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The Burning Times...
   When I was much younger, I decided to investigate the Catholic Church as a possible spiritual home. I would occassionally attend a mass and I asked some questions. I was NOT impressed with their hard sell approach. I was also studying Wicca at the time.
    It did not take long for me to decide against converting to their religion. I ain't real big on kissing the Virgin Mary's ass nor do I see a need to. I also don't understand how she could have been pregnant and still a virgin. It was NOT me that flunked out of sex ed.
   I eventually married a Catholic which I soon remedied. He thought that marrying him meant that I was going to convert to his faith. He failed to say as much before we got married. He also tried to force me to leave everything to his adult children in my will. He refused to have any children by me. There were other issues as well so a divorce became reality. My father began to call me a whore because I had divorced a man. My father has been divorced twice.
   A few years after my divorce, I went to a particular town where I had once resided and tried to get some assistance from the local Catholic charity. They were less than polite. I had never been rude to any of them. I had never asked any assistance from them prior to this time. They did not wish to assist me because I was not a member of their faith nor would not convert to their faith.
   I got a copy of a reference Bible from them while the local Catholic priest watched. He decided to try to convert me which did not work out like he would have wished. We almost got into an argument in public and he proceeded to read me the riot act about the "Song of Solomon." He told me that it was NOT for my eyes and that if I needed any marital advice then he was the man to see. How he could possibly advise anyone since he never has & never will marry is a mystery to me. His parents were married so he knows all was his answer to that one.
   I also had the opportunity to visit with one of the local physicians who promptly accused me of stalking him. He had been my physician in the mid 80s.' I was trying to get a copy of my medical records from him. He tried to have me arrested. He also bragged to me about how he was Catholic and a "Knight of Columbus" and about how he (and others) had attacked me because I would not convert to Catholicism. He asked me if I was ready to convert yet?
    He mocked me for wearing a t-shirt with an inverted pentagram on it in the 80s.' He also stated that he and some other Knights of Columbus as well as a local priest had studied witchcraft. He stated that he was more or less an expert on witchcraft and that his study group practiced it some. He mocked me some more for "hedging my bets" by going to the occassional Catholic mass. I just shook my head. He also stated that he and his study group had been looking for a local witchcraft practitioner then he remembered my inverted pentagram t-shirt and he got a good look at the inverted cross hanging in my trailer. He turned a very bright red and started sputtering. 
   It then occurred to him that perhaps during some of my visits to his church that I had been practicing a religion different than what they were practicing. I did worship the Devil in a Catholic Church during a Catholic mass. I ain't embarassed about it. Then he asked me why "God" had not struck me dead for worshipping the Devil in a Catholic Church during a Catholic mass. He actually looked surprised because I had not been struck dead.
   I have also worshipped the Devil in the middle of a sermon by a Fundamental Baptist minister in the middle of a Fundamental Baptist Church and sometimes it was on a Sunday. I have not attended a Fundamental Baptist Church since the early to mid 80s.' If any of you have mistaken your version of Christian piety for what I am actually doing then that is your dilemma.
   I have been to very few Wicca or Pagan gatherings. I was actually turned away from one for not being their kind of Wiccan. I was excommunicated from a Wicca Church for a. not being their kind of Wiccan b. not being their kind of heterosexual. I never slept with either of the founders nor did I try to or express any interest in doing so. That is not what they said. They support a particular Wiccan priest who is homosexual. They excommunicated me for being homosexual. I refused to sleep with their gay priest (since I knew he was gay, why did he ask?). They like to preach/rant about the "Burning Times." They threatened to make me a victim of the Wiccan Inquisition/Holocaust.
   The "Burning Times" were the Spanish Inquistion & the Salem Witchcraft trials. I was accused of being an "Inquisitor" for the Spanish Inquisition by two Wicca teachers. Their daughter figured out (eventually) that I practice "gothic" Witchcraft. She was surprised. They all forgot that I was once one of their Wicca students and that I know at least the little tricks that they taught me. I have read a bit more than they think though... They all think they can psychically attack me. They are not considered Wiccan by most Wiccans and they ain't Pagan. They told me they ain't Pagan or neo-Pagan yet the H.P. told me that HE is the "Horned God's" ONLY representative. He also confused me with a boy from Ohio that had worked for them.
   They all express a concern that the "Burning Times" might return. I wonder if the "Burning Times" ever ceased.
Author: M. Green2007
   Some "devil-worsippers" attend one or more Catholic masses just because they can. Sometimes it is the thing to do. There is nothing like privately worshipping th Devil during a catholic mass. Peace can molest you when you least expect it.
Author: M.Green2007

