It's so very lonely... You're 2,000 light years from home.
"I will get around to ranting when I damn well feel like it." (There's no time like the present.)M. Green
The "gay bomb"...
A bomb full of hormones that will make a "straight" man screw his male neighbor. What a concept.
What a fascinating idea. What if it's already been dropped? I know who I'd drop one on... I'd be willing to do my "Robert
Maplethorpe" impersonation and record the results of such a bomb being dropped (for posterities sake, naturally). We need
to put those kind of photos in a "time capsule." I can't seem to stop snickering... The very idea...
Let's drop one on some homophobes... I could use a good laugh. Where did I put that roll of
Kodak film? If we did drop a "gay bomb," how many of you would then tell on yourselves? Many believe that actions speak louder
than words. Is the "gay bomb" a type of "truth serum" in the guise of a bomb? The current "gay bomb" only affects men. Just
out of curiosity... Is there another type?
Some of those sheet wearing, uzi toting Arabs are women... If you'd only test this "gay bomb"
on the "moral minority".They all want to do their "patriotic duty" afterall...
A "gay bomb" on legs. Is that what I am? What if everybody but me wants to be a woman? The
"American Dream" does NOT include being born with ovaries. That is why those with ovaries are forced to work only for tips
in a one horse town with a two patron resterant. My dogs (and cats) get bigger bones thrown to them...
If you are a heterosexual woman and the "gay bomb" only affects men, does it make a heterosexual
woman even more heterosexual? If all the men are gay then where would that leave the women? Is that why vibrators were invented?
If they'd add a little ginseng and "mary jane" to their hormone "gay bomb" perhaps they'd get
results. Some of you may be pissed at me for even considering supporting the idea of a male oriented "gay bomb" but can you
imagine some of our enemies getting it up their rectum? That's where they'd like to give it to us. You're not afraid they'll
screw themselves to death. Are you? What if there is a "bisexual bomb"? You're not afraid that they'll like each other more
than they like you if you drop a "gay bomb" on our enemies... Are you?
Can we drop one on the White House or the Pentagon? Can we make a "gay Democrat bomb?"
Let's turn everybody into a gay Democrat. Let's fine tune that baby! Can we drop one on the Vatican? Somebody may have already
done so. It may be known as the Bible. Or is it the Koran?
Eventually I might even be able to conjure up some Bible verses to support this view... I'll start
with these...
Lev. 19:18
Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself.
Matt. 19:19
Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Heb. 13:1
Let brotherly love continue.
The "gay bomb." Is it the new "birth control"? What if there is a "straight bomb?" Why are
you giving the Moslems (or anybody else) ideas? The "gay bomb" is a good idea as long as only the men are affected and
become "gay."
Author: M. Green2007
"If you dress in "drag" and bend over..." C. Rhodes
(I'm in "drag." It hasn't worked yet.) M. Green2007
"I took a vow to be obnoxious." (Or was that you?) M. Green2007
I ain’t hiring
you to deprogram me just because you don’t know your head from your ass. Opinions may vary about what you know. I ain’t
hiring you to perform an exorcism on me just because you don’t know your head from your ass. Opinions may vary about
what you know. Opinions may vary about who you know. I ain’t giving you anything or everything I own just because you
don’t know your head from your ass. I ain’t your 14 year old to bash just because you don’t know your head
from your ass. Opinions may vary about what you know. Am I the only one that knows how to read or something? Opinions may
Why should I pay you for your weird ideas when I can have weird ideas of my own for free? Deprogram yourself.
Author: M. Green2007
"I took a vow of non-silence." M. Green2007
What if I’m
an adult male (man) who trapped in the body of an adult female (woman) and the body I am trapped in is my own? What then?
So much for everybody having an equal chance to “find” themselves. What if at least some of you have been telling
me the wrong thing? What if you have been telling me the wrong thing simply because it is more comfortable for you? What if
nobody comprehends what I am? My discomfort does not appear to bother you. Should your discomfort bother me?
Is there a Bible verse that supports the view that heterosexual women should have full ($100,000) sex change operations
performed upon themselves? Is there a Bible verse that supports the view that women should have total ($!00,000) sex change
operations performed upon themselves? Since I don’t particularly want a lesbian up my ass it’s just as well that
you don’t have a full sex change operation performed upon yourselves.
What if you have confused your eternal reward with mine? What if you have confused your earthly reward with mine? What
if you’ve confused somebody else’s eternal reward with mine? What if you’ve confused somebody else’s
earthly reward with mine? What if you’ve already overspent your allotment? What if you’ve confused your suffering
with mine? What if you’ve confused somebody else’s suffering with mine? What if you’ve confused your paycheck
with mine? There may be a time for me to manage my own affairs. Your paycheck ends where mine begins. My paycheck ain’t
necessarily your paycheck. Opinions may vary. Is there a time to call you immature bitches? What if that time is now? Opinions
may vary. Is there a time to call you disrespectful bitches? What if that time is now? Opinions may vary. Are you? Opinions
may vary. Perhaps this is the Bible verse that is pro-female ($100,000) sex change:
Heb. 13:1
Let brotherly love continue.
Eccle. 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and
a time to every purpose under heaven:
Eccle. 3:8
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time for peace.
Author: M. Green2007
"If there ain't sex in heaven then I don't want to go." Bishop Smith
Let's hit the highway doing 69." Kiss
(After you. Ladies first. I insist.) M. Green2007
Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
Author: M. Green2007
"I took a vow to be a pain in the ass." M.Green2007
(Was it good for you?)
A return to the HIV/AIDS debate…
What if the HIV/AIDS
virus did come from Africa via the Negro? What if the Negro caught it from a monkey even after they knew that they could?
What if the Negro is purposely spreading the HIV/AIDS virus to their unwilling recipients? Is the history of the slave trade
related to the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus? Since they first began selling each other into slavery has the Negro known that
they were selling those infected with the HIV/AIDS virus? What if the Negro is purposely infecting himself with the HIV/AIDS
virus? What if the Negro is purposely trying to infect the population of the White community with the HIV/AIDS virus? I may
know something different than you about this or something different than you are willing to admit. If you are not willing
to admit it then the world may never know. You cannot prove that I don’t understand you (at least in this instance)
better than you thought either. What if I’m right? What if the Negro would perjure himself to save his own buttocks
or the buttocks of another member of his own race? Opinions may differ. How sympathetic should we be?
I have read stories of some sailors screwing natives of various foreign locales during some of their
sea voyages. I have also read some stories of at least some slave owners screwing some of their slaves. How long has the Negro
been infecting the White population with the HIV/AIDS virus? Have you dug up any of the bodies of those early slave owners
to see if any of them were infected with the HIV/AIDS virus? What if the HIV/AIDS virus has been running rampant in the White
culture for longer than you think? George Washington was a slave owner and he is dead. The same can be said of many others.
If those early slave owners were infected with the HIV/AIDS virus and they infected their wives…
If those early slave owners were infected with the HIV/AIDS virus and the HIV/AIDS virus mutates
then how many mutations has the HIV/AIDS virus undergone? At one point there were some slaves of African origin in what is
now the U.K. Is their HIV/AIDS dilemma similar to ours? How many “varieties” of the HIV/AIDS virus are there really?
What if we are all dying of HIV/AIDS? What if we all did not ask to?
If the HIV/AIDS virus is the “judgment of
God” and all of the White population is unknowingly infected with the HIV/AIDS virus then I’d say that we are
all screwed up our asses in a most painful way. This is especially true of the heterosexual community because nobody ever
thought to disinter the bodies of any of those early slave owners and test them for the HIV/AIDS virus and so the heterosexual
community will be more surprised at the time of their demise. At least some other members of the White population know that
they are either at risk or already infected.
Some of you also seem to be confusing your religious fanaticism with your scientific knowledge
and thereby confusing at least some of the “masses.” Shame on you. Some of you are ignoring scientific data due
to your religious fanaticism and thereby confusing at least some of the “masses.” Shame on you. Will you be judged
for this? You just were. You should be ashamed of yourselves for misleading others. What if our scientists don’t even
know what healthy is? The ascent into Hell may be shorter than you think. For some if not all of us.
