Yin: In Chinese philosophy, the feminine principle or force in the universe.
Yang: In Chinese philosophy, the masculine principle or force in the universe.
All people are composed of both Yin and Yang. In women the amount of Yang in their bodies is
lesser and the Yin is greater. In men the amount of Yin is lesser and the Yang is greater. Sounds a bit like hormones don't
it? Yin/Yang is also recognized in the Hindu religion/Indian Tantric lore.
The kundalini serpent is usually thought of as feminine. The kundalini could be the opposite
of your physical gender. Angels are not a single gender. Some may seem rather androgynous.
I'm always surrounded by naive females from nowhere. Now you know.
nature prints
I hope you read this and it pisses you off.
banner prints
Hate mail will be round filed after I
laugh at it.
I am the webmaster of this site but that doesn't necessarily mean that I
am the only one with access to it or that I get to approve everything that goes on it. I don't necessarily get to check it
regularly nor do I necessarily have regular access to a computer to access it and assess the contents.
I may not necessarily approve or agree with everything on this site
(or any other). I just may not have had time to access this one to repair it.
I ain't necessarily willing to be blamed for what somebody else did
to this site or at this site or any other. This site ain't necessarily hacker proof.
I ain't necessarily going to always use proper spelling, punctuation
or grammar merely because you say so, think so, expect it, or want it.
Author: M. Green 2007