"The Devil is abler for us than any man." unknown Scottish witch

Wiccan banned book list:


   The following is a list of books that no moral, ethical and/or respectable Wiccan will read, as they have been known to corrupt the unwary and/or weary and are a threat to spiritual and social advancement. I’m also too polite to mention that you’re too immature to the following banned (forbidden) books:


1.     The Holy Bible

2.     The Catholic Bible

3.     The Koran

4.     General Ethics, Joseph R. Sullivan, S. J.

5.     Anything by Sigmund Freud

6.     Anything by Cotton Mather

7.     K.K.K. handbook

8.     The writings of L. Ron Hubbard

9.     The writings of Oliver Cromwell

10.                         The writings of King James VI of Scotland

11.                         Kierkegard

12.                         Karl Marx

13.                         The writings of the Venerable Bede

14.                         The writings of Rev. Jerry Falwell

15.                         The writings of Rev. Pat Robertson

16.                         The writings of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury

17.                         The Talmud

18.                         The Torah

19.                         The writings of John Calvin

20.                         The writings of St. Thomas Aquinas

21.                         The writings (scribblings) of every Roman Catholic “Pope”

22.                         Tantric Yoga: The Royal Path to Raising Kundalini Power, S. Gavin & Yvonne Frost

23.                         The Book of Mormon, Translated by Joseph Smith

24.                         The writings of Joseph Smith

25.                         The writings of S. Gavin and/or Yvonne Frost

26.                         The Magic Power of Witchcraft, S. Gavin & Yvonne Frost

27.                         The Witches Bible, S. Gavin & Yvonne Frost

28.                         The Satanic Witch, Anton Szandor LaVey

29.                         The writings of Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury

30.                         Malleus Maleficarum- The Witches’ Hammer, Heinrich Kramer & Jacob Sprenger

31.                         The writings of Rev. Montague Summers

32.                         Disquisitionum Magicarum Libri Sex- Six Books on Magic Questions, Martin Del Rio

33.                         Compendium Maleficarum, Francesco Guazzo

34.                         Discours des Sorciers, Henri Boguet

35.                         De la Démonomanie des sorciers, Jean Bodin

36.                         Demonolatreiae Libri Tres, Nicholas Remy

37.                          The writings of Increase Mather

38.                         Demonology, King James I of England

39.                         Fortalicium Fidei (Fortress of the Faith), Alphonsus de Spina

40.                         The writings of Michael Stapirius

41.                         Quaestiones Quodlibetales, Thomas Aquinas

42.                         The Inquisitor’s Manual, Bernardus Guidonis

43.                         Tractatus de Officio Sanctissimae Inquisitionis, Caesar Carena

44.                         Sacrum Tribunal Judicum in Causis Sanctae Fidei, Franciscus Bordonis

45.                         Manuale Consultorium in Causis Sanctae Officii, Franciscus Bordonis

46.                         Tractatus de Calcatione Demonum, Nicholas Jacquier

47.                         Flagellum Haereticorum Fascinariorum (A Flail Against the Heresy of Witchcraft), Nicholas Jacquier

48.                         Little Book on Witches, Girolamo Visconti

49.                         Opus de Magica Superstitione  (Book About Belief in Magic), Pedro Sanchez Cirvelo

50.                         Quaestio de Strigibus, Bartolommeo Spina

51.                         Formicarius (The Anthill), Johannes Nider

52.                         Praeceptorium Divinae Legis, Johannes Nider

53.                         Disquitionum Magicarum, Martin Antoine Del Rio

54.                         The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, John Webster

55.                         Compendium Maleficarum (Handbook of Witches), Francesco-Maria Guazzo

56.                         Tractatus de Hereticus et Sortilegiis (Treatise on Heretics and Witches), Paulus Grillandus

57.                         Discourse concerning the mercy of God, in preserving us from the power and malice of evil spirits, Sir Matthew hale

58.                         Discovery of Witches, Matthew Hopkins

59.                         Grand Juge de St. Claude, au Comte de Bougogne, Henri Boguet

60.                         Discours des Sorciers, Henri Boguet

61.                         Pandaemonium, Richard Bovet

62.                         Practica Rerum Criminalum, Benedict Carpzov

63.                         Tractatus de Confessonibus Maleficorum et Sagarum (treatises on Confessions by Evildoers and Witches), Peter Binsfield