I’d stand you with your nose in a corner for a very long time as punishment for your
behavior if I could. That may be better than you deserve but that may also be the only thing that I could make you do. You’d
have a long time to ponder the error of your ways with your nose stuck in a corner. Preferably a dark, cold, cobwebby corner…
Just tell them that the “Blare Witch” sent you… I love it loud. It just may NOT be your sermonizing/shouting/ranting.
Opinions may vary. I wanna rock & roll all night… Beauty is in the ears of the beholder. Now you know. Beauty is
in the eyes of the beholder. Now you know. Opinions may differ.
Author: M. Green2007
I have heard that at least some of you might like to buy my vote. The national (federal) deficit
in the U.S. is now in the trillions of dollars and so is the price of my vote. How bad do you want it? Not bad enough.
Author: M.Green2007
All will be well…
I’ll just hide a spare beer in the car and smoke some “weed” and
I’ll feel no pain whether you do or not and all will be well… I will just say that my religion is satisfying for
everybody whether it is or not and all will be well. I will just say that my politics satisfy everyone whether that is the
case or not and all will be well. Is this you?
I never claimed to be the ultimate fount of wisdom but
I do know that sometimes I do well to know or say what satisfies me. That much
I will admit. Can you say the same? What if all is NOT well just because you say so? What if
all is never well? What if this is NOT my fault? Everybody is supposed to subscribe to your favorite “pet” theory and all will be well. What
if this is NOT so? Not ever. Then what? Hmm.
Author: M. Green2007
The heterosexual dilemma…
Being around my father is enough to make anybody gay (homosexual) and being around
my mother is enough to make anybody straight (heterosexual). Being either one is enough to prevent me from getting laid or get me killed.
Author: M. Green2007
My maternal Grandfather taught me not to handle exploded flashlight (electric torch) batteries. He also taught me to wash my hands after
handling flashlight batteries. The batteries in my cd player are deader than Hell. What will you give me to put them in your
Author: M. Green2007
Are you confusing your sexual orgasm (ecstasy) with your spiritual satisfaction? Opinions
may vary. Are you confusing your sexual orgasm (ecstasy) with love? Opinions may vary. Are you confusing your sexual orgasm
(ecstasy) with knowledge? Are you confusing your sexual orgasm (ecstasy) with wisdom? Are you confusing your sexual orgasm
(ecstasy) with peace? Are you confusing your sexual orgasm (ecstasy) with my own? Opinions may vary. Are you confusing your
sexual orgasm (ecstasy) with other peoples thoughts? Opinions may vary. Now you know.
Author: M. Green2007
(So does Santa Claus & Captain Hook. So did the English during the Revolutionary
War. So do some Catholic priests at times. So do some Scotsmen among others. My eyes are red. Your lips are red. You’d
better ask Santa to bring you some black lipstick and black rouge.) M. Green2007
Hedging your bets…
Many years ago I started studying a particular form of Witchcraft & Catholicism
simultaneously. I eventually came to the private decision that I would not convert to Catholicism because I just don’t
agree with it and it does not agree with me. While I was still studying both I sometimes wore a t-shirt with an inverted pentagram
on it. It eventually wore out. I recently found another one that I bought & sometimes wear.
During the useful lifetime of that first pentagram t-shirt, I sometimes wore it to church which I
irregularly attended. My church attendance is even more irregular now. At any rate, the local Catholics who were also at church
with me all those years ago apparently noticed my inverted pentagram t-shirt and felt slighted on behalf of their God.
Years after I decided not to convert to Catholicism because of my own enlightened opinion, I escorted
a curious non-Catholic to a Christmas Mass one dark midnight. While we were there an old Catholic acquaintance made some snide
remark to me about my long worn out inverted pentagram t-shirt. Basically, he accused me of hedging my bets by me finally
beginning to practice the Christian religion on top of Witchcraft. Which I was Not and will not do.
He also commented on the fact that he and his fellow “Knights of Columbus” were students
of the occult and he at least thinks that they know it all. They don’t know the One that I worship very well. He also
finally deduced that I had been worshipping someone different than the Catholic “God” or Christian “God”
during Catholic Mass in a Catholic Church. He was utterly shocked at the idea and then asked me how it could be that “God”
was letting me continue to live after I had privately worshipped the Devil in a Catholic Church during a Catholic Mass. He
actually sounded perplexed.
I was living in a travel trailer at the time and I had an inverted brass crucifix hanging over my
window inside the trailer. This same Catholic man saw that inverted crucifix from the doorway and soon ran away. He looked
utterly appalled to say the least… He made some small remark about my inverted crucifix which I no longer recall and
I started snickering at him and he turned a little pale and practically ran away screaming… Then I had to laugh.
Unfortunately, he tried to get me in trouble with the law after that among other things and tried
to make my stay unpleasant. I am a citizen of the U.S. times three. He is not. He is French Canadian and only here on a work
visa. One of my not so distant ancestors was French and before he married a Native American & settled in Indiana, he lived
in Canada. He was born in France and moved to “the new world” seeking his fortune. His descendants (except me)
are all Protestant. Just because I ain’t Protestant doesn’t mean that I desire to convert to either Catholicism
or any Protestant sect.
I am what I am. What if I found peace that day long ago while privately worshipping the Devil in
that Catholic Church during that Catholic mass? I did privately worship the Devil in a Catholic Church during a Catholic mass.
I will not hesitate to do it again. I’d be happy to oblige whenever you feel the need to have your “church”
privately desecrated. The same will happen in whatever Protestant church, Jewish “Sin”agogue, Moslem mosque, Mormon
Temple and/or any other place that you can or cannot name and/or are or are not naming, etc… that you drag me into.
Nothing is sacred to you “people” anyway so who are you to complain? Are you jealous because you cannot duplicate
the feat? Annoying ain’t it? My master (who is Satan & shall remain Satan) sends you his greetings… Hail,
I know what Kevlar is by the way and I may be able to locate some lonely Kevlar. I also may be able to
legally acquire enough money to legally acquire some lonely Kevlar (among other things) and provide it with a good home. After
your religion failed me is when I began to worship the Devil named Satan. After your Bible failed me is when I began to worship
the Devil named Satan. Don’t you ever forget it. I won’t. Do you play in much unholy water? Are you hedging your
bets by worshipping the Devil named Satan? You may wish you had. Hail, Satan!
Author: M. Green2007
“The Devil named Satan made
me worship Him.” God
“ The Devil named Satan
made me do it.” God
“The Devil named Satan made
me worship Him instead of me.” God
Freedom is defined as not having to worry about some clown trying to shove his/her particular variety
of “democracy” up my ass.
Author: M. Grren2007
"I took a vow of rock & roll." M.Green2007
How to dismantle an atomic bomb…
Which one of you fools built the damned thing?
Did I say that out loud? Oops.
I grew up under the shadow of the threat of nuclear war and the “atomic bomb.” There
was a bomb shelter under every bank & trust as well as the backyard of my neighbor. That’s the rumor. Like it or
The “happy go lucky” days of bicycles, ice cream cones & candy apples were always
overshadowed with the threat of impending doom. Would the “Reds” (Communists) strike? Who knew?
Nowadays, the “cold war” is mostly over. However, various threats (shadows) remain to
cloud the days. Will we end up “eating one” anyway because of some
Arabian country or dictator or other foreign power that has mostly been forgotten
but was once a powerful influence such as, Fidel Castro or Adolph Hitler?
The “wall” separating East Germany from West Germany finally fell but what does this
portend? Hopefully, better things for Germany. Pardon me for being a skeptic
though. My maternal Grandfather fought against the Nazis during World War II. I am an American citizen times three but I am
still part German and I constantly see proof that history repeats itself partly because people seem to forget about past events
& their influence on modern society.
In an ideal world, we
could all live together in peace, John & Yoko could have wedded and resided anywhere they chose, people would have
enough money and enough to eat. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be a perfect world. Many times, happiness (even the fleeting
kind) is in too short supply.
I’m not exactly an expert on current events. I have noticed that many of those younger than
I have no clue as to their own history. This may become one of the reasons that history will one day repeat itself in an unfriendly
or deadly manner. Will it be the death of me? This is a valid concern.
