Rock of ages...
"If there ain't sex in heaven then I don't want to go." Bishop Smith
"Ditto." M. Green
"If there ain't rock & roll in heaven then I don't want to go." M. Green
"Rock & roll is the music of the Devil." Rev. Fred Vaught (among others)
"No as in never." M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The temptation of the serpent…
Gen. 3:4,5
And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof , then your eyes
shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
How has the serpent tempted you today? Did you bash any gays/homosexuals? Did you bash any women? Did you bash any children? Did you bash any homeless people?
Did you throw any gays/homosexuals out of church? Did you bash any HIV/AIDS victims?
Did you criticize the alternative lifestyle of somebody else today?
Did you laugh at the fact that people are dying of HIV/AIDS?
Did you say that HIV/AIDS is the judgment of God upon the gay/homosexual community? How were you tempted today?
Did you criticize the music someone else preferred to hear or
perform? Did you criticize somebody else’s manner of dress? Did you criticize somebody else’s personal habits,
beliefs, ideas, opinions or actions? How were you tempted today? I just opened some eyes.
Author: M. Green, 2008
The crucifiction & homosexuality…
In 1978 when I was thirteen years old I was crucified for being gay/homosexual. The problem with that is that I’m
not gay. There were three of us crucified on my school lawn that day and I was the only one nailed to a cross. At least I
did not have to share a cross with either of those other two females. The other two were tied to a cross with rope. We were
all three crucified for being gay/homosexual. That was the first time.
I was not gay/homosexual then and in this lifetime I have yet to be gay. I’m certainly not obligated to prove
it to your naïve, worthless ass/self. What do you know again? I’m not quite senile yet. Some of you need a reality check.
I am not amused or impressed..
Author: M. Green, 2008
Revisiting Moses & his heat stroke...
Ex. 34:33,34
And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a vail on
his face.
But when Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he
took the vail off, until he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded.
Gen. 24:65
For she had said unto the servant, what man is this that walketh
in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself.
"Until he came out..." That's the phrase they use
when a homosexual finally proclaims openly his/her homosexuality. They call it "coming out." If you look at Ex.34:34 it plainly
states that Moses put on a vail when he came out. Hmmm.
Moses wore a vail, brides wear vails. A veil is a vail. Nuns
wear veils. Moslem women wear veils. Bandits sometimes cover the lower parts of their faces with a bandana to veil their identity.
Hmmm. What are we to surmise from all of this?
If you read Gen.24:65 you will find that a woman donned a vail
when someone was coming just like Moses. Hmm. Moses was either gay/homosexual or female.
Author: M. Green,2008
The Inquisition...
The Protestant Church in general was founded in opposition
to the Catholic Church. I find it curious that various Protestants took part in the Witchcraft trials as judges & juries
just like some Catholics. They both participated in condemning witches during the same time period but they supposedly hate
each other. The also accused each other of witchcraft during these same witchcraft trials.
If they hate each other so much then why did each of them condemn
witchcraft and persecute so many? They disagree on so many points but they both thought they should persecute witches. The
answer is their greed. They were tempted to satiate their greed and they did not resist temptation.
They also forgot to practice the Bible teachings that they
like to naively & rudely shove down the throats of others. This is my assessment of the Spanish Inquistion which is also
known as The Inquisition. Whenever any of you are "witnessing" to others about your religion you are being rude & naive.
You were warned.
Author: M. Green,2008
White slavery…
of you will argue whether or not white slaves exist but you’re not one, are you? Whites are rather notorious for enslaving
other whites just in case you naively thought that your black race was the only one to ever be enslaved. Just ask the Irish
who were forced to work for the railroads among others. Just ask me. White slavery should have been abolished before black
slavery. Now you know. White slavery is just as illegal as any other kind according to the U. S. Constitution. Think about
it before you call me “bitch.”
If somebody called someone that you care about (such as your mother) a “bitch” then it
would not be a term of endearment. I may not find it so endearing when and if you naively call me a “bitch.” What
then? If you call me a “bitch” then a “bitch” is what you are. Now you know. Some of you have this
naïve opinion about feminists who won’t naively let you enslave them. The feminists are not the ones who are wrong.
You’re never the “head of my household” because I’d rather buy me beer or a new suit.
Author: M. Green, 2008
You might just be a naive...
You're such an inept prude that you're even inept at being a prude. You were warned...
Sexually expressing yourself…
I was listening to the radio this morning & they were interviewing an Englishman
and getting his perspective on the Anglican decision to ordain women as bishops & the
Anglican view on homosexual
bishops within the Anglican Church. Some or for ordaining women bishops & some are against ordaining women as bishops.
A great many are criticizing openly gay Anglican bishops. They seem to naively think that openly
gay bishops should be celibate if they want to be a bishop while heterosexuals should not be celibate.
My view is that homosexuals are not less sexual than the heterosexuals so why should only the gays/homosexuals
be celibate if they want to be an Anglican bishop? Heterosexuals are not necessarily more sexually moral than gays/homosexuals
just because they’re heterosexuals. Many heterosexuals will not think it wrong to secretly have an illicit affair while
they are married nor do they necessarily find it wrong to visit a prostitute should they get an itch or two. Some heterosexuals
are kinky aside from all this. Many heterosexual couples practice sodomy & sometimes with each other…
Gays/homosexuals are not necessarily less sexually oriented than heterosexuals nor are they less
in need of relationships than heterosexuals. Gays are not necessarily less sexually oriented than heterosexuals nor are they
necessarily more sexually oriented than heterosexuals. The same can be said of bisexuals.
What it comes down to is that the way we each express our sexuality varies. The way we express ourselves
sexually can vary. It may vary within each group. Everybody who is heterosexual may not necessarily agree with the way you
express your sexuality. A heterosexual woman may disagree with a heterosexual male, a homosexual with another homosexual of
the same gender & a bisexual with another bisexual. This is not to mention the heterosexual women that disagree with each
Your Christian Bible tells you repeatedly not to judge the actions/deeds of others because you’re
not GOD! You’re just HIS mouthpiece. You’re omniscient, omnipresent or omnipotent. Your Christian Bible basically
tells you that you’re naïve. I tend to agree with this last statement. You are naïve. You can quote me.
Women should be ordained as bishops & so should those who are openly gay/homosexual. If you heterosexual
bishops are willing to be celibate then perhaps everybody else should consider it but that is not what you want. You want
to pleasure yourselves with any woman who strikes your naïve heterosexual fancy. There is no valid reason for an Anglican
bishop who is openly gay/homosexual to be celibate just because he is gay & a Protestant bishop because he (or she now)
is not a nun nor are they studying to become one.
It is the Catholic Church that is rather infamous for controlling
(or wanting to control) the sex lives of others. Protestants are not Catholics. Why would any self-respecting Protestant
want to be like a naïve Catholic in this regard or any other? Why would any self-respecting Protestant want to believe like
a naïve Catholic in this regard or any other? It is also some Catholic clergy/priests who have been accused & confessed
to sodomizing minor children (among other sexual acts) and Catholic priests are supposed to be celibate according to their
chosen belief system. Some Catholic priests have been relieved of their ministry by their own “Church” because
of the fact that they were not celibate.
Author: M. Green, 2008
1 Cor. 3: 16,17
Know ye not that ye are the temple of Satan, and that the Spirit
of Satan dwelleth in you?
If any man defile the temple of Satan, him shall Satan destroy;
for the temple of Satan is unholy, which temple ye are.
My body is my temple not yours. If you defile my temple your
ass is grass. You need to bend over and kiss your ass/buttocks goodbye. Now would be good.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Love: you’re a moron in rut
I practice a universal religion that is hated by almost everyone
and it ain’t ever Catholicism. What do you do for a living?
