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Some definitions

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dude: 1. any man or boy 2. a fellow from the city 3. a dandy 4. a fop
star: clitoris
fellow: 1. a man or boy 2. an associate. 3. one of the same rank; an equal 4. one of a pair; mate 5. one holding a fellowship in a college, etc...6. a member of a learned society.
fellowship: 1.companionship 2. a group of people with the same interest 3. an endowment for the support of a student or scholar doing advanced work.
heaven:  the sky.
peter: 1. to get smaller then eventually disappearing. 2.penis.
kizmet: fate.
priapic: Gr. of or relating to the phallus; phallic.
phallus: an image of the penis as the reproduction organ.
reincarnation: 1.rebirth of the soul in another body, 2. rebirth of your soul in another body.
black widow: a black spider with red underneath: the female has a poisonous bite and eats its mate.
black sheep: a person not regarded as respectable by his family or group.
devils advocate: a person upholding the wrong side for argument's sake.
negro: 1.a person that ain't white or Native American. 2.A native or inhabitant of Africa. 3. a person of African descent. 4. a nigger.
black magick: sorcery.
rim: to lick the anus (hole) of another.
frame: to falsify evidence in order to make appear guilty.
orgasm: the climax of a sexual act.
prude: 1. one who is overly modest or "proper" in behavior, speech, etc...2. an excellent woman
orgy: 1. wild merry making in a group, esp. with sexual activity.2. an overindulgence in any activity.
ecstasy: a state or feeling of overpowering joy; rapture.
pimp: 1. a prostitute's agent. 2. madam
snot: 1. nasal mucus: vulgar term 2. an impudent young person
self respect: proper respect for oneself. Adequate love for oneself.
war: one of my family reunions.
cherry: virgin
rutting: the periodic sexual excitement of certain male mammals.
human: a particular type of mammal.
rapture: 1.the state of being carried away with joy, love,etc.; ecstasy. 2. The ssupposed state of being carried away to a spiritual heaven just prior to the "Tribulation" and "Armageddon" mentioned in various parts of the "Book of Revelation." "Being taken to live with Jesus".
bitch:1. the female of the dog 2. to complain 3. a particular type of male homosexual 4. a hole.
KKK: Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan: a U.S. secret society that is anti-Negro, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, etc. and uses terrorist methods.
old lady: 1. your mother.2. your wife, lover, steady girlfriend, fiancee, sweetheart.
handfast: marriage
old man:1. your father 2. your husband, lover, steady boyfriend, fiancee, sweetheart.
steady: 1.sweetheart. 2. constant, regular.
honey: sweetheart
sweetheart: a loved one; lover.
modern love: the act of being sexually used, as in "I want to rut, honey. Do you?"
bum: 1. vagrant, loafer 2. buttocks 3. to get by begging.
honey: 1.darling 2.a sweet syrupy substance that bees make as food from the nectar of flowers.
darling: 1. very dear (beloved) 2. a dearly loved person.
police: cops, fuzz, pigs, "law enforcement occifers, I mean officers...
horny: sexually excited.
grave: a hole.
ass: an animal like a horse. A stupid or silly person. Buttocks. Bum. Butt.
Protestant: Not Catholic yet still supposedly Christian.
Anabaptist: Baptist, a Protestant sect.
bored: to weary by being dull.
feline: 2. pussy.
dull: mentally slow; stupid, tedious.
harlot: prostitute, jezebel.
Jezebel: 1. The Phoenician wife of Ahab. 2. an impudent, shameless or abandoned woman. 3. harlot
sect: religious denomination, a group of people having a common philosophy, set of beliefs, etc., a cult.
cult: 1.a system of religious worship.2. devoted attachment to a principle, person, etc. 3. a sect 4. a group of people.
sodomy: any sexual intercourse considered abnormal, as between two male persons.
gay: 1. joyous and lively; merry2. bright,brilliant 3. homosexual 4. happy
antsy: anxious
hermaphrodite:1. son of hermes and Aphrodite, united in a single body with a nymph. 2. homosexual. Also, a person, animal, or plant with the sexual organs of both the male and the female (sometimes they all function). (Perhaps some of my sexual organs are in my head) (Perhaps some of yours are figments of your imagination.)
utopia: any idealized place of perfection.
hag: 1. witch 2. an often vicious and old, ugly woman.
warlock: 1.the male equivalent of a witch2. a traitor.
vagina: pussy,cunt, snatch, a hole, gash, hotshot.
woman: 1.woe -is the- b-i-t-c-h- that negatively attacks a woman. 2. a female. 