You may need a pimp if:
1. You are you.
2. You ain't me.
Author: M.Green2007
"I took a vow of opera." M. Green2007
Russian roulette…
Once upon a time…
I did not know what this was. My father told me what it was when I was in the seventh grade then he offered to shoot me to
further educate me on the subject. He butted his nose into a private conversation that I was having with my half-brother.
We were NOT arguing or waging a personal physical war with each other. We were playing “Battleship” and somehow
the subject came up and neither my half-brother or myself knew what it was.
There is another definition of “Russian roulette” nowadays. It’s when death is a “gift”
from somebody else via HIV/AIDS. This “gift” is NOT free. You pay to die. Life is not necessarily a “gift”
from you just because you know how to screw. The life of another is not necessarily yours to take away whether it be in a
fit of pique or whatever. I could just as easily have been born dead. Since that is not the case then perhaps you do not hold
the keys to life & death. Perhaps you don’t necessarily need to hold the keys to life & death.
Why would anybody want/need you to teach me about their mortality? If you are NOT dead then how could
you personally teach me about death or the afterlife? Some (if not all) of you people are weird. If you had no control over
my conception, gender, birth or survival then perhaps you have/need no control over my life. At least for a while, I have
survived despite your best efforts to thwart that survival. Perhaps some (if not all) of you are bigger failures than you
thought. I belong to me. I am mine. Russian roulette is never when you kill me.
Russian roulette is when you kill you. Russian roulette is only when you kill you. Russian roulette
is suicide. Dead is dead. Some of you lust after Armageddon. You sincerely desire the demise of others as well as the destruction
of this world. You desire Armageddon because you don’t want to wait to receive your “heavenly reward.” You
want immediate satisfaction. You are nothing short of murderers in your hearts. You may not be pulling the trigger but you
sincerely desire the deaths of others nonetheless and your desire makes you guilty of murder.
You desire Armageddon & The Tribulation. You want others to suffer while you are not suffering.
Does your desire to see others suffer and/or die make you a “God”
or a demon? Why is it you don’t look like “God?” What if every “God” ever written about, heard of or discussed was made in the image of man instead of vice versa? What if “God”
was a woman? What if “God” is a woman? Opinions may differ. Who do
you resemble? I resemble both of my parents.
I was born prematurely. I only weighed lbs., 13 ozs. When I was born. I was not expected to survive.
Then I caught pneumonia and nearly died. I was born with a heart murmur that was never surgically corrected and I was not
expected to survive. I am now 41 years of age and I no longer have a murmur in
my heart. Nobody cared enough about me to have the heart murmur surgically corrected. I no longer try to have a relationship
with my parents nor am I seeking one. Get over it! That is my right & privilege.
Don’t take any wooden nickels children.
Combat boots...
"Your mama wears combat boots and your daddy wears a dress. (Or is it my daddy that wears a dress with his
combat boots?) M. Green2007
If you volunteer to make a mess out of my life for free then you proceed to make a mess out of my
life then maybe you should volunteer to repair the damage you do to my life for free. Maybe you should volunteer to clean
up the mess you make out of my life for free. If you volunteer then it is on your own head. Not mine.
Author: M. Green2007
Why can’t I practice my religion
the way that I want? If you Christians are to not be “worldly” and you are to be focused on your own religion
and/or spirituality then how is that you lose your focus long enough to notice my religion and/or my politics and/or my clothing,
etc. (Ad nauseum) Everybody else practices their religion the way that they want and I am NOT the one sending somebody else’s
baby off to fight in a war. I ain’t the one mollycoddling the privileged and possibly undeserving few either.
What if I do practice my religion differently than you and that is the way that it is supposed to
be? What if the way I practice
my religion is the only valid path for me despite your contempt? Opinions may vary. What if the religion that you practice
is never the valid path for me? Opinions may vary. Go back to sleep already. It’s
the only time that I get any peace and quiet (or is it quite a piece of ass)? Do you have
an “off” button that
I can push? Your mouth seemeth to runneth over (unlike your brain). If
the way that I practice my religion pleases "God" or whatever deitie(s) need to be pleased then who are you to complain?
Author: M. Green2007
"Just kidding." M.Green2007
Drug addicts...
Are so called "drug addicts" addicted to a particular drug or are they addicted to being free
from pain?
Author: M. Green2007
The Vietnam War…
The Vietnam Conflict (War) was fought because some clown in Washington, D.C. decided to institute a democracy
in a non-American country known as Vietnam. The natives of Vietnam decided to stick democracy up the asses of their invaders
which happened to include various members of the United States Armed Forces. They did not invade us so we were not defending
our own democracy.
Being a Vietnam veteran is not as respectable as being an American veteran of the Revolutionary War
where at least one of my maternal ancestors fought to gain the colonists freedom from oppression and to gain us a democratic
government and a country known as the United States of America.
When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and attacked our democracy, there were many who jumped up to
defend our democracy known as the United States of America. I am descended on my paternal side from an American veteran of
World War II. Both sides of my American family originally hale from southern states. At least one of my paternal relatives
fought on the side (either officially or unofficially) on the Northern side during the Civil War. Apparently they like dark
meat and they want the Black man to be free but they do not want me to be free and there ain’t no African blood in my
Defending or creating our own personal democracy is not the same as our invasion of Vietnam. Our
troops were obviously not welcome in Vietnam so they shot at them. At least some Vietnam veterans seem to be insulted because
the Vietnamese shot at them during the Vietnam War. Why did some of the fools reinlist to be further used as a target for
Vietnamese guns if they detested being used for target practice?
There were many anti-Vietnam demonstrations during the Vietnam War. Hippies take the credit for some
of them. There were at least a few “hippies” who fought in one or another of the United States Armed Forces during
the Vietnam War. Some Hippies fought against the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. Many Vietnam veterans listened to “Hippie”
music while they were fighting in Vietnam. They did not complain about the “hippie” music while they were fighting
the Vietnam War because it reminded them of their distant home, the United States of America.
Their whining now is not that impressive. I say we turn Yasgur’s Farm, that long ago site of
“Woodstock” into a “Woodstock” museum where freedom was celebrated by a few impoverished “hippies”
during “Woodstock.” Hippies were celebrating their freedom & youth at “Woodstock.” Are at least
some of you Vietnam veterans jealous because your “beer garden” was Vietnam? Are you annoyed because you got drunk
in Vietnam and raised Hell and the Vietnamese took offense? Are you annoyed that the Vietnamese did not generally just fall
into your bed for a spontaneous orgy? If you don’t buy the cow then you probably ain’t going to get any milk nor
are you owed any.
Some Vietnam veterans were in Vietnam during the Vietnam War because they had made mistakes
before they left the United States, such as impregnating & deflowering underage girls whom they would not then financially
support or be faithful to and therefore did not stay married to. I am the product of such a relationship. Some of you are
fortunate that you did not go to jail for rape. One of you Vietnam veterans wanted to produce your own heir and I am the result
of your first attempt at heir-making. I am the one that was less important than your continued skirt-chasing, partying &
the continued proving of your manhood via heir-making. By your own admission you are not that good in bed to begin with.
Don’t blame me for your dilemma. You had the option of financially supporting your new family,
not skirt-chasing & partying or being divorced and drafted into one of the U.S. Armed Forces and sent to fight in the
Vietnam War. You chose to become divorced and be drafted into one of the U.S. Armed Forces and then sent to fight in the Vietnam
War. You knew what your options were back then and you chose the Vietnam War over fatherhood. You are the only one to blame
for your Vietnam era choice. Your continued whining about your own lack of Vietnam era wisdom is unimpressive. We should have
a “Woodstock” museum instead of a Vietnam War memorial commemorating a bunch of immature baby killing Vietnam
era U.S. soldiers. What were you U.S. boys celebrating in your Vietnam War era Vietnam beer-garden? I doubt if it was the
joy of a fatherhood that could have kept you from participating in the Vietnam War.
Author: M. Green2007
"I took a vow of wealth." M. Green2007
LSD supposedly makes
you know what love is. Opinions may vary. I have never “done” LSD and I know that not everybody (if anybody) loves
me. What’s your problem? I can just see people lining up to be members of my fan club and the number of that crowd is zero. You may as well get over it. I did. But LSD will teach you about love. That’s
where those bad “trips” come from… Unless the bad “trips”
are just reality overloading your circuits (brain). Opinions may vary.