Author: m. Green,2008
Turning gay…
A gay/homosexual male acquaintance of mine told me that a woman could mentally turn
herself into a gay/homosexual man by listening to a lot of gay/homosexual musicians/singers. I’m female. I recently
started listening to Sir Elton John at night. Thanks to the computer I can do this. Granted I am limited to listening to the
same cd all night unless I wake up & change it. I have no idea if this theory about turning someone gay/homosexual actually
works or not. I should have asked him how you tell if it’s working. I have noticed that I sleep a bit better…
I’m heterosexual. I have no problem with being even more heterosexual… Has anybody ever
heard of this? I’m curious as to whether this theory actually works. I also like to listen to Sir Elton John. Have any
of you actually tried this? Have you tried it on anyone else? I’m just curious… I’ve heard of brainwashing
tactics of course. In this case, am I trying to brainwash myself? Are there subliminal messages on Elton John albums? If it
works I’ll probably laugh. If this works, can I patent this method?
I’m trying to get my fingers on a stereo. I have this old T. Rex album that I need to dust
off… I’ve also been listening to a bit of David Bowie. If this works, I may just have to try it on somebody else
just because I have this odd sense of humor… I’ve listened to Sir Elton John for years anyway… A little
more won’t kill me. I also like “heavy metal.” I guess I’ll have to drag out the Judas Priest…
and the Queen… I knew some of these guys were gay before they “came out.” They also write/perform some fine
Maybe I’m a little weird. Most of the musicians that I listen to are male. Most of the cds
that I buy for my own personal enjoyment feature male singers or another male musician. This has been the case for many years.
It’s just the way of things.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Childish things...
1 Col. 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became
a man, I put away childish things.
Why are some of you still practicing the religion of your childhood or childhood understanding?
When are you going to put away childish things (like your every thought?)
Author: M. Green, 2008
A Louvier nun & the Papal Inquisition…
Madeleine Bavent was one of the Louviers nuns. She confessed to witchcraft in 1647? And was imprisoned. While she was
imprisoned she tried to commit suicide stopping her menstrual flow with bandages. I guess she never heard of tampons. Have
The whole case revolved around
her confessors wanting everyone to pray nude or semi-nude and her becoming pregnant by one of them. She later claimed to have
been raped by one of her priests.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Sexual Enlightenment,
It’s not that certain men are sexually unattractive because some of them are but everybody ain’t “in
love” with you just because you have a “hard on” or are “horny.” I’m soon going to lose
track of the number of people who have asked me to marry them just because they are sexually aroused or the number of people
who mistake that sexually aware/lustful look in my eyes as a proposition.
You say it about others because
I’ve heard you but you never say it about yourselves. Oddly enough, some of you have a “hard on” or are
“horny” for God. You’re really just plain old “horny” for sexual release and you’re too
naïve to know it and that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m mentally putting me in your bed. I find men who are
gay/homosexual more sexually attractive than heterosexuals for whatever reason but I respect their choice. Men who are gay/homosexual
have the sexiest eyes.
According to “The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft
& Demonology” by Rossell Hope Robbins there are recorded instances of Catholic priests & nuns “getting
it on” (having carnal relations) with each other and they confessed to it and were accused of Witchcraft by the papal
There are modern day Catholic priests who confess
to sodomizing some of their own younger parishioners. Many Protestant ministers are married. It seems that even today the
urge to procreate and/or just enjoy a quick tumble in the hay still exists. You are not immune!
Author: M. Green, 2008
Things are weird all over…
“You have guruitis.” Revs. S. (Sidney) Gavin Frost
& Yvonne Frost, ca. 1997
“You just came to this Wiccan gathering for an orgy.” Revs. S. (Sidney) Gavin Frost, ca. 1996
“Why are you following me to my motel room uninvited? Your door is over there?” M. Green, ca. 1996
Author: M. Green, 2008
Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their
faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face
That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father,
which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
“For if his health is not
robust, if he suffers from a retching of black bile, if his body is wasted through excessive fasting or want of sleep; if
he is injured in the brain, or is excessively timid and subject to violent clouding
of the imagination, none such (visions) are to be credited. For such men, even
when awake, think they see, hear or taste that which is not there to be seen, heard or tasted; for the devil very easily deludes
them, since they eagerly accept and believe the image of false appearances.” Francesco-Maria Guazzo, Compendium Maleficorum
A person is subject to hallucinations especially when he is starving, very nervous, or deranged.
During the Inquisition & Witchcraft trials many of those accused of Witchcraft were or
were nearly starved and/or forced to fast. Some of those accused of Witchcraft in predominantly Protestant areas were actually
Catholic where Catholicism was equated with Witchcraft.
It has been acceptable in the Christian community for Christians to fast. Many of these fasting Christians
claim to have “Holy” visions of various Saints or angels and/or receive “Holy” answers and/or advice.
It remains a scientific fact that extreme hunger and/or thirst in any human (regardless of their religious affiliation or
lack of one) can cause hallucinations.
Pardon me for NOT being impressed with your religious/spiritual visions/deductions caused by your
fasting. Your “Divine Inspiration” is nothing more than an hallucination. You hallucinate the existence of your
Guazzo was an early “witch-finder” during the Witchcraft trials. He claimed that
people are easier to delude when they are hungry or nervous and it is the Devil who does the deluding. Does this also apply
to Christians? Yes. It is especially true of Christians, Moslems & Jews. Christians, Moslems & Jews are even easier
to delude. The proof that Christians, Moslems &Jews are deluded is the fact that they are Christians, Moslems & Jews.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
The Wicked Witch…
get you and your little friends too.” Margaret Pluris, USA
“Where is the great & powerful Oz when you really need him or a pail of water?”
get: 1. strike 2. kill 3. baffle
4. defeat
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
Christmas fruitcakes…
I never liked them. Mine were always stale. A fruitcake
is a queer/homosexual (among other things.) You are a fruitcake.
Fruitcake: 1. a cake with fruit in it 2. queer/homosexual 3. an
insane person
Fruit: 1. queer/homosexual
Queer: 1. odd 2. homosexual
Square: 1. not hip
Hip: 1. fashionable 2. sophisticated 3. aware 4. of hippies 5.
to become (or be) informed about something (anything)
not very hip. You’re a square. Is it really hip to be square? I can call you a fruitcake and you’ll never know
what I really mean. If you don’t know what I mean then you cannot call me insane. Don’t blame me for your squareness.
It’d be a miracle if you’d become informed about anything (for a change.)
Things are
not as complicated as you thought. You’re just not hip. If you actually like fruitcakes then you are queer. It’s
not hip to like fruitcakes either. Yuck! If you give me a fruitcake then you obviously want it stuck up your ass/anus though
I’m much too polite to say so.
It is almost
impossible to get rid of an unwanted fruitcake. I speak from experience. Nobody else likes them either. Whenever I have an
unwanted fruitcake nobody else wants it either. Mine always go in the trash/rubbish bin. You have to round file them to get
rid of them.
You only get
fruitcake at Christmas (at least where I come from.) When I was a kid I spent
alternating Christmases with alternating parents. Jesus was born on Christmas. You only get fruitcake at Christmas.
There is also
Christmas in July though this may just be a North American trend. I have at least one cousin who was born in July. I was born
in August and am a Leo.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Where have you been?
United States & England are Sodom & Gomorrah.” Rev. Jerry Falwell
is heaven.” M. Green, 2008
Women are not
ever allowed into heaven just ask any Jew or the Jewish tradition. You don’t make heirs/babies in heaven. Only men are
allowed in heaven so you are going to either fuck a man or be fucked by a man in heaven. Infertility is the religion of heaven.
