown. his main cult centre was Heliopolis. He is the same as the Celtic "Green Man". Son of Shu and Tefnut.
Brother and sometimes lover of Nut.
Hapy- male deity of inundation. Usually depicted as a man with pendulous breats and a headdress of aquatic
plants. His main cult centres were Gebel el-Silsila and Aswan.
Hapy- male deity of the lungs, north and canopic. Usually depicted a baboon-headed.
Hathor- female deity of motherhood (esp. of kings), love, fertility, sexuality, dance, music, the sky, alcohol,
faience, turqoise and Byblos. Usually depicted as a cow or as a woman with cow ears, or horns and sun disc on head, or as
a falcon on perch on head. Her main cult centres were Dendera and Deir el-Bahri.
Hatmehyt- female deity. Usually depicted as a lepidotus fish. her main cult centre was Mendes.
Hauhet- female primeval deity and of formlessness and flood force. Usually depicted as snake-headed. her main
cult centre was Heliopolis Magna.
Heket- female deity of childbirth. Usually depicted as a frog or frog-headed. Her main cult centre was Qus.
Herishef- male primeval deity, solar and creator. Usually depicted as a long-horned ram with Atef-crown and
sun-disc headdress. His main cult centre was Herakleopolis.
Horus- male deity of the sky and kingship. Usually depicted as a falcon or falcon-headed. His main cult centres
were Edfu, Hierakonpolis and Behdet.
Hu- male deity of divine utterance and of authority. Usually depicted as a man.
Huh/Heh- male primeval deity and of formlessness, flood force and infinity. Usually depicted as frog-headed
or as a man holding a notched palm-rib. His main cult centre was Heliopolis Magna.
Ihy- male deity of the sistrum (rattle). Usually depicted as a child. His main cult centre was Dendera.
Imhotep- male deity of wisdom and medicine. Usually depicted as a seated man with a skull cap and papyrus
roll. His main cult centres were Memphis and Thebes.
Ipy/Ipet- female deity of magickal protection. She is usually depicted as a hippopotomas. her main cult centre
was Thebes.
Ishtar- female deity of the astral, sexuality, fertility, healing, Assyria and the "lady of battle". Usually
depicted as a woman.
Isis- female deity of magic and kingly mothers. Usually depicted as a woman with a throne headdress. Her cult
centres included Philae.
Imsety- male deity of the liver, south and canopic. Usually depicted as human-headed.
Kauket- female primeval deity and of darkness. Usually depicted as snake-headed. Her cult centres was Heliopolis
Khepri- male solar and creator deity. Usually depicted as a scarb beetle or a man with a scarab beetle for
a head.
Khnum- male creator deity and of pottery, fertile soil and cataracts. Usually depicted as a ram or ram-headed.
His cult centres were Elephantine and Esna.
Khons(u)- male deity of the moon. Usually depicted as a child with a headdress of of full and crescent moon.
His cult centre was Thebes.
Kuk- male primeval deity and of the darkness. Usually depicted as frog-headed. His cult centre was Hermopolis
Maat- female deity of order, justice and truth. Usually depicted as a woman with a single feather headdress.
Mafdet- female protective deity against snakes and scorpions. Usually depicted as a woman or panther.
Mandulis- male solar deity and of Lower Nubia. Usually depicted as a man with a headdress of ram horns, plumes,
sun-discs and cobras. His cult centres were Kalabsha and Philae.
Mehen- male deity, protector of the sun god. Usually depicted as a coiled serpent.
Mehet-Weret- female deity of the sky, primordial waters and the "great flood". Usually depicted as a cow.
Mer(e)tseger- female deity. "Peak of the West" and "she who loves silence". Usually depicted as a cobra. Her
main cult centre was Western Thebes.
Meskhen(e)t- female deity of childbirth and destiny. Usually depicted as a brick with a human head or a woman
with bicornate uterus headdress.
Mihos- male deity. His main cult centres were Leontopolis and Bubastis.
Min- male deity of fertility and mining regions in the eastern Desert. Usually depicted as a man with an erect
phallus, and a double-plumed headdress. His main cult centres were Koptos and Akhmim.
Mnevis- male oracle deity and the sacred bull of the sun god. Usually depicted as a bull. His main cult centre
was Heliopolis.
Montu- male deity of war. Usually depicted as a falcon or falcon-headed, with sun-disc and double-plumed headdress.
His main cult centre was Thebes.
Mut- female deity of motherhood. Usually depicted as a vulture. Her main cult centre was Thebes.
Naunet- female deity of the primordial waters. Usually depicted as snake-headed. her main cult centre was
Hermopolis Magna.