Many of you claim that your religion, “God” or
whatever will teach everybody else what love is. What if this is NOT the case? What if you don’t know what love
is or how to love others? Opinions may vary.
Author: M. Green2007
Is it the Devil that could never tempt anybody or is it "God?" Or maybe it's you?
Author: M.Green2007
The Manson Family...
I was not there so I don't know for sure just who did what to whom. I do
know what I have read. I may know a family that is like the Manson family and I may be their equivalent of Sharon Tate.
Author: M.Green2007
"I took a vow to be me." M. Green2007
Thou shalt not…
Ex. 20:13
Thou shalt not kill.
Why does this apply to everybody
except you?
1 Cor. 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as
a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I have been cursed more than once to hear this or that minister preach that everybody except him
needs to put away the things of a child. Here are a couple of my questions regarding this subject. Why is it that only adults
can buy some of them? Why is it that everybody except him needs to grow up? What if they were preaching to the wrong person?
If “God” is pissed off at me then “He” knows where to find me…
Author: M. Green2007
You confused your bitch with your dam. Or did you confuse your bitch with your daughter? Or did you confuse your daughter with your dam? You don’t seem to know which
is which. Among other things. Would you like to be my bitch? I ain’t hiring you to teach me what a bitch is just
because you don’t know your head from your ass. Opinions may differ. I ain’t hiring you to teach me what bisexual
is just because you don’t know your head from your ass. Opinions may differ. You may not know me as well as you think
or say you do. Opinions may differ. Do you need a bitch to use in order to attain your own orgasm or do you need to be a bitch
that needs to be used in order to attain my orgasm? Opinions may vary.
"Do I look haggard enough to suit you?" M. Green2007
The tourist trap...
Tourist traps are where they get your money and you get next to nothing for a very high price.
Life could be a tourist trap.
The tourist trap could be one of your local churches, mosques, "sin"agogues, temples, etc.
Opinions may vary. Can you say "indulgences"?
What do they expect from you? What do they demand from you? Do they like to freeze your kneecaps
off? Do they expect you to like it? Can you say "frostbite" or "pneumonia"? Do they expect more from you than they are willing
to give or do? Are they willing to walk in your shoes and do what is expected of you? Are they willing to be you? Don't
take any wooden nickels children.
Author: M. Green2007
To paraphrase a curse...
"I will give her the minimum of health care and nobody can accuse me of
abuse or neglect and nobody will ever know that I never loved her or wanted her." Margaret Pluris
love: want
(That's why I'm drowning in my own snot.) M. Green2007
There's a light at the end of the tunnel.
Shirley Mclane wrote a book about going toward the light. People who have near death experiences
(supposedly) coomonly see a light at the end of a tunnel. How many of you have driven or rode through a tunnel? What did you
see at the other end?
What are you going to do there that you cannot do here? What if it's less than you think? I
saw a movie about an undertaker/mortician that trapped/enslaved the souls of the dead in little silver balls.
Author: M. Green2007
There are many types of guides. There are guide books for tourists. There are guiding stars.
There are guiding lights. Have you talked to your spirit guide lately?
Author: M. Green2007
So... What if you other folks ain't quite cornered the market on having missionaries in the
field? I never said I was perfect. I am willing to work at a public job to support my somewhat Wiccan/Druidic/Pagan/Heathen/Satanic
views. I may be something of a haphazard missionary but sometimes that may be better than nothing.
At least I want others to know of the existence of other viewpoints. The "state" religion need
not be a Christian, Moslem or jewish one.As of this writing there ain't a "state" religion in the U.S. It ought to be a Satanic/Druidic/Pagan/Wiccan
one. What if this isn't the way that the "moral minority" or some others want it?
In the former U.S.S.R., religion was totally banned at one point. There was no "state" religion.
Many things were not permitted. What if your "path" ain't what a "state" religion should be? Perhaps dropping a "bisexual
bomb" on everybody should be the "state" religion. Perhaps dropping the "gay bomb" on everyone should be the "state" religion.
Author: M.Green2007
Many years ago, I attended a great many of them. Revive yourself.
Author: M. Green2007
The smokers of tobacco
cigarettes have Civil Rights too. Some of us work, vote, volunteer for military service, pay taxes, serve in the military,
etc… (ad nauseum). Your Civil Rights end where ours begin. If you don’t like breathing our cigarette smoke then
don’t you breath. At least the germs we may carry are killed by the cigarette smoke. You non-smokers cannot say the
same. What if we don’t like breathing your germ laden air?
Now repeat after me:
I pledge allegiance to the fag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it
stands, One nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Author: M. Green2007
Family reunions...
Are "family" reunions "russian roulette" parties in disguise (incognito)? If I don't attend
your little soiree then I don't pay the tab. What's the point? Opnions may differ.
Author: M.Green2007
They taste like chicken…
Cats, Christians, Moslems, Jews, Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists,
Voodooists all taste like chicken. That’s why I like them. Chicken is tasty in a gumbo recipe. Chicken is also tasty
Author: M. Green2007
I took a vow of "noise".Thanks." M. Green2007
(So did at least some of you apparently.)
Pan may love you but I'm his favorite. The "Horned God" may love you but I'm his favorite.
The Devil may love you but I'm his favorite. The Goddess may love you but I'm her favorite. Santa Claus may love you but I'm
his favorite. The God may love you but I'm his favorite. The "Blair Witch" may love you but I'm his favorite. Every God may
love you but I'm their favorite. Every Goddess may love you but I'm their favorite. I may love you but I'm my favorite.
Author: M. Green2007
I'm not the least bit egotistical...
The mothers' curse...
"I hope that when you have children they act (behave) just like you." Margaret Pluris
Fundamental Baptist Girls Homes…
My “mother” put me in one of these against my will and they shoved the
Bible down my throat and up my ass. My mother is wont to shove the Bible down my throat and up my ass. She claims to be an
atheist. After shoving her Bible down my throat and up my ass and having others shove the Bible down my throat and up my ass
she has the nerve to complain about the fact that I had the Bible shoved down my throat and up my ass and blames me for being
forced to study the Bible.
My mother also blames me for the fact that her mother shoved the Bible down her throat and up her
ass before I was born. I quit going to church many years ago and I am happier that way. I am now a “born again”
Pagan. Paganism suits me better. I usually try to keep my proselytizing to a minimum. Unlike my family. However, there is a time to speak and this is mentioned in the Bible.
I had to leave the Fundamental Baptist Girls Home. I would not have a valid high school diploma
if I had not. Possibly, I would be dead. Certainly, more miserable. Would my mother like to have the Bible stuck down her
throat or up her ass even more? After I reached my majority and left home, my parents were no longer my boss. I reached my
majority in 1984. I do not honor the agreements of my parents nor do I pay their debts.
Author: M. Green2007
"I gave at the office." M. Green2007
(I may give a bunch to me.)
Do any of you Pagans and/or Wiccans and/or Satanists tithe? Should you? What if there are legally
recognized Pagan and/or Wiccan and/or Satanist and/or Druidic churches that you can tithe to? CAn you permit folks of other
religious persuasions to treat their clergy better than you treat your own? Should their clergy eat better than your own?
Author: M. Green2007
"I took a vow of loud." M. Green2007
Family values…
What if “family values” are what the homosexual says they are? My parents will never
prove differently.
Author: M. Green2007
Galileo Galilee...
The world is round. It just looks like it's flat because everybody is running away from Catholics...
(or is it you they are running from?) They all leave town and never come back.
Author: M.Green2007
I know you've all heard the arguments against homosexuality. This ain't exactly one of them.
So... You like to play with things that dangle. Don't we all. Some penises dangle as do some tits. It takes two to tango and
if you ain't willing to tango you may not get laid. As long as their hand ain't on your leg why do you care? Some of them
are smart enough not to put it there.
Is the lead in your pencil dull? We may know why. Opinions may differ. Get over it! Does your
pencil have more lead in it than you know what to do with? Here are some Bible verses that may support the validity of homosexual
Heb. 13:1
Let brotherly love continue.
Matt. 19:19
Honour thy father and thy mother: and Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
What if homosexuality is to be accepted for what it is between consenting individuals? What
if homosexual relationships are just as valid as heterosexual ones?