64.                         Commentarius, Peter Binsfield

65.                         De Lamiis et Phitonicis Mulieribus (Concerning Female Sorcerers and Soothsayers), Ulrich Molitor

66.                         Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft, William Perkins

67.                         Strix (The Witch), Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola

68.                         Specimen Juridicum de Nefando Lamiarum cum Diablo Coitu, Johannes Henricus Pott

69.                         Tableau de l‛inconstance des mauvais anges et Démons ( Description of the Inconsistency of Evil Angels), Pierre de Lancre

70.                         L’Incrédulité et méscréance du sortilčge (Incredulity and Misbelief of Enchantment), Pierre de Lancre

71.                         Du Sortelčge, Pierre de Lancre

72.                         Layenspiegel, Ulric Tengler

73.                         Praxis Rerum Criminalium, Joost Damhouder

74.                         Country Justice, Michael Dalton

75.                         Strigimagarum Daemonumque Mirandis, Sylvester Prierias

76.                         The Devil Is an Ass, Ben Jonson

77.                         Manuale Exorcistarum, Candidus Brognolus Bergomensi

78.                         Geography of Witchcraft, Montague Summers

79.                         The Kingdom of Darkness, Nathaniel Crouch

80.                         Invisible World Newly Discovered, John Darrell

81.                         Commentarius Juridicus, Peter Ostermann

82.                         De Demonialitate et Incubis et Succubis, Ludovico Maria Sinisrari

83.                         Les Sorciers, Daneau Lambert

84.                         De Spectris, Lemuibus et Magis, Ludwig Lavater

85.                         The Certainty of the World of Spirits, Richard Baxter

86.                         A Complete History of Magic, Richard Boulton

87.                         Admirable History, Sebastien Michaelis

88.                         Opera Omnia, Ambroise Pare

89.                         Tractatus contra Demonum Invocatores, Jean Vineti

90.                         Buch aller verbotenen Kunst, Unglaubens and der Zauberei, Johann Hartlieb

91.                         Flagellum Haereticorum Fascinariorium, Nicholas Jacquier

92.                         Fortalicium Fidei, Alphonsus De Spina

93.                         Lamiarum sive Striarum Opusculum, Girolamo Visconti

94.                         Tractatus de Superstitionibus, Martin de Arles

95.                         Flagellum Maleficorum, Petrus Mamor

96.                         Tractatus de Haereticis, Ambrogio de Vignati

97.                         Quastio de Strigis, Bergamo de Jordanes

98.                         Liber Adversus Magicas Artes, Jean Vincent

99.                         Bull: “Summis desiderantes affectibus,” Innocent VIII

100.                   Dialogus in Magicarum Artium Destructionem, Symphorien Champier

101.                   Die Emeis, Geiler von Kaysersberg

102.                   Liber Octo Questionum, Trithemius

103.                   Antipalus Maleficiorum, Trithemius

104.                   De Strigiis (in Lucerna Inquisitorum), Bernard de Como

105.                   Tractatus de Hereticis et Sortilegiis, Paulus Grillandus

106.                   Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler

107.                   The Development of Capitalism in Russia, Vladimir Ilich Lenin

108.                   Materialism and Empirio-Criricism, Vladimir Ilich Lenin

109.                   Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Vladimir Ilich Lenin

110.                   The State and Revolution, Vladimir Ilich Lenin

111.                   Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin

112.                   Treatise of Witchcraft, Alexander Roberts

113.                   Mystery of Witchcraft, Thomas Cooper

114.                   Guide to Grand Jurymen, Richard Bernard

115.                   Antidote Against Atheism, Henry More

116.                   Discovery of the Imposture of Witchcraft, John Brinley

117.                   Saducismus Triumphatus, Joseph Glanvill

118.                   Melampronoeia, or a Discourse on the Polity and Kingdom of Darkness, Henry Hallywell

119.                   Treatise of Spirits, John Beaumont

120.                   Select Cases of Conscience Touching Witches and Witchcraft, John Gaule

121.                   Advertisement to the Jurymen of England, Robert Filmer

122.                   Memorable Providences, Cotton Mather

123.                   Enchiridion, Joost Damhouder

124.                   Rituale Romanum, Pope Paul V

125.                   Life of St. Hilary, Jerome

126.                   Enchiridium, Vincentius von Berg

127.                   Flagellum Demonum: Exorcismos Terribiles, Potentissimos et Efficaces, Girolamo Menghi

128.                   Scourge of the Devils, Girolamo Menghi

129.                   Alexicacon, Candidus Brognolus

130.                   Greater Catechism, Martin Luther




   It sounds like what I pick off of my clothes on laundry day. "You are giving up cigarettes, soda pop, sugar, etc. for Lent." Well, no. I ain't. Are you giving up sex for lent?
Author: M. Green2007




   God is dead just ask the Beatles and the Farrars.