Nefertem- male deity of the primordial lotus blossom. Usually depicted as a man with a lotus headdress or
lion-headed. His main cult centres were Memphis and Buto.
Neith- female deity of warfare, weaving and creator. Usually depicted as a woman with the Red Crown of Lower
Egypt holding shield and crossed arrows. Her main cult centre was Sais.
Nekhbet- female deity. Tutelary Goddess of Upper Egypt. Usually depicted as a vulture. Her main cult centre
was el-Kab.
Neper- male deity of grain. Usually depicted as a man.
Nephthys- female protective and funerary deity. Usually depicted as a woman with a headdress of a basket and
Nun- male deity of the primordial waters. usually depicted as a man or holding a solar barque above his head
or as frog-headed or as a baboon. His main cult centres were Heliopolis and Hermopolis.
Onuris- male deity, warrior/hunter carrying spear. Usually depicted as a man, beard or four plume headdress.
His main cult centre was This.
Osiris- male deity of death, rebirth, fertility, agriculture and the afterlife. Usually depicted as a mummified
man with Atef-crown, holding crook and flail. His main cult centres were Abydos and Busiris.
Pakhet- female deity. Usually depicted as a lioness. Her main cult centres included the entrance to wadi in
E. desert nr Beni Hasan.
Ptah- male deity of craftsmen and creator deity. Usually depicted as a semi-mummified man with skull cap and
was-djed-ankh sceptre.
Qadesh- female deity of sacred ecstasy, sexual pleasure. Usually depicted as a naked woman standing on a lion.
Qebehsenuef- male deity of the lower intestines, west and canopic. Usually depicted as falcon-headed.
Re/Ra- male solar and creator deity. Usually depicted as a ram or falcon-headed with sun-disc and cobra headdress.
His main cult centre was Heliopolis.
Renenutet- female deity of the harvest and nursing. Usually depicted as a cobra. Her cult centre was Faiyum.
Reshef/Reshep- male deity or war and Syria (Amorite). Usually depicted as a man with a beard and a White Crown
with gazelle head at front and ribbon behind.
Sah- male deity of Orion. Usually depicted as a man.
Satet/Satis- female deity of fertility and protectoress of southern border. Usually depicted as a woman with
a White Crown and antelope horns. Her main cult centre was Elephantine.
Sekhmet- female healing deity and "powerful" daughter of Re/Ra. usually depicted as a lioness or lioness-headed.
Her main cult centre was Memphis.
Selket/Serket- female funerary and protective deity. Usually depicted as as a woman with a scorpion headdress.
Seshat- female deity of writing. Usually depicted as a woman with a panther-skin robe, and seven-pointed star
on her head.
Seth- male deity of chaos, infertility, the desert and the storm. Usually depicted as an unidentified quadruped
or "Setanimal" headed. His main cult centre was Ombos Naqada.
Shay- male deity of destiny. Usually depicted as a man.
Shezmu- male deity of wine, ungeunt-oil presses and is also an Underworld demon. Usually depicted as a man.
Shu- male deity of the air and "Eye of Re/Ra". Usually depicted as a man with a feather on the head or lion-headed.
His main cult centres were heliopolis and Leontopolis.
Sia- male deity of divine knowledge. Usually depicted as a man.
Sobek- male deity of pharaonic might. Usually depicted as a crocodile or as crocodile-headed. His main cult
centres were Kom-Ombo and faiyum.
Sokar- male funerary deity. Usually depicted as a mummified man with a crown of horns, cobras, atef, and sun-disc
or hawk-headed. His cult centre was Memphis.
Sopdet/Sothis- female deity. Sirius (Dog Star). Usually depicted as a woman with a star on her head.
Tatenen- male deity of vegetation and emerging Nile silt from receding flood waters. Usually depicted as a
man with a double-plumed crown and ram's horns.
Taweret- female deity of childbirth and the household. Usually depicted as a hippopotamus (with lion and crocodile
Tayet- female deity of weaving. Usually depicted as a woman.
Tefnut- female deity of moisture, uruteus and "Eye of Re/Ra". Usually depicted as a woman, lion-headed or
as a cobra. Her main cult centres were Heliopolis and Leontopolis.
Thoth/Djehuty- male deity of the moon, knowledge and scribes. Usually depicted as a baboon, ibis or ibis-headed.
His main cult centres was Hermopolis Magna.
Wadjet/Edjo- female deity. Tutelary Goddess of Lower Egypt, uraeus. Usually depicted as a cbra or lioness.
her main cult centre was Buto.
Wepwawet- male deity. "Opener of Ways". Usually depicted as a jackal or jackal-headed. His main cult centre
was Assiut.