Author: M. Green2007
"I healed you of being "gay." Bronwyn Frost (Jo Swanson)
(No. You'd have to make me that way first. I ain't the one that made the pass.)
What if you don't call sombody else a fop if the biggest unidentified foppish
object is you?Opinions may differ.
Does a man's ruffled tuxedo shirt make a man look foppish since it makes a woman look more
masculine? Does a corset make a woman look foppish? Foppishness. Is it in the eyes of the beholder? opinions may vary.
Have you ever been to Roswell, New Mexico? Have you ever heard of Area 51? Did Charles Ellis
actually see a UFO flying over an Indiana road? Is there life on Mars?
Author: M.Green2007
If duelling is illegal then why are you in my yard (face)?
Author: M. Green2007
Drama Queens...
You might be a "drama queen" if:
1. You are you.
2 You ain't me.
3. You have a "frosty" disposition.
Author: M. Green2007
Drag queens...
Too much
lipstick confuses you. Not me.
you are referring to “drag queens” in lipstick & rouge then I’d have to agree. If you’re not then
it’s your loss.) M. Green2007
The "Throne of Scone"...
You don't seem to stay on it long. Are you allergic to it? Do you keep falling off of it? Does
it keep bucking you off? It's that anti-gravitational pull again! Ain't it? Oh, right. That's what the "gay bomb" is for...
I know I have a disposable camera with at least one picture left on it somewhere... Which pocket did I put it in again?
The Throne of Scone was stolen from the Irish. I lately heard one of the members of the
British Royal Family state that
he and his family really do not wish to be on the throne of England. He also said that if they could find the rightful heir
to the throne that they’d like to give the throne back. If they did not want it then why did they steal it in the first
place? Why did they waste so much time & energy stealing it? What else have they stolen or wasted? My time? Your time? My energy? Your energy?
If you
don’t want the Throne of Scone then maybe you should give it back. If you don’t want to sit on the throne then
maybe you should stop doing so and give it back. Do you deserve a stipend for stealing the Throne of Scone and sitting on
it? You already spent at least that much.
Author: M. Green2007
"Step back so I can rinse the soap out of my hairy balls. When I get done then you can rinse your hairy
balls." C. Rhodes
(So my balls are a little flat...) M. Green2007
The ties that bind...
Babies don't usually breastfeed their parents. What do you bums want now? I was/am never addicted
to the breastmilk of my mother because I never got any and was never offered any. There are other types of ties... Have you
ever heard of a necktie?
"I like parents, they taste like chicken." M. Green2007
Author: M.Green2007
Corsets (as well as other things)...
Are for women, men & bears to wear. Just ask one. Bears are bears. have you ever heard
of a polar bear or a koala bear? In cb lingo, a bear is a cop (policeman). In the "gay" community, a bear is a lesbian. Abear
is also a "teddy" bear which is a cuddly stuffed toy bear named after Theodore Roosevelt.
My nickname is/was never "bear." I ain't quite as senile as some of you. Everybody ain't a
bear just because you want one or want something stuck up your ass or want to blame somebody else for your problems. One can
also be as grouchy as a bear. You may need a corset... stuck up your ass.
"If a woman tries to seduce me then she'd better have a 6 to 10 inch "surprise" sticking out from between
her legs (and she'd better know how to use it)." M. Green2007
Turn ons...
You probably ain't one. I ain't obligated to admit it if you are... Some of you are busy telling
others who, what & how to be and what to wear or how to wear it and it doesn't even turn you on. If it doesn't "turn you
on" then how do you know it turns on others or not? Who else ain't turned on by your choices? maybe I should wear what
"turns me on." perhaps someday, somewhere, someone will understand what I want but I won't hold my breath. I might suffocate...
What "turns somebody on" is in the eyes of the beholder...
The "fall from grace"...
What if you fell from "grace" and nobody else did? What if nobody else
What if "God" hates you more than "he" does me? What if "God" always hates you more than me?
What was that remark I heard about loving the sinner and hating the "sin"?
Author: M. Green2007
Wine, women and song...
Where's a "drag queen" when you really need one? Would you know one if you saw one? Opinions may differ.
Author: M.Green2007
"You bash gays." Dwight Emrich
(Not yet. Would you like to be first? I have the right to defend myself regardless of your sexual orientation.)
Programmable flunkies...
You might be a programmable flunkie if:
1. You are you.
2. You ain't me.
Author: M. Green2007
"Say nothing but good of the dead." Solon (638-559 B.C.)
Heaven can wait...
Perhaps longer than you think (if you think). Do I need your religion shoved up my ass or do you? That is
the question. Opinions may vary.
Author: M. Green2007
"Dangers bring fears, and fears more dangers bring." Richard Baxter (1615-1691) Love Breathing Thanks
Tantric sex...
Can peace be achieved through tantric sex? Have you ever tried anal sex? Have you ever tried
oral sex? Have you ever tried masturbation? Have you ever tried any (or all) "taboo" sex acts? Have you ever tried any sexual
activities? If not then how would you know?
Have you ever been with a dominatrix? Have you ever been involved in s&m? If not then how
would you know? If you have never tried any (or all) of the above... Could that be why you have not or cannot attain your
desired goal of peace (or is it a piece)?
Can you achieve peace through tantric sex? Can you let your partner achieve peace through tantric
sex? Can you let your partner achieve peace through tantric sex and thereby achieve peace yourself?Are you "man" enough to
let them achieve peace through tantric sex in whichever guise?
Are you "man enough to let anyone achieve peace through tantric sex? Are you "man" enough to
recognize the femininity in a woman/female? Are you "man" enough to be yourself? Are you "man" enough to live and let live?
Are you "man" enough to live and let die?
Are you "man" enough to let anyone achieve peace at all? Are you "man" enough to let others
be themselves? Do you need to be "man" enough? Are you "man" enough to be a man? Opinions may differ as to what you are or
need to be.
Are you just a perverted heterosexual or are you something else entirely? Are you just a pervert
(of whichever denomination or stripe)? Opinions may differ. If you've seen one pervert then you've seen them all.
pervert: 1. to corrupt 2. to lead astray 3. to misuse 4. to distort 5. one who practices sexual perversion
perversion: 1. any sexual act or practice considered abnormal 2. to pervert 3. something perverted
What if you are a pervert? Opinions may differ. As to whether or not a particular sexual activity
is abnormal...It may not seem abnormal to those engaged in it. Opinions may differ.
Are you "man" enough to wear a boa, either in public or in private (or both)? Or pajama bottoms
or trousers? Opinions may differ. Are you "man" enough to wear leather? Are you "man" enough to wear lace? Are you "man" enough
to wear pink? Are you "man" enough to have something stuck up your "nether" yoni? Opinions may differ.
What am I "man" enough to do or be? Opinions may differ. Are you "man" enough to recognize
the masculinity in a woman/female? Can you do it and not criticise them or cry crocodile tears (or most other types)? Are
you "man" enough to let others be whole? Opinions may differ.
Are you "man" enough to let others "find" themselves? Are you "man" enough to "find" yourself
(or even look)? Are you "man" enough to admit that you may not know it all (everything)? Opinions may differ? Are you "man"
enough to know that opinions may differ? Are you "man" enough to know that sometimes opinions should differ? Opinions may
Are you "man" enough to "keep" a woman? Are you "man" enough to be a "kept" woman? Are you
"man" enough to be an unkept woman? Are you "man" enough to be a woman/female? Are you "man enough to be a wife? Are you "man"
enough to know that maybe you need to sometimes or always be the wife? Opinions may differ.
Are you "man" enough to be a parent? Are you "man" enough to breastfeed? Are you "man"
enough to be a mother? Are you "man" enough to be crucified? Are you "man" enough to "take it on the chin?" Opinions may differ.
Did you know that you all have a posterior yoni (some if not all of you may just be one)? You
may never know just what you are because I ain't necessarily obligated to scream it out or admit saying it, thinking it, believing
it or writing it. What if I think something else? What if I don't? Are you "man" enough to "take it on the chin?"
Are you "man" enough to "turn me on?" Are you "man" enough to know what to do with me afterward?
Are you "man" enough to find out? Opinions may vary.