“My love will drive you insane.” KISS


   What if this is all “God” can do? What if “God” will/can only make you insane? Opinions may vary.  God is gay (homosexual). What if He is? God is bisexual. What if “God” is bisexual? If “God” is satisfied with the way I practice my religion then who are you to complain? If “God” is pissed at me then He knows where to find me. I doubt He’d hire your Ineptness as a messenger boy. Let Him pay you.

     If your “God” created it all then a part of  “Him” goes to Hell every time “He” sends someone there whether “He” admits it or is willing to admit it or not. You’re in the service of “God?” Let “Him” pay you. What if you have my eternal reward confused with your own?  What if you have my earthly reward confused with your own? What if you’ve confused somebody else’s eternal reward with mine? What if you’ve confused somebody else’s earthly reward with mine? What if you’ve already overspent  your allotment? What if you’ve confused your suffering with mine? What if you’ve confused somebody else’s suffering with mine? Opinions may differ. “Word is saving God.” My computer said so. What if God needs saved?


Tit. 2:11


   For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,



“Let’s keep this money machine rolling…” Jim Morrison (The Doors)


“The show must go on.” Freddie Mercury (Queen)


Author:  M. Green2007


God pt.2…


   God is frigid. God is ever frigid. God is sterile. God is ever sterile. God is impotent. God is ever impotent. God is a transvestite. God is ever a transvestite. God is fertile. God is ever fertile. God is incognito. God is ever incognito. God is dressed in “drag.” God is ever dressed in “drag.” God is a transsexual. God is ever a transsexual. God is never you. God is never in you. God is never peace. God is never love. God is never satisfaction.


Author: M. Green2007


“I’m the only Hell my mama ever raised.” M. Green2007

“I am going to say that you are Jesus Christ. After all, you deserve the very best cruci”fiction.” M. Green2007

Galileo Galilee…


   Galileo Galilee was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church for stating that the world is round. I am of mixed Indo-European heritage and a citizen times three of the United States of America. Some of my ancestors traveled to North America by boat. They did NOT fall off the edge of the then known world. If you were drunk & dancing on a table top you might fall off. A tabletop may be much smaller than the town in which you reside and/or know of.

    I was born in Indiana. I currently reside in Arizona. They are NOT the same place or very near each other. I was taught in a public school that the world is round. Balls are round. Some of you have a type of them between your legs. Baseballs are round. Soccer balls are round. Basketballs are round. Squares are square. Pyramids are shaped like pyramids. Triangles are triangular. It is not impossible that the world upon which we live is round. I traveled far from the place I was born and eventually I wound up here in Arizona (not Oklahoma). How do you explain the fact that I did NOT fall off the edge of a flat earth? Gee, Sherlock, maybe the world ain’t flat as the Roman Catholic Church supposed or at least stated.

    You Roman Catholics can excommunicate me too if you like. I know what Kevlar is & how to wear it and I can find out where to buy it. I can privately worship the Devil named Satan in a Roman Catholic church without anyone knowing that I am doing so. What else don’t you “people” who are Roman Catholic know? Excommunicate me. See if I care. Your brand of “truth” can be replaced. It already has been.

   Curses & chains upon thee…  for your treatment of Galileo Galilee. Curses & chains upon thee for your behaviour toward Galileo Galilee. Curses & chains upon thee for supporting the Spanish Inquisition. Curses & chains upon thee for supporting the European Witchcraft trials. Curses & chains upon thee for supporting the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Curses & chains upon thee in general forever. Curses & chains upon thee for supporting the Scottish Witchcraft Trials. Curses & chains upon thee for supporting the English Witchcraft Trials. Curses & chains upon thee for being Roman Catholic. Curses & chains upon thee for being Protestant. Curses & chains upon thee for being Moslem. Curses & chains upon thee for being Mormon. Curses & chains upon thee for being Jewish. Curses & chains upon thee for the Irish Potato Famine. Did I omit anyone? Is anyone insulted because I omitted them? Curses & chains upon you too then.


Author: M. Green2007


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   I am the webmaster of this site but that doesn't necessarily mean that I am the only one with access to it or that I get to approve everything that goes on it. I don't necessarily get to check it regularly nor do I necessarily have regular access to a computer to access it and assess the contents.
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Author: M. Green 2007