Judaism is barren. Christianity is barren. Islam is barren. You’re barren.
Author: M. Green, 2008
The Man in Black…
seems to be some debate in some circles concerning the “Man in Black.”
The “Man in Black” usually does NOT refer to a Catholic priest. The “Man in Black” is the officiating
High Priest at a Witches’ Sabbat. Some would call the “Man in Black”
a Pagan and others would call him a Satanist. Still others might call him Wiccan.
You call him either mister or “sir.” The “Man in Black” is the thireenth member of a Witches’
coven. He is the Grand Master and the representative of Satan. The “Man in Black” is a sorcerer or what some might
call a Warlock.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
Not for the innocent…
My paternal Grandfather hated musicians but he liked to listen to music. He tried to make everybody
quit playing whichever musical instrument they preferred to play. I was also taught that angels play harps in heaven and that
when I die I will sit on a cloud and play a harp. A harp is a stringed instrument and so is a guitar and a piano. What if
I prefer to play my musical instrument now? There are no assurances that I’ll even get to heaven and if there ain’t
rock and roll in heaven then I don’t want to go. That pretty much tells me where I ain’t going.
My paternal Grandfather died a poor man and he was not a musician. Many musicians are wealthier than
he & they’re not all necessarily millionaires though some may be. If nothing else musicians are wealthy in music
and harmonies. I think the bigotry of my paternal Grandfather caused him more poverty than many people realize. I was disowned
by some of his kin because I study music when I can. They have yet to realize that I’m not crying about the loss of
their companionship because they had already been disowned by me and they are going to stay that way forever and a day.
If my paternal Grandfather is in heaven taking music away from people which sounds like the case
then I don’t want to go to heaven. I don’t need some half-illiterate idiot with no culture as opposed to my limited
exposure to culture like my uncultured paternal Grandfather telling me how to enjoy eternity & ruining my good time. Who
died and made him God? Nobody.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Respectable bums…
biological father has been divorced twice (thankfully from two different women as opposed to the same one.) His second wife
worked as a nurse & helped him repay some of his business debts so now he expects every other female in existence to do
likewise. I’m never his wife. He’s never getting any money from me. Unless I become his business partner on paper
& I have controlling interest it ain’t gonna happen. The first thing I’d do is fire him.
His father was a farmer and never had any success at managing a business either. I’m not loaning
any of those relatives any money & I’m not giving them any either. I don’t care how “hard” their
lives are. They should have worked a little harder. All the help I ever get from them is that snobby little piece of verbal
My biological father & at least one step-father could not successfully manage their own business
because they were to lazy to apply themselves (work.) They erringly think that their balls make them special. There are other
fish in the sea. I can maybe find someone with balls to associate with. Some of them like to criticize people like Elton John.
At least he has balls. I’m not afraid to look for someone to be with who is not interested in me just for money. I know
when someone is looking at me and seeing dollar signs.
My step-fathers ceased to be important when I discovered that they have no brain or heart and they
never have/had either. My biological father is no better. I’m never important to my biological father because either
I’m not a boy/male or I don’t give him an orgasm. Those are his words. He has failed to notice that his orgasms
are never my first priority and they are never supposed to be. I’m never willing to be traded for a beer or $50,000.00
worth of beer for my father to ingest & then piss into the nearest gutter. He’s not that special.
My biological father is a lazy, naïve, egotistical & self-righteous bum who has outwardly learned
how to falsely appear to be respectable. He graduated from high school and then was trained by Caterpillar to repair their
equipment but he refuses to prove that he learned anything. He refuses to work at anything except wallowing in his own self-pity
so he is a bum.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Self righteous egotism…
Matt. 23:11
But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
You think you are better than me. You think you are more respectable than me. You think you are never
wrong. You think you are never unwise. Guess again. According to the Bible that some of you believe in you will be less later
than what you are now. You may be Mr. Popularity now but you will be less later. You snub me now. You will be snubbed later.
I just got an early start on snubbing you. I’m not the one who started it.
You treat me like I’m nothing. You will be treated like nothing later. My health is not important
now. Your health will not be important later. My happiness is not important now. Your happiness will not be important later.
My desires are not important now. Your desires will not be important later. Guess what? It’s later than you think.
Author: M. Green, 2008
The bitch is back…
And you’re it! Two can use hateful terminology. Some of you can dish it out but you can’t take it. How
does it feel to be on the other end of the conversation? You don’t like being called a bitch and others might not either.
If I’m a dog then so are you. My mother already knows that she is a bitch because her father told her so and he told
her mother the same thing. Descendants of bitches must be bitches. His mother was a bitch from what I’ve been told and
some of your mothers are bitches whether you like it or not. Some of you have even told me so. I see the point the old bastard
was trying to make. May he rest in peace.
You inherit certain characteristics from your parents genetically
and bitchiness may just be one of those things you inherit. Don’t blame it all on your mother because your father inherited
certain traits/characteristics from his parents. Outwardly you be male and inwardly/mentally/spiritually you may be female.
Have any of you ever pondered that idea? Outwardly you may be female and inwardly/mentally/spiritually male. Have you ever
pondered that idea? Most of you never bother with that much soul searching.
You don’t ever call a nice person a bitch or you are not
nice/polite & bitches are not nice/polite. You are never polite. What are you?
Author: M. Green, 2008
Lost souls…
It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again;
and was lost, and is found.
There seems to be a difference of opinion here. I’m not lost. I know exactly where I am.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Lawyers, Guns & Money…
bought my biological mother a double barrel derringer and somebody got shot with it. I’ve had it pointed at me a time
or two. I’ve found myself standing at the wrong end of a loaded derringer. It’s the wrong end of the gun if I’m
not controlling the trigger. What are we to infer from this?
news reports are all full of stories about psychopaths with guns. Everybody wants to outlaw everybody else’s gun and
they want to give guns back to known felons. The surviving family of the man who got shot with that derringer that belonged
to my mother wound up with that derringer and they planned on giving it back to my mother. What’s wrong with this picture?
my mother has been trying to force me to buy life insurance on myself just like she did my late step-father who was shot with
her derringer. It ain’t ever going to occur. She has already made it quite plain that she wants me dead.
Author: M. Green, 2008
The Illuminati…
Illuminati believed/believe that a person filled with the Holy Ghost/Spirit could/can do no sin, that he should worship God
naked and that when practicing inward quietness and/or devotion any act was/is irreproachable.
The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Demonology: Rossell
Hope Robbins
Illuminati.” Rev. S. (Sidney) Gavin Frost
“We're Wiccan." Rev. S. (Sidney) Gavin Frost
An eye for an eye…
Ex. 21:24
Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Most people are familiar with this Bible verse. Not many Christians live it. The verse means that
if you poke out my eye then you lose an eye of your own in the name of justice. If you cut off my hand then you lose a hand
of your own in the name of justice. If you steal my cow then you give me at least one of your cows.
I know many people who will use every excuse in the book to hurt me. They will sometimes even purposely
perjure themselves. What happens when they find out that they wrongly accused me? Nothing. I have to live with whatever mistake
that they made. I don’t have to further tolerate their hateful countenance. I can put me someplace they are not. That
is my right. I am not required to be their friend. I am not required to be nice though sometimes I am polite. Politeness can
be mistaken for love and/or friendship and/or forgiveness.