"You were pumping iron as I was pumping irony. See the whites of their eyes, then shoot... With all the
romance of the ton ton macoute. Heaven knows. What kind of fool am I. Why you take an eye for an eye. What comes over me."
Robert Plant
yoni: 1. vagina/pussy/snatch/thatch
Author: M. Green2007
You might be a pervert if...
1. You are you.
2. You ain't me.
3. You are a heterosexual.
4. You are a bisexual.
5. You are a homosexual.
6. You walk on legs.
7. You are a dominatrix.
Author: M. Green2007
Great Expectations…
Is the name of a particular book as well as an unrelated song by the rock & roll band named KISS.
Many people have expectations. It happens to everybody sooner or later. In the United States of America, American citizens
are taught to expect that their “Civil Rights” will be respected and NOT violated, especially if they are a citizen
times three. At least not on their home turf. Life in these United States does
NOT always live up to the expectations of American citizens times three.
My maternal Grandfather had a few expectations. He expected my father to do the honorable (Irish)
thing & marry my mother whom he had impregnated & deflowered. My maternal Grandfather was part Irish. Some of his
expectations may have been at least partly based upon his racial heritage. White people have a racial heritage too.
My biological father is not ever even slightly Irish & certainly never more than slightly Irish
or anything better. He did not understand then and does not understand now why he should do the honorable thing. He expected
to be patted on the head for ruining the honor of then underage mother by impregnating her and deflowering her.
My parents did finally wed each other before I was prematurely born. The two families remain bitter
toward each other to this day. Shortly after my birth my parents divorced. Because he stubbornly refused to financially support
his new family and/or stop chasing skirts and/or partying my mother divorced him and my father found himself divorced &
drafted into the U.S. Army & on his way to fight in the Vietnam War. He brought that much of his fate upon himself. At
least he lived through the Vietnam War & eventually returned to America. Many did not. Some of the bitterness is still
aimed at me and it always has been.
On good days, I sometimes still expect life to be at least a little fairer toward me. This seldom
occurs. Nearly every hour of every day is an uphill battle. What are your expectations?
Author: M. Green2007
Many years ago, I was tested for allergies. I was found to be allergic to dust, cat dander
& dog hair (among other things). Perhaps I am just allergic to my mother...
I may be allergic to bee stings. I am allergic to incest. What if I have always been allergic
to incest? Would you like to be on the "receiving" end in your yoni or nether yoni for once?
What if I'm allergic to some (if not all) women/ females (except for maybe cats/felines, dogs,
etc...)? What if I'm allergic to female hormones? Where did I put the benadryl?
What if I'm allergic to you? What if I'm allergic to your "religion" or the "religion" that
you are trying to shove down my throat (or have tried to shove down my throat)? What if I'm allergic to your attitude? What
if I'm allergic to being abused? What if I'm allergic to being debased? What if I'm allergic to abasing myself? What if I'm
allergic to your politics? What if I'm allergic to your war? What if I'm allergic to your peace? What if I'm allergic to your
ideal reality or your ideal anything? What if your ideal reality sucks shit out of a dead cat's ass? Opinions may differ.
What if I'm allergic to your opinion? What if I'm allergic to being dead? What if I'm allergic
to becoming dead? What if I'm allergic to wearing corsets? What if I'm allergic to physical illness or being physically ill?
Opinions may differ.
What if I'm allergic to being used? What if I'm allergic to your beliefs? What if I'm allergic
to your corruption? What if I'm allergic to being crucified (either verbally or physically)? Opinions may differ.
What if I ain't allergic to opening up a can of whup (whoop) ass on you when or if necessary?
Whather or not you need a can of whup (whoop) opened up on you is a matter of opinion and opinions may differ. I still ain't
allergic to money.
Author: M. Green2007
"Dead men tell no tales." English proverb
Go to hell...
Let's see now... I've been there and done that... Many, many times.
I still do. I always have. I always will. You're still here, ain't you? Thank you very damned much. How would you like to
go there?
Author: M. Green2007
Accusations will fly...
I have an alibi... Really. Who wants to know? What's your badge number?
Author: M.Green2007
The blame game...
Some (if not all) of you don't seem to have any common sense or enough common sense to be treated,
treat yourself or let others treat themselves for whatever ails them. What if you are what is ailing them or at least a part
of what is ailing them?
Two can play the finger pointing (blame) game. While some of my fingers may be pointing at
me while I am pointing at you... sometimes some of your fingers are pointing at you while you are pointing at me.
Are your fingers pointing at you for a particular reason? What are your fingers accusing you
of when they are pointing at you or back at you and your gums may (or may not) be flapping?
Author: M. Green2007
"The things one picks up or learns while they are gaining, growing or being "gifted" with (or is it cursed)
with their own decrepency." M. Green2007
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty
God! I know not the course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry (1736-1799)
speech, 1775
Your lechery knows no bounds but then neither does mine... Your leechery
knows no bounds either but then neither does mine.
Author: M. Green2007
"All the good men are either gay, married or dead (if not all of the above). M. Green2007
The toad that turned into a prince...
Don't you wish that you would?
I am the ugly duckling. My mother as well as my step-mother is/are the wicked step-mother and
I am the "ugly" daughter that had to clean and never go to the ball.
Nobody is going to rescue me as in a knight and shining armor rescuing a damsal in distress
because I don't believe they will. At this point, I doubt they'd know a damsal in distress if they were one...
I don't believe in fairy god-mothers' either so don't even go there...
" Chivalry is dead." Yvonne Frost
(Not a moment too soon.) M. Green
Author: M. Green 2007
"You don't tell me what my sexual preference is and I won't stick something up your ass." M. Green2007
Finding oneself...
Why should I pay you to find me when I can pay me? When you "find" yourself, you may find at
least an aspect of God. When others "find" themselves, they may "find" at least an aspect of God. Even though you may not
understand what they have found or how they did it.
Author: M.Green2007
"I ain't wierd. Everybody else is." M. Green2007
What if participating in sodomy is a natural form of birth control? Some (if not all) of you don't need
to produce any offspring... It ain't safe for the rest of us if you do procreate... It's dangerous enough for some us as it
Author: M. Green2007
On being a child...
You don't know that I ever got to be one. You may still be one (regardless of your opinion).
1 Cor.13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but
when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Like your "fairy tales"? Why should I? You never have or will.
Author: M. Green2007
"We die ourselves a little every time we kill in others something that deserved to live." Oscar Hammling
(1890- )
The "Moral Majority"...
Do you show (exhibit) all the signs (symptoms) of being a programmable flunkie of the "moral minority?"
Do you wear a skirt to church?Do you wear a skirt any other time? Is your necktie too tight?
flunkie: failure
Author: M. Green2007
"Death levels all things." Claudian (c.395) De Raptu Proserpinae
" You tried to steal all of my adult boyfriends when you were ten years old. What would they want with you?"
Margaret Pluris
(Perhaps I was taught to be nice to all of my "uncles"... Perhaps I just didn't hate anyone. I was taught
to respect my elders (which was a total waste of my time). M. Green2007
The sperm & the egg...
Since it is the sperm of the biological father that decides so much about
his offspring... Did my biological father desire to be a girl? Is that why my gender is what it is? Did my mother want to
be a boy? Is that why I am the "tomboy" of my immediate family?
tomboy: 1. a girl who behaves like a boisterous boy. 2. a mannish girl.
"I have had to do some things because I had to and then found out that I enjoyed them." M. Green2007
I may not believe in the things that you are thinking of but I( do believe in "rut/heat." From
what I hear, it occurs often...
"You can sit on the couch next to me. Are you afraid that you'll touch me?" a drunken Charles Rhodes
("Is that why you're never home?") M. Green to a drunken Charles Rhodes
Wrap it up. I’ll take it…
Is it Sir Elton John? Does it have it’s loud moments like me? Does it have it’s
boisterous moments like me? Is it a book about Witchcraft that I can own & cherish? Is it a rock & roll recording
that I can own & cherish? Is it a pair of Levi trousers that I can own, wear & cherish? Is it something that you detest?
Is it something or someone that you shun? Wrap it up. I’ll take it, make it my own and cherish it. Pardon me for exercising
my Right to Choose. I never adopt your favorite “pet” theory just because your mouth flies open or even if and
when it does not.