Christian:  religion based upon Jewish teachings.
Catholic:  all inclusive. Same as Roman Catholic.
Roman Catholic: of the Christian Church (supposedly).  Supposedly headed by the Pope. A member of this church.
penis: cock, peter, dick, pee-bob, weiner, pecker, dong.
shag: screw, f-u-c-k-, to copulate, to have carnal relations with another, sometimes to fornicate, to have sexual relations with another.
succubus: a demon assuming female form to have sexual intercurse with men in their sleep.
incubus:1.a nightmare or oppressive burden. 2. An evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep: especially one that has sexual intercourse with women while they are asleep.
anus: 1.lower end of the alimentary canal. 2.anal passage 3. shit hole 4. a hole.
pussy: 1. feline 2. a cat 3. female genitalia 4. coward 5. a spiteful woman
cat: a sophisticated, aware, fashionable, informed dude.
heterosexual: 1. of or having sexual deisre for those of the opposite sex. 2. of different sexes.
sex: 1. gender 2. either of the two divisions of organisms  distinguished as male or female. 3. the attraction between the sexes 4. sexual intercourse.
gender: 1. sex 2. the classification by which words are grouped as feminine, masculine or neuter.
vocation: 1. the career to which one feels he or she is called.2. any occupation.
hippie: 1. a young person who in his alienation from "conventional" society, has turned to mysticism, psychedelic drugs, communal living, etc. 2. a hippy
stupid: 1. lacking normal intellect or intelligence. 2. foolish; silly 3. dull & boring
divination: 1. the practice of trying to foretell the future or the unknown. Like why HIV/AIDS sometimes kills homosexuals as well as others.
iniquity: sin
race: 1. any of the three primary divisions of mankind distinguished especially by color of skin 2. any distinct group 3. any national, geographic or tribal ethnic group.
paddock: 1. a witche's familiar spirit, could be a cat (feline), frog, dog, a cat named Froggie, etc...
psychic abilities: 1. apparently being sensitive to forces beyond the physical world 2.of the mind, or psyche. Such as clairaudience, clairsentience, etc... Reading the mind of someone that ain't you (if you can locate one...)
lisp: 1. to speak imperfectly 2. a defect 3. a speech impediment
corpse: 1. dead body 2. a dead person.
mad: 1. insane 2. angry
ilk:1. kind 2. sort 3. class
bigot: 1. one who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular opinion, creed, dogma, etc 2. asshole 3. horse's ass
crone: 1.old 2. an ugly, withered old woman.
criticize: 1. to analyze and judge as a critic 2. to find fault with.
jerk: 1.a sharp abrupt pull 2.a person regarded as foolish, stupid, etc...
jerky: meat preserved by being sliced into strips and then dried.
jerk off: 1. to masturbate 2.a person who is stupid, foolish, etc. 3. a jack-ass
fascism: 1. a system of government symbolized by dictatorship, belligerent nationalism, racism, militarism, etc.
communism: 1.any theory or system of common ownership of property. 2. socialism as formulated by Lenin, Marx, etc.3.any political movement or government supporting this.
changeling: 1. a child secretly put in the place of another child.
copulate: 1. fuck 2. screw 3. to have sexual intercourse.
handparting: divorce
balls: 1. gonads 2. courage
straight: 1. heterosexual 2. non-illicit drug user
hick: 1. country bumpkin 2. rube
hickey: love bite
fresh: 1. new 2. impudent
the dance: 1. life 2. existence
braindead: stupid.
migraine: when your hair even hurts.
rock & roll: 1.english opera 2. opera in english
Some of the above definitions may seem derogatory to you. I have added some of what I know about street slang to some definitions out of one or more actual dictionaries, such as, ( Webster's Dictionary)plus given some information from other sources, including secular encyclopedias as well as other factual books.
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Author: M. Green 2007