I know people who adhere to the “eye for an eye” doctrine who are not Christian until
they discover that they are wrong. Then they either run like hell or flaunt it in my face. I’ve even known people to
hurt me because they erringly think that I believe in the “eye for an eye” doctrine. The fact that I’ve
never hurt them seems to always escape their attention. The fact that they cannot prove my guilt also seems to escape their
I’ve even had some who thought they needed to teach me a lesson. The only thing they have taught
me is that they know how to hate and that it’s me they hate. They don’t ever have a valid reason to hate. For
some reason they just can’t seem to find anything else to do. Some of them have been or are unemployed when they are
Instead of hating the husband who is abusing/beating them they hate me. If I try to stop the abuse
they hate me and they hate me if I don’t try to stop the abuse. They hate me when I try to be companionable and they
hate me when I don’t. The only thing they love is my money. They never hate my money. They never hate their own hate.
They hate love or any reasonable facsimile thereof. They never hate their own greed but they hate it when I have money for
food for myself. They never hate their own laziness but heaven forbid that I have 5 minutes to myself. They hate it that they
are getting nothing for the nothing they do for me.
I may get annoyed when you purposely step on my toes to cause me pain. What’s your point? That
is my right. I also have the right to defend myself. You hate that too. You hate the fact that I decided that you don’t
yet know it all. What’s your point? I’m never wrong. Some of you have even said so. You hate that too. You hate
what you don’t understand and you never understand me. You may like to think you do but you don’t.
I am past the point of living my life in a way that only makes everybody else happy and never makes
me happy. You hate it when I have hope. You hate being wrong and you’re always wrong. What’s your point? You hate
being ignored but you love to ignore others. You hate the fact that I have a brain and you don’t know how to use it
or your own. What’s your point? You hate it when I exercise my will. At least I have one (unlike you.)
An eye for an eye. Do you really want to lose one of your own? I doubt if you’d miss it because
you never use it for seeing/looking anyway. What else don’t you use? Opinions may vary. The only thing most of you use
is your mouth and what you need to use it for is “playing the flute.” If your mouth were full you’d make
fewer stupid comments than you do.
Playing the flute: 1.
sucking cock (penis)
Author: M. Green, 2008
Cain & Abel…
John 3:12
Not as Cain, who was of that wickedness, and slew his brother, And wherefore slew he him? Because
his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.
“You’re Cain.” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never. Cain was physically a boy and I’m not. I was a grain farmer. What was
Abel? Abel was a grain farmer.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The problem is that every Christian preacher whom I’ve ever met erringly thinks that his rudeness
will be tolerated and they do get rude, hateful & mean. There is no excuse for rudeness. You’re not telling me anything
that I cannot read for myself. The problem is that I don’t care what your favorite book is and I don’t find any
joyful news in your Holy Bible. It does make a handy paperweight though. I’m not paying you to read me something that
I can read for myself & have already read. I don’t need to hear your hateful opinion so you are being rude.
You like to tell everybody else how sinful they are but you never recognize your own hatefulness.
You never recognize your own rudeness/disrespectfulness. It’s there you just don’t see it. You cannot hate &
preach a message of love. I don’t need to hear how much you love/hate others. You don’t know how to preach about
love because you don’t know what love is. Similarly, you don’t know what my “sins” are & I don’t
have to say. I’m female & I’m a sodomite. What’s your naïve point? How many of you erringly thought
that only men are sodomites? What’s my crime again? I enjoy men and you’re not mature enough to be one. Is that
what you’re saying? You don’t have the maturity to satisfy a woman. How choice. You hate sodomites so you hate
me. The difference between a male sodomite & a female sodomite is that I’m never apologizing for being a sodomite
in this one horse town. Don’t even ask. Any questions?
There are privacy laws. These are federal laws in the U.S. and I am a U.S. citizen times 3. I was
born in the U.S.A to U.S. citizens. If you decide to peep in my windows (which is illegal) then you may get the eyeful that
you deserve. How dare you tell me how to satisfy a man when you don’t even know how yourself. How dare you tell me what
satisfies me. There is no law that says I must endure a boring sex life with a naïve prude. It is rude of you to tell me what
type of sex I must enjoy. Would you like it if I told you what type of sex you must enjoy? You enjoy never having sex. How
do you like that?
Christianity, Islam & Judaism should be outlawed. You all want to outlaw other religions. I’ve
heard it said (in public.) You all erringly think you are holier than everybody else. You’re not. Now you know. You
want thinking to be illegal. I disagree. Despite your self-righteous egotism you are never qualified to think for me or even
The Holy Bible in all of its forms (even the Catholic ones) should be banned. Then you’d
have to broaden your horizons and read something else. Gospel music should be banned. Then you’d have to listen to something
else. Your morals should be banned. Then you’d have to do something else. Your preaching should be banned. Then you’d
have to go get a real job instead of being the bum that you are. I don’t have to be a Christian to know what your mistakes/sins
are and point them out to you. That was your first mistake.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Ex. 20:15
Thou shalt not steal.
I have told you repeatedly not to steal from me. I have told you repeatedly not to take things away
from me. You never listen. You never know what you are hearing when you hear it. You lie to yourselves about what you are
guilty of. You lie to yourselves about your virtues. You don’t have any virtues or morals. No. You can’t have
that either. Not now. Not ever.
You are reciting the Bible.” Mrs. Fred Vaught (among others)
“No as in never. You are being told not to steal from me as usual. You people are airheads.
If you believe your Bible then why aren’t you actually practicing your religion?” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Kill or be killed…
I put you here (my sperm fertilized the egg that put you here) and I can take you off (kill you.) I am a good Christian.”
William E. Green
Ex. 20:13
Thou shalt not kill.
“You’re perpetually disowned. I have the right to defend myself even against the
sorry likes of you. You might want to go hide behind the skirt your mother is wearing.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
War heroes…
Matt. 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must
come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Be ye not troubled… Don’t trouble yourselves enough to join in the fighting. In
other words don’t fight. You thought I was going to say something else? This may be what this verse means. Maybe you’re
not the hero you thought you were.
Rev. 6:4
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take
peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
I have a sword. I keep it locked up. It’s not the first sword I’ve ever owned either.
I rode a horse named “Reddy” once. Hmmm. Curiouser and curiouser.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I’m already potty trained. Thanx. You trained the wrong child in the wrong way. You are a child
of God and I see how rude you are. I see your hate. I see your hypocrisy. I see your snobbery. I see you for what you are.
I see you for what you represent. I reject you.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Pillars of salt…
Gen. 19:26
But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
Salt & sulphur are two main components of a successful exorcism. You crave what you need. I crave
“You can’t have any salt. I forbid it.” Rev. Yvonne Frost
“Yes I can and I can have it right now.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Acts 16:17
The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These males are handmaidens of God, which shew
unto us the way of salvation.
1 Tim. 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Prov. 12:4
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.
1 Cor. 11:5
But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that
is even all one as if she were shaven.
1 Cor. 11: 15
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is giving her covering.
Eph. 5:22
Wives submit yourselves to your husbands, as unto the Lord.
Eph. 5:33
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see
that she reverence her husband.
Eph. 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the
saviour of the body.
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
Gen. 1:27
So God created man in his image, in the image of God created he him; male & female created he
Gen. 2:22
And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto man.
1 Pet. 3:1
Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also
may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery
with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
She looketh well to the ways of he household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
1 Tim.2:9
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety;
not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1 Pet. 3:2
While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
Gen. 24:65
For she had said unto the servant, what man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the
servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself.
Handmaiden: 1. woman, girl or a female servant 2. handmaid
Reverence: awe, respect, love
Wife: a married woman
Men are female. This is according to the KJV Bible. Therefore, men are to be silent. Men are to have
long hair. Men are to cover their heads. Women are to be silent. Women are to
have long hair. Women are to cover their heads. Why don’t you tell me about why you are rudely screaming at me again.