Author: M. Grren2007
Unnatural acts...
In many places, sodomy is considered an unnatural act. if you are engaged
in sodomy with a natural person (and people do sometimes tend to occur naturally) then sodomy would seem to be a natural
Smoking marijuana is illegal even though it is a natural substance being smoked by some
natural beings (sometimes for religious purposes). The same can be said of tobacco. The use of both is frowned upon by some
even though they are natural substances (as opposed to a man made substance such as plastic). I am part Native American. There
are also some folks from India that use marijuana in some of their religious rites.
One mans' trash is another mans' treasure or so I have been told. Why are some natural activities
illegal? Are some of you afraid that somebody else might have some fun, an orgasm or a truly mystical experience?
Some people like to be in the "power position" or dominant position during sodomy (as well
as at other times), which may seem natural to them but is it? Some people like to be dominated.
Some people followed the "Rev." Jim Jones to Guyana. Some people followed Adolph Hitler. Some
people followed Chairman Mao. Some people follow Fidel Castro. Some people followed Karl Marx. In the end, they gave away
their freedom and some learned to regret it.
Should I permit you (for example) to take my freedom in general or any of my freedom from me?
Should I do so without a fight? Would you?
The "Boston Tea Party" was about taxes being too high in the estimation of some. Our freedom
to decide how much was enough was then denied and a war was fought. How much is enough in regards to the laws of today? Where
the bedrooms of others are no longer considered to be the private domain of those in them but open to public scrutiny and
criticism. When did the activities in the privacy of my bower become the concern of everyone else? Especially if the acts
performed there are consensual.
As for smoking, when did my religious rituals become the affair of the public and since we
the people of these United States enjoy the seperation of church and state. When did smoking become the affair or concern
of the government? I could say the same about certain sexual activities and sodomy would be among them.
I was taught in government class in high school that your civil rights end where mine begin.
Why do yours no longer end before you get to my bedroom door which you probably did not provide. Why do yours no longer stop
before you get to my private meditations (which may have more validity than your own)? I ain't the one that believes that
I deserve some heavenly reward just for breathing.
Many people preach that we should follow our own bliss until they find out what it is and then
they expect us to follow theirs. I am the slave of no mere mortal (which is what at least some of you are).
I am old enough to vote as well as pay taxes and die therefore, I am old enough to make my
own decisions. When I die, will I be judged for NOT permitting myself enough joy? What role or roles did you play in this
activity? Will I be judged for NOT permitting myself peace? What role or roles did you play in this activity? What will following
your bliss cost me?
Are at least some "heavenly rewards" the same as earthly rewards since the planet earth revolves
in the heavens (sky)? Who are you to determine what mine should be?
Perhaps the "plastic Pagan" ain't necessarily or always me since I sometimes try to follow
my bliss which ain't necessarily the same as your bliss. Plastic may be a manmade substance but it is still made out of natural
substances. Since I don't always do your bidding then perhaps I ain't the poseable plastic action figure that you think I
am. They do sell those at Wal-mart (as well as other places) if you are interested in ordering the motions/actions of others.
They also sell them in some adult book stores.
Everybody's a critic or allowed to be a critic except me or so at least some of you seem to
Why should I pay you to critique me or any of my activities when you probably don't know where
your own ass is? Opinions may differ.
I still have "freedom of speech" whether some of you like/enjoy hearing what I am saying or
not. Does everyone enjoy hearing you speak? Opinions may differ. My opinion may differ from yours. What is spiritual to one
may not be spiritual or spiritual enough to another. Opinions may differ.
Are you committing one now? That may be a matter of opinion.
Author: M. Green2007
"Don't talk to strangers." Margaret Pluris
(Now you know why you are being and have been ignored. You don't take or follow your own advice very well...)
M. Green2007
Rubes from Hell...
I have been criticized many times for being from a small town. I was taught that you are from
the town you were born in which may not be the town you reside in. Where are some of my critics from? Even smaller towns than
myself or a mere wide spot in the road which is even smaller than a town. Screw you.
I have resided in biggertowns & cities. You can still be a rube on a city block where your
local neighborhood or block is your town. It's all a matter of perspective & opinion.
Author: M. Green2007
Live and...
Some people believe that you should live and let live but what if there are times to live and
let die? What if there are times that I should live and let die? What if you let others die and it had nothing to do with
me? What if I just knew you would. Knowing that some of you are assholes make me guilty of your particular crime or any other.
Author: M. Green2007
Things are tough all over…
The dish you are currently being served is too tough for you to chew? You should have thought
of that before you ordered it from the menu.
Author: M. Green2007
What if the bigger or biggest fool ain't ever me?
Prov. 26:3
A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for a fool's back.
Job 21:9
Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them.
rod: penis? Have you ever had your own ass beat? What makes you think that your own bigotry and hatred
makes you any less of a fool?
Author: M. Green2007
"You can never replace my mother." Rita Fuhrman & Marilyn Divine
( I seem to have fed you both at my own expense on more than one occasion... just like a mother would her
unweaned whelp.) M. Green2007
Why is it that when I hold a door open for an empty handed heterosexual man, they'll let me
hold the door while they walk through the doorway?
May the doors of perception open in your minds.
Author: M. Green2007
Children of "god"...
"I don't even like children particularly." Patricia Kenneally-Morrison
Magick happens...
Magick happens or at least sometimes magick happens. What if it happens when you least expect
it to or from whom you least expect it (such as yourself)? What if it is neverending? What if it has always been neverending
and always will be neverending? Even in hell? Are you "man" enough to take it on the chin?
Author: M. Green2007
Hellfire & Damnation...
Some of you seem to be fond of overly loud, rude preaching/ranting that involves scare tactics
and threats. I tire of needing to chase away everybody else's "bogey-man/boogie-man" (not to mention my own) and I intensely
dislike being threatened.
Shame on you for scaring or shaming others into giving you their hard earned money or valuable
time. I am quite capable of scaring myself to a sufficient degree, thanks. I don't really need you to scare me.
Sometimes the "bogey-man/boogie-man" of others is important enough for me to chase away though
so I have to. Some bogey-men/boogie-men don't get chases away so all you can do is stare them down. Some of you even scare
my cats (when I have them). Are you "man" enough to take it on the chin? Opinions may differ.
Author: M. Green2007
"I am going to steal your man away from you. I am going to steal your "boyfriend" away from you." Margaret
(Why would you want him? You've never wanted the ones that you've had. You never want anything else that
I have except money. Why would he want to catch genital herpes (which is incurable) from you? I do seem to like some
(if not all) of your cast offs.)" M. Green2007
The "god" of the "Holy" Bible seems to be fickle.
Author: M. Green2007
Good will & the HIV/AIDS victim...
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
It says to have good will toward men. It does not say to stop having good will toward men.
Author: M. Green 2007
"Death is a black camel, which kneels at the gates of all." Abd-El-Kader(1807?-1883)
What do you do when you ain't an HIV/AIDS victim/pariah but you are treated
like one? What if you are wrongly accused of being one? Do you drink yourself to death?
Author: M. Green 2007
"So now he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man." Mrs. Jacquiline Kennedy, in a tribute
to her husband, Nov. 1964
Sexual Intercourse...
The whole world ain't a nun just because you are gay or don't know how to fuck (or whom
to fuck). The whole world ain't gay just because you are or because you want them to be. There are still a few heterosexuals
fighting for their own identity rather than the one you impose upon them as well as trying to survive.
Author: M. Green2007
"Do as I say, not as I do." Margaret Pluris
Do unto others...
When did I do to some of you what you have done to me? When did this occur to you personally.
Who witnessed this event?
An eye for an eye...
Ro. 12:19
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.
2 Sam. 7:14
I will be his father, and he shall be be my son, If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him,
with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:
Author: M.Green2007
Helping HIV/AIDS victims...
With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:
Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether
he be bond or free.
How many HIV/AIDS victims have you thrown out of church lately? How many HIV/AIDS victims have
you denied the comforts of their religion? How many HIV/AIDS victims have you helped to live lately?
How many bleeding HIV/AIDS victims have you thrown out of church? How many HIV/AIDS victims
have you slandered lately? How many HIV/AIDS victims have you bashed lately? How many HIV/AIDS victims have you disparaged
How many homosexuals have you bashed lately? How many homosexuals have you slandered lately?
How many homsexuals have you disparaged lately? How many bisexuals have you bashed, disparaged or slandered lately? How
many heterosexuals have you bashed, slandered or disparaged lately?
Apparently, you get what you give. You reap what you sow. The Law of Return may bite some of
you in the ass. The Law of Attraction may bite some of you in the ass. Instant Karma is going to get some of you... Karma
in general is going to get some of you.
Some of these are Biblical teachings and some are magickal teachings. Some are Wiccan while
others are not. Some are religious teachings.
How many Wiccans (Witches) have you slandered, bashed or disparaged lately? How many women
or children have you slandered, bashed or disparaged lately? How many Pagans or neo-Pagans have you slandered, bashed
or disparaged lately? How many Satanists have you bashed, slandered or disparaged lately? How many "devil-worshippers" have
you bashed, slandered or disparaged lately?
How many hermaphrodites have you bashed, slandered or disparaged lately? How many transvestites
or transsexuals have you bashed, slandered or disparaged lately? How many people have you given the HIV/AIDS virus (played
"russian roulette with) lately? How many people have you let die of HIV/AIDS lately?
Author: M. Green2007
Death is nature's expert advice to get plenty of life." Goethe (1749-1832)
I still ain’t one and you still ain’t healed one. I ain’t a lesbian just because you
want to shit in somebody else’s mouth. Lesbians supposedly shit in the mouths of other people and they seldom bathe.
Or so I have been told by lesbians as well as non-lesbians. When did I personally shit in your mouth? I’ve also been
told that some gay (homosexual) men sometimes shit in the mouths of other gay (homosexual) men and some of them seldom bathe.
Ain’t life grand?
I ain’t a lesbian just because you want someone to dominate, rape, bash, kill, or otherwise
abuse. I have the right to defend myself and two can dominate.
Author: M. Green2007
Little Red Riding Hood...
"I'm the big, bad wolf." Charles Rhodes
(Not recently.)"I'm going to keep my sheep suit on for you (at least for now)." (Where did I put that wool
tuxedo?)M. Green 2007
"I have eyes in the back of my head." Margaret Pluris
(Do you know & understand what you are seeing though? That is the question.) M. Green
If war is wrong then why are you waging one? Sometimes war is a necessary evil.
Author: M. Green 2007
More definitions:
Gomorrah: "Give me more of that."
Sodom: So, are you done with that?
Author: M. Green 2007
You are one (a contradiction).
He. 9:27
And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Rev. 20:6
Blessed and holy is he that hath no part in the first resurrection: on such the second death
hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Does anybody see a contradiction here? If "we" are only appointed once to die (it says once,
not twice or more) then why is a second death even mentioned?
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak:
This is the religion of "love," huh?
Which Fundamental Baptist minister said there are no contradictions in the Bible?
When I was in Georgia back in '83, some fool told me NOT to pray to be the recipient of wisdom.
She was too late.
Then said I, wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised,
and his words are not heard.
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Sometimes wisdom is the same as understanding.
How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen
than silver.
I have some natural silver in my hair. Some people have hair of gold.
Wisdom is too high for a fool; he openeth not his mouth in the gate.
Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.
Sometimes a public education is to be treasured. They taught me some handy/helpful survival
Author: M. Green 2007
Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent,
forgive him.
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.
If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own
heart, this man's religion is vain.
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Thou shalt not kill.
Which came first? Was it the chicken or the egg?
Author: M. Green 2007
The nature of...
"God", (and I use the term loosely) is apparently interested via the plots/schemes of his followers
in taking/ receiving "the mark of the beast". M. Green2007
You don't necessarily have it or use it when you should. You don't necessarily know who has
wisdom or how they got it. You don't limit the wisdom of others or you may find that you've hung yourself with a noose. it
is one thing for you to pronounce sentence upon yourself and another thing to pronounce sentence upon another.
You ain't necessarily qualified to pronounce sentence on others or yourself just because you
say so.
Author: M. Green 2007
Bashing Gays, Children & Women & Throwing Bleeding People Out of Church...
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea,
than he should offend one of these little ones.
Rumor has it that an HIV/AIDS victim (for whatever reason) was bleeding in one of Jerry falwell's
"churches." I heard the bleeding victim of HIV/AIDS being berated by Jerry Falwell for various reasons. Jerry Falwell offended
more than one person by opening his damned mouth.
Jerry Falwell does not personally "own" every church, altar, pew, building, etc. Jerry Falwell
is not the "Pope."
Author: M. Green 2007
"Perhaps I ain't even welcome at my own funeral and that's why I crawled out of at least one coffin and at least one
grave." M. Green2007
Roe vs. Wade...
Sometimes particular feminists may speak for some of us. I have the right to choose the other
parent of my offspring. You ain't necessarily a quality sperm donor just because you say so. You ain't necessarily the chosen
sperm donor just because you say so.
Author: M. Green 2007
"The longer I live, the more it seems that some (if not all) of you need your noses stuck in the corner
for a time (like a million years)." M. Green2007
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house
or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
Ain't you gone yet? Why ain't you gone yet without my money or physical possessions/worldly
Author: M. Green 2007
"Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as the natural fear in children is increased with
tales, so is the other." Francis Bacon (1561-1620) Essays of Death
The bird...
I know a little bird named, "fuck you." I'm sure you have all seen him. Would you like to see
him again? Would you like him stuck up your...
Author: M. Green 2007
You never take vows for another. I took a
vow of non-silence. I took a vow of wealth. What if I took a vow to screw somebody else up their ass? I took a vow of non-celibacy.
Be careful who you say that you know. Be careful what you say that you know. Be careful who you say it about. I took a vow
to wear trousers on my own body (ass). I took a vow to worship only Satan. I took a vow to defend myself. I took a vow to
build my own Satanic/Witchcraft library. I took a vow to never let you burn or otherwise destroy my property. I took a vow
to build myself a rock & roll record, tape & cd collection. I took a vow
to collect & keep certain things for me. Maybe I took a vow to kick your buttocks (ass) if you took any of my books, sound
recordings, pictures (among many other things) away from me. Do you feel lucky, punk?
If you take my personal property from me it is known as theft regardless of your excuse. I took a vow to forever worship only Satan. Get over it. Some of you talk too much and work too
little. Opinions may vary. They have a local job service that you can visit in your area if you need money. You could see
if your local bank will take your buttocks as collateral. I took a vow to financially & morally support me. Piss on you.
I took a vow to financially & morally support my own ministry. I am legally ordained in the United States whether you
like it or not. I am affiliated and ordained through a legally recognized church whether you like it or not. I took a vow
to pay my tithe only to me whether you like it or not. Piss on you if you don’t. I took a vow to not let you step on
my toes. I took a vow to not let you steal from me. Do you feel lucky, punk?
Some of you presume too much. Some of you assume to much. Do you feel lucky, punk? Do you have the
luck of the Irish and do you know from whence it comes? You may wish you did. Do you carry a rabbit’s foot for luck?
You may wish you did? Do you carry a four leaf clover for luck? You may wish you did.
Author: M. Green2007
“Curses & chains upon
thee…” M. Green2007
"Ode to my second grade teacher who taught me that ain't ain't a word." M. Green 2007 It ain't? It's in
the dictionary... That is merely one opinion ain't it?
You homophobic little $#@%& should be ashamed of yourselves. I thoroughly disapprove of your homophobic attitudes. At least homosexuals for the
most part don't hate each other.
Author: M. Green 2007
The Devil...
The Devil was framed. Some of you tried to frame me so it ain't impossible.
Author: M. Green 2007
Patience is a virtue. The whole world ain't yours just because you want it.
Author: M. Green 2007
"Be in the world but not of the world." Fred Vaught
Whose world are you not supposed to be in? Yours? Mine? Theirs? Being of the world means you
are alive and residing somewhere. if I reside on this world then I do. I can't very well live here and not live here simultaneously.
How am I supposed to go elsewhere?
Author: M. Green 2007
Is Christianity the same as fascism?
Is Christianity the same as communism?
Author: M. Green 2007