You’re the female. I’m not.
Why are you wearing pants instead of a skirt? Why aren’t you home caring for the children?
Why have you not yet prepared my dinner? Why have you not yet cleaned your dwelling? Why are your female fingers wrapped around
my money? Why are you standing behind that pulpit? Why is your naïve mouth flying open? You’re the “little”
woman. I’m not. Why aren’t you submitting to me? Why are you being disrespectful to me? You’re the woman.
I’m not. Prepare to be used. You’re the woman. I’m not. Where’s YOUR dowry? You’re the woman.
I’m not.
Why aren’t you sober? Why aren’t you working? Why are you idle? Why are you telling me
how to spend my money? Why aren’t you home breast-feeding your babies? Why aren’t you more demure? Why aren’t
you more feminine? You’re the woman. I’m not. Why are you not shamefaced? Why are you not fearful? Why
do you wear such costly garments? Why are you not wearing a vail? You're the woman. I'm not. God is a woman/female. Just ask
Merlin Stone and the Holy Bible.
Author: Michelle Green,
2008 ©
Anal sex…
know better than you how to sexually satisfy a man.” Margaret Pluris
“Why won’t
you make love to me any more?” Doug Williams
“I’m never
going to make love to you again because you gave me genital herpes.” Margaret Pluris
“Do tell.”
M. Green, 2008
Legality & Gay marriages...
1 Cor. 7:9
But if they cannot contain,
let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn (with unfulfilled desire.)
The words
in parenthesis are mine. The rest of the verse is KJV. What thought first came to your mind when you read this verse? Who
are you kidding? It ain't ever me. There is never a valid argument opposing the legalization of gay marriages. It is better
for them to marry each other if that is their desire than not.
That is my opinion whether
you like it or not. I make no apologies for my opinion. Whether or not you like my opinion may or may not be important. If
you disagree with me then your opinion is never important.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Holy writ…
“Those writings
are not sacred/holy because they are not in our Bible.” Various
“The reason these writings are not in your Bible
is because you don’t have the intellect/wit to write them.” M. Green, 2008
I have
heard the first remark so many times it makes me nauseous. Now you have my rebuttal to/about your naïve criticisms about everything
NOT found in the Bible or based upon your naïve interpretation of the Bible or whichever “Holy Writ” (sacred text)
you naively favor (consider sacred) this year.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Eve was created
from the rib of Adam.” The Holy Bible
eve: evening
Eve was framed.
Author: M. Green, 2008
How to stop an Inquisition…
the Inquisition it was popular to torture people in order to get confessions from those accused as witches as well as a list
of their accomplices. Catholics, Protestants and others were executed as witches.
I know
how to put at least a dent in their fun. I know thw names of at least a few Catholic priests and other Catholics as well as
some Protestants and others.
would you like to be on the other end of the questions? I know some Wiccans who have been shot at. I know some gays/homosexuals
who have been bashed. I know a divorced female who has been bashed.
some circles it’s popular/fashionable to bash Wiccans, homosexuals, divorced women, daughters, sisters, wives &
I am Pagan/Wiccan
(a Witch.)
You want a list of my accomplices. Here’s a list
for you:
Pope Benedict
Pope John Paul
Rev. Ron Zgunda
Dr. James Poirier
James Ellis
Jean Ellis
John R. Ellis
Marilyn J. Divine
Rita J. Fuhrman
John T. Ellis
Every Inquisitor
Every Catholic
Every Catholic priest
Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger
Theodore Rumovicz
Roger D. Green
Elizabeth J. Guy
All of you
Emily (Fougerouse) Abels
Rev. Leo? Kunkler
Rev. Kessler
All of them
Rev. Lewis Williams
Rev. Fred Vaught
Rev. Jerry Falwell
Rev. Cooper
Mildred Marie Rumovicz
Rosetta Green
Robert (Bob) Green
Jill Green
Sue (Sanders) Green
William E. Green
Margaret (Peggy) Ratliff
Burl Terrell
Lois Terrell
George H. Bush
George W. Bush
All of you
Gary Green
Marilee Williams
Kimberly Dawn Holt
Rhonda Green
Mary Ann Haverly
Ronald Ball
Sharon Ball
Terry Terrell
Rev. Ed Ballew
Rev. Roloff
All of them
Margaret (Ratliff) Pluris
All of you
All of them
Marshall Snelling
All of you
All of them
Patricia A. Arnold
Linda K. Ratliff
Thairon Ratliff
Rev. S. (Sidney) Gavin Frost
Rev. Yvonne Frost
Bronwyn Frost
Rev. LaBette Kemp
J.T. Kemp
Dwight Emrich
All of you
All of them
Emily (Fougerouse) Abels
All of you
All of them
I put the finger on you! I have a new student. Now you
have to try yourselves for the “crime” of Witchcraft because someone has testified against you.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“You’re too
young to have/bear children.” Rosetta Green
“No as in never.
I have my menstrual period. Thanx.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Role reversals…
“I was a prison
bitch (though not because of you.” Marshall Snelling
“You bitch.” Earl Ratliff
“I’m a bitch.” Dwight Emrich
“I’m a bitch.” Charles Rhodes
“You bitch.” Margaret Pluris
“You bitch.” William (Bill) E. Green
do bitches do? A bitch sucks cock. Bitches suck my cock.
“Suck my cock.” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
Biblical divination…
1. prophecy
spirits: 1. channeled spirit 2. a demon spirit in the shape/form of an animal.
shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or
an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
Holy Bible is full of prophecies yet according to the Bible itself prophesying is wrong. This would seem to be proof of your
own Christian/Jewish heresy and hypocrisy. It’s all a matter of perspective/opinion. Mediums “channel” a
variety of spirits.
Some examples of Biblical/Christian/Jewish divination/prophecy
“The new Pope will be elected when we see enough
smoke.” John R. Ellis (among others)
“Armageddon is just a hairsbreadth away.” Peggy
Ratliff (among others)
“HIV/AIDS is the judgment of God upon gays (homosexuals.)”
Rev. Jerry Falwell
Not every gay/homosexual is dead yet so this is considered
divination/prophecy. It is divination/prophecy because it has yet to occur to all gays/homosexuals and the Rev. Falwell is
attempting to foretell the future of all gays/homosexuals.
“You are a hellbound sinner.” various
Author: M. Green, 2008
“You’re marrying
me after you go thru menopause.” Thairon Ratliff
“No as in never.”
M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
I could almost love you…
this is what God would like to tell you and maybe it is all that God ever has to say. He could almost love you. Maybe you
need to tell him the same. According to some only God inspires all writings which does nothing to explain how this got written
or how many other things have gotten written. It does nothing to explain how atheists manage to write anything
I could almost love you and you need to know it.
God is the only inspiration then why were some of the works of Galileo Galilee (among others) banned by the Catholic Church.
Why does the Vatican have control over some rare secular/scientific manuscripts? The Catholic Church considers them unwholesome.
How can anything divinely inspired be unwholesome? The Vatican can go suck a raw egg (to say the least.) I’m trying
to be polite about it for once. The Vatican is naïve & wrong. I don’t care if you like my opinion or not. Somebody
needs to say it.
Baptists are just as naïve & wrong because they like to burn books & other things. Everybody is not as immature as
they. They don’t like this opinion. That’s too bad. They also need to be told. Somebody needs to say it. You don’t
like it because you’re not mature enough to handle it or be involved with it. You don’t like me because you’re
too immature to be involved with me. Shit happens.
Author: M. green, 2008
Whereabouts unknown...
I sometimes
do a people search on the internet. I'm spying on them from a distance. We're estranged & I want to make sure they don't
move next door. Today I decided to look for myself. I could not find myself (I know where I am.) I just don't want everybody
to know where I am. I'm such an asshole for not sending my enemies my address.
Author: M. Green, 2008
In a nutshell…
a naïve little bastard.
“You only want/need/deserve an orgasm (pleasure/made
love to) when I’m trying to make/beget a baby.” William E. Green
“No (as in never.) You only deserve an orgasm/made
love to/pleasure when I’m trying to beget a baby. You only want/need to have an orgasm when I’m trying to beget
babies/heirs. You stand corrected motherfucker.” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green,2008
“You’re an
underage runaway.” Hinton Sheriff
“No as in never.
You’re naïve & out of your league. Parents don't get custody of their children forever.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The ice cream man…
People come in different flavors. There are heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals & asexuals
(and maybe a few nobody has ever thought of.) There are those who like bondage and not just being the dominating one either.
There are those who like leather. There are those who like lace. There are those who like latex rubber. There are those who
like feathers. There are those who like oils (possibly a certain flavor.) There are those who like oral sex. There are those
who like anal sex. There are those who prefer “doggy style.” There are even those who have no style. What you
may consider a normal sexual act may not seem normal to somebody else. Nobody has asked me my thoughts on the matter yet.
You’d be surprised just what I do think.
I remember buying ice cream from the ice cream man once or twice as a kid. Everybody has his or her
own favorite flavor. Some people prefer vanilla. Others prefer chocolate. Some people like neither of the latter but delve
off into an adventure of mint or pralines & cream. Some people just boldly delve off into the unknown & try something
they’ve never tried before. If it isn’t a flavor you like then go for the flavor you do like. This applies to
sex as well as ice cream. Everybody may not be your type just because you’re “horny.” You may not be everybody
else’s type just because you’re “horny.” It may not feel good to everybody else just because you like
Homosexuality may just be nature’s way off telling us that the world is overpopulated
or maybe nature is trying to tell us something else entirely. Nobody else has ever bothered to consider this but what if?
Remember that Froggie the cat/feline was gay/homosexual. I think he got eaten by a hawk. Don’t blame me for his untimely
demise. I found his sexual preference rather amusing but then I knew Froggie. He was always trying to get laid & there
are fewer gay/homosexual male felines in my neighborhood than there are female cats/felines. I don’t know if Froggie
ever got laid but I rather hope that he did.
There are some among you (notably Catholics) who consider having sex “doggie style” to
be an act of bestiality. Cats, dogs & other animals often have sex in this position but some of you think it’s wrong
for a person to imitate an animal by mimicking them during sexual intercourse. Mimicking animals may be the way that cave
men fucked. It may be how people learned how to fuck. “Doggie style” seems to be a natural sexual act and maybe
the one that you prefer that ain’t “doggie style” ain’t natural either. Many of you claim that homosexuality
is unnatural too. Froggie did not think so. Neither do I and I’m not homosexual. I find it rather curious that those
who don’t have sex at all (Catholic priests) are naively trying to dictate the sex lives of others and some of you are
naively trying to imitate the naïve Catholic priests.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Life is absurd…
Catholic Church tried to excommunicate me and I’m not even Catholic. I’ve never been Catholic. I’ll never
be Catholic. Can anyone explain this to me? I can’t seem to stop laughing. This is absurd if anything is. Pardon me
if I don’t understand.
Author: M. Green, 2008
When I was a kid living at home (as well as other
times) there were a lot of women/females getting in my bed or coming into my bedroom. If you get in my bed then tou're the
one who is gay/homosexual and that ain't my dilemma. I ain't the one who tempted you to be gay and I ain't the one who invited
you into my bed.
It seems there are a lot of people trying
to climb into my bed without a proper invitation. They are also prone to inviting themselves into my bedroom. My bedroom is
my sanctuary within the sanctuary of my home.
Author: M. Green, 2008
I stole your love...
“You think I’m “in
love” with you because I “took” your virginity.” William E. Green (my biological father)
“No as in never. You’re
a naïve, disgusting piece of shit from nowhere. You’re just too stupid to masturbate.” M. Green, 2008
Eph. 5:28
So ought
men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
your wife (spouse) doesn't eat then you are not treating her as you would treat yourself. If your wife is not worthy of your
love then you are not worthy of your love. I can just here you all growling in disagreement from here. Too bad.
If your wife
is not enjoying herself then you have no right to enjoyment. If your wife has to freeze her kneecaps off because she is wearing
a skirt in the wintertime instead of warm pants then you should also be wearing a skirt. You don't understand if it ain't
you suffering.
If pants
are appropriate for you to wear then they are appropriate for your wife to wear also. I can just hear you Fundamental
Baptists roaring in disagreement from here. You're all naive. Get over it!
If your wife
disagrees with you then maybe she knows something that you don't. Maybe she knows how you are failing to love her. I say that
at least some of you are egotistical enough to believe that if you are happy then everyone else is. If you disagree with me
then that is your damned dilemma.
I'm never
apologizing to you for actually being able to think independently of you. That's my perogative. It's my job to insure my own
happiness & well-being. It is hardly my fault that you're a failure at this. If your wife is not having an orgasm then
you don't ever need one. This is my informed opinion. I've watched you & I've listened to you and I perpetually disagree
with you. Heal thyself of being naive.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Gay bashing…
“You don’t
gay bash men?!?” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never.
They can buy guns to defend themselves with. How stupid are you? Opinions may vary.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Death & the ressurection...
1 Cor. 15:3,4
For I delivered
unto you first of all that which I also receiveth, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that
he was buried, and that he rose again (from sleep or a coma) the third day according to the scriptures.
And maybe
he died laughing. In more modern times I have been pronounced dead & have even woke up in a coffin at a funeral parlor.
I'm 41 years old. If they don't know what dead is now they probably did not know what it was then. Think about it.
Author: M. Green, 2008
"Cleanliness is next to
Godliness." Various
"Is that why I can smell
your ass from 90 paces? I just showered so I know I'm not smelling my own filth." M. Green, 2008
love of money is the root of all evil." The Holy Bible
1 Tim. 6:10
For the love of money
is the root of all evil: which while some have coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through
with many sorrows.
It's interesting
that so many of you are trying to relieve me of what little money that I have. Perhaps that is where the true evil lies. Every
time I have ever been to church it has more or less been stated that the only real reason you'd like for me to attend is so
that you'll get more of my money.
For centuries
various churches have been taking property from its rightful owner. This has not really changed much. You churches don't need
my money nearly as much as I need it. Get over it! All you different churches are standing there with your lazy fist out and
so are some of you atheists.
Matt. 22:21
Render therefore
unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Have you
paid your own taxes lately? You are never Caesar so your word is the lesser law. Caesar's word is perpetually more important.
Pardon me while I pay my federal taxes and perpetually ignore you while I avoid charges of tax evasion. There is no law stating
that you are wiser than everybody else.
There are
worse things than obeying most of the laws that a particular government creates. There is a time to disagree with government
though and that is when the government is imposing silly laws such as outlawing women wearing pants. I could easily name others.
Prohibition comes readily to mind as another bit of silliness imposed by a government. Illegalization of same sex marriages
is another silly law imposed by a government as is illegalization of abortion & illegalization of marijuana. I don't smoke
marijuana but there are those who do.
I have the
right to defend myself but there are those who would like to take away my gun and who tell me to keep silent. I may need to
speak or shoot someone to adequately defend myself or what is mine.
I have the
right to tell you that you are making a mistake or already have or that you are naive. I'm not obligated to be polite about
it. There is no law stating that I must be polite to an utter jack-ass/fool and if there is then it's another one of those
silly laws. Your mother would not be polite if you were being an utter jack-ass/fool. Why should I?
Your advanced
age or church affiliation may not prevent you from being an utter jack-ass/fool either. Don't kid yourselves. The fact that
you only want to hear nice things about yourselves does NOT mean that you're NOT behaving like a total jack-ass/fool and some
of you are just plain rude. Your egotism does not save you from being a fool.
Another interpretation
might be that I'll obey your silly law and then I'll see you in Hell. I will laugh if you have to kiss my ass in Hell.
Lev. 19:18
Thou shalt not avenge,
nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord.
Matt. 7:1
Judge not, that ye be
not judged.
I've never
even seen you try. Why don't you quit volunteering information about people such as myself whom you know nothing about? You
erringly think that everyone is just utterly bedazzled with your naive ass/self and maybe they're not.
Author: M. Green,2008
bitch.” Margaret Pluris
"You bitch." Dwight Emrich
Look who’s talking.
You’re the ugliest and most naïve bitch/hag in the west.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
"I'm a Moslem. You probably
expect to be treated as a Christian would be treated but it ain't gonna happen because I ain'y Christian." Marshall Snelling
"You are clueless. I'm
NOT ever Moslem or Christian and you may not get treated the way you expect. I'm Wiccan." M. Green
"You need a wake up call.
My ex-wife is a Wiccan High Priestess and you won't like it if I take you to one of her circles and she helps me." Marshall
"You threatened me. She's
wanting one of her tits cut off and you're wanting your balls cut off then? I practice in the left-hand path. My Master does
not ever forbid me to defend myself. You don't ever want to see my face again." M. Green
“I’ll buy you a house if I’m
wrong about you.” Bob Green
“You’d never believe that you
were wrong even if you caught yourself committing the crime in question.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
This means you…
Ex. 20: 3
Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 4-6
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any
likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:
for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me,
and keep my commandments.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 7
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;
for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 8-10
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God:
in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,
nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
This means you!
Ex. 20: 12
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be
long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 13
Thou shalt no kill.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 14
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 15
Thou shalt not steal.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 16
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
This means you!
Ex. 20: 17
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt
not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is
thy neighbor’s.
This means you!
name is still not “thou” so none of these commandments apply to me. How many of you wear a cross? A cross is a
graven image. It is a likeness of something under the heavens/sky. A crucifix is a graven image. A statue of a “saint”
is a graven image.
Some of you
claim that Saturday is the day of the Sabbath and some of you say the Sunday is the Sabbath. What if Wednesday is actually
the first day of the week? How many of you make your cattle work? About the only thing the cattle around here do is eat.
many of you have fought in a war? How many of you killed someone in self-defense? How many of you have had an extra marital
affair? How many of you take things without asking just because you have deluded yourself into believing that it is yours
or that it should be yours?
many of you tell lies? Even little ones. How many of you covet your neighbor’s cute buttocks? How many of you covet
somebody else’s time like when you want them to attend your church? How many of you covet the soul of another? How many
of you covet the body of another? How many of you covet your neighbor’s car or truck? How many of you covet your neighbor’s
real estate?
many of you are gay men who don’t covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his daughter? You are gay because you don’t
covet women? Gay men are keeping the Biblical commandment not to covet at least where women are concerned. Many of you cannot
say the same thing.
Bible also says to be fruitful and multiply. How is one supposed to be fruitful and multiply if one is not sexually attracted
to the opposite gender? It must be difficult to say the least. My biological father told me that he’s thinking about
drinking beer with his male friends while he is having sexual intercourse with his wife.
That almost sounds gay. When you combine this statement
of his with the fact that I’ve seen him wearing a dress it really sounds gay. I suspect that both of my parents are
“in the closet.”
virgins are naively trying to tell me what to do… That’ll be the day (when I die.) So, you think you’re
a dominatrix (male homosexual/drag queen.) You naively think that you’re the “toppermost of the poppermost.” I beg to differ, Cherie. (Au contraire, motherfucker.) They have it coming, Elton,
trust me. For once I’m glad that I’m different. It may not pay very well but it’s slightly less embarrassing.
If I were them I’d be ashamed to show my face. You people are always an embarrassment. Can I go back to bed now?
In the closet: 1. secretly gay/homosexual
so you know, some women consider themselves gay/homosexual and they freely call themselves gay and they mean homosexual just
like some gay men call themselves gay and mean homosexual. I don’t know why. Gay usually refers to homosexual men just
ask a gay man. I knew this last bit when I was still a little wet behind the ears, which was many years ago and nobody had
to tell me.
I grew
up in a time and places where homosexual men were called “gay” and homosexual women were not. I lived in various
places during my childhood and not all of those places were small towns. Bloomington, In. is not an overly large town but
it does have a renowned college that many foreigners attend so it does have at least a small degree of sophistication and
at least one gay bar/pub.
I learned
a great deal about the gay/homosexual community from my peers who were mostly heterosexual so how they’d know anything
about the gay/homosexual community remains a mystery to me. They were so wet behind the ears that I’m surprised that
they could find their own asses but that’s another story for another time.
I should “kiss & tell” like the rest of you but I prefer my privacy and I always have. My sex life is the
one aspect of my life that is my private space. If you really want to know then I’ll have to charge a small admission
fee. Porn is not free. At least good porn is not free. I’ve also seen some bad porn that was not free. It’s not
prostitution. It’s pornography. If you really want to know then you pay at the admission booth. There’s more than
one way to make a nickel…
makes you think you’re entitled to a free education? I’m not just charging admission because you are watching
but because you’re going to make some silly/dimwitted comment. I have been known to have sex with the lights on. Some
men have cute hairy chests. What can I say? I usually prefer sex in the dark because I don’t find my own body particularly
attractive so I don’t want anybody else to see it. It’s not porn anyway. It’s art. A man with a hairy chest
is a work of art. I’m female so I can legally say that.
got to look at somebody’s chest hairs and I certainly don’t have any, nor do some of you for that matter. I need
a hairy chest every once in a while whether you like it or not. I saw this good photograph of Sir Elton John with a few of
his chest hairs showing. He’s cute in a bowtie too. That top hat of his is killer. He looks good/tasty enough to lick
and you don’t. Ain’t that a shame? Vanilla has its’ virtues. You’ve never heard of chocolate syrup
or strawberry topping? Sir Elton John looks thoroughly lickable to me and he looks like he needs licked like one licks an
ice cream cone or a candy cane. I’ve been known to lick a candy cane and the occasional ice cream cone. What can I say?
it hot in here or is it just me? I’ve been known to like vanilla. It goes well with chocolate syrup (among other things)
and sometimes it’s just tasty alone. Gay or not, Sir Elton John is a still handsome guy. Somebody ought to dump some
chocolate syrup on him and then lick it off.
you know that early colonial Americans such as George Washington had this weird fondness of ice cream? Vanilla ice cream goes
well with chocolate syrup, strawberry topping, butterscotch topping, chocolate cake, various pies and other things, especially
during the heat of summer.
Author: M. Green
should be legal just in case one of you naive Fundamental Baptists decide to get in my bed. Abortion should be legal just
in case one of you naive people decide to get in my bed."
Author: M. Green, 2008
The Rainbow Tribe…
“We’re renaming
the “Rainbow Tribe” and we’re going to call it the “Rainbow Coalition.” Elizabeth J. Guy
“No as in never
because I founded one of the “Rainbow Tribes.” There is no “we” and there never will be.” M.
Author: M.Green, 2008
Polite to a fault...
Some people expect something that they are not ever going to get. Your egotistical, naive and rude self is never entitled
to politeness.
Author: M. Green, 2008
The Blair Witch…
I’ve got a corner
that I’d like to stick somebody else’s nose in.
Matt. 7:1
Judge not, that ye be
not judged.
“Mind your own naïve
business.” M. Green, 2008
You had to be there…
“You dumbkopf. I
have a son.” Mrs. Brown
“You’re the
dumbkopf and you’re also rude.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Deut. 18: 10,11
shall not be found any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer
of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
Ex. 22:18
shalt not suffer a witch to live.
1 Sam. 15: 23
rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of
the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
Gal. 5:20,21
witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that
they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
early Celtic Christian writers, firmly believing in the magical powers of the Druids, put these same magical powers into the
hands of the “saints” of the Celtic Church. The victory of Christians over the Druids is represented in native literature as basically a magical one. The Lives
or hagiography of the early saints such as Fechin of Fore, Ciaran, Colmcille, Moling and others are full of saints controlling
the elements, healing, causing invisibility, shape shifting and performing other forms of magic. But all their magical abilities
are ascribed to Christ. Colmcille acclaims: Christ is my Druid.
The tradition
went on even after the Reformation when Presbyterian ministers according, to William Walker’s Six Saints of the Covenant (ed. By Dr. Hay Fleming)
could prophesy, heal, levitate, curse the ungodly and perform acts of magic. As MacCulloch says: ‘The substratum of
primitive belief survives all changes of creed, and the folk impartially attribute magical powers to pagan Druid, Celtic saints,
old crones and witches, and Presbyterian ministers.” Peter Beresford Ellis, A Brief History Of The Druids
Prophesy: 1. divination 2. to predict
Divine: 1. to guess 2. to prophesy 3. to find out by intuition
Divination: the practice of trying to foretell the future
or the unknown
Hex: 1. curse 2. to wish evil upon 3. to wish bad luck
upon 4. incantation
Curse: 1. hex 2. evil coming as if in answer to a curse
3. to call evil down on
Scum: 1. refuse 2. impurities 3. despicable
early Christians cursed others, which is a form of Witchcraft. The various Inquisitions all considered cursing someone to
be a form of Witchcraft.
Matt. 12:35
A good
man out of the treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil
Matt. 12:26
if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
Jn. 3:20
everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds be reproved.
12:26, Matt. 12: 35 & Jn. 3:20 plainly state, that Christians cannot be Christians and curse anybody. You cannot wish
anyone pain & suffering and be a Christian. You cannot cause anyone pain & suffering and be a Christian. You cannot
celebrate the pain & suffering of another and be a Christian.
“AIDS (HIV/AIDS) is the judgment of God on homosexuals.”
Rev. Jerry Falwell
Falwell is celebrating the pain & suffering of people suffering from HIV/AIDS. Jerry Falwell should have been ashamed
of himself like many of you should be ashamed of yourselves if you agree with him.
have tortured others (caused others pain & suffering) during their various Inquisitions so they’re not really Christians.
What are these naïve & rude Inquisitors? Scum.
Author: F. Holiday
hate men.” Thairon Ratliff
“You hate men.”
Margaret Pluris
“No as in never.
You just never are a man. Why is your naïve ass/self in my bed/bower?” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The dark…
“All men look alike in the dark.”
William E. Green
“No as in never. You’re still
the ugliest and most naïve bitch ever on two legs.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Musicians are bums.” Bob Green
“No as in never. You’re the
bum.” M. Green
Children of God…
How many of you remember being chastised by various adults when you were children?
The adult chastising you may not have always been your parent or even a member of your family. I’ve met many people
who claim to be “children of God.” These “children of God” seem to not understand why they would be
chastised for screaming/preaching in somebody else’s face. They also seem to be self-righteously offended when others
chastise them for their rude screaming/preaching.
Nowhere in the Bible does it state that everybody wants to be your captive audience (especially not
in their own living room that you may have rudely invited/bullied your way into.) From personal experience, I can state that
some of you are rude and you do bully people by stating that you have their best interest at heart. The Bible states that
not all want to hear your MESSage/witness. The Bible also tells you what to do if they do not wish to hear your MESSage/witness.
I’ve read where some of you have told others to either convert to Christianity or else perish
by the sword, namely your sword or the sword of your warrior/priests. What does the Bible say about those who will not convert
to your religion? It does NOT say to kill them by planting your sword point up their ass!
Matt. 10:14, KJV (Thompson
Chain Reference Bible)
And whosoever shall not
receive you, nor hear your words, when you depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
A great deal has been written & otherwise stated about the rude, violent, heathenistic
& barbaric religions & lifestyles of others by quite a number of Christians. What does the Bible say about the way
a Christian lifestyle should compare to the lifestyles of others? The Druids were known to execute criminals by burning them
in wicker men. The fact that these same criminals were executed on a Druidic Holy Day and their lives were offered as a sacrifice
is beside the point. They were still criminals & they were still going to be executed. Rather than waste a valuable &
honorable pair of hands as a sacrifice to whichever deity, the Druids offered the lives of criminals as a sacrifice to whichever
respective deity. The Druids sacrificed someone worthless for the good of all.
The Druids were ancient law-givers/judges as well as priests & bards. They judged others within
the confines of the Druidic religion/belief system. Many people today want their own “priests” to be the law-givers/judges
based upon their own religion. I’ve known some Christians in my lifetime and I cannot honestly say that some of them
were/are not at least a little barbaric, rude, violent or heathenistic. The latter is a matter of definition. There is more
than one & not all are commonly used.
The ancient Celts found many Christian customs barbaric when they were first introduced to Christianity.
I cannot say the ancient Celts were entirely wrong. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Many ancient Celts did not see
any beauty in Christianity and maybe they were not wrong. What does the Bible say about being a Christian on this planet/plane
of existence?
2 Cor. 6:17
Wherefore come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you.
The Knights Templar were executed & their property confiscated by the Catholic Church. In order
for this to occur a Catholic had to touch a Knight Templar & Knights Templar property. Because of what they were accused
of the Knights Templar were considered guilty of unclean acts (this has nothing
to do with bathing either.) The definition of “unclean” here is referring to sin. Sins are offenses to God. The
Knights Templar were accused of sodomy which is considered an unclean act even if you bath afterwards. How many of you did
not know this? According to the Bible, sodomy is an unclean act even if you bath afterwards.
Whatever the Knights Templars touched would also have been forbidden to the Catholic Church and everybody
Christian. Whatever wealth the Knights Templars legally owned would have been forbidden to the Catholic Church and everybody
Christian. Everything the Knights Templars touched would have been tainted by their “sin.” Christians are told
in the Bible to separate themselves from those they disagree with. In order to separate themselves from those they disagree
with (their enemies) they have to separate themselves from any & every thing in the world of their enemies. This includes
tangible property such as gold, land, temples as well as other things.
Similarly, whatever is in the world that I live in is what you are to separate yourselves from. I
like rock & roll music. It was once popular in some Christian circles to ridicule and condemn rock & roll music as
sinful. I’ve heard sermons on the subject so I know. In order to separate yourselves from worldliness you’d have
to stop leaving your home to go to work or grocery shopping. You couldn’t wear store bought clothes. You’d never
know rock & roll existed.
To separate yourself from the world/uncleanness you have to forget there is a world the moment
you become Christian. You have to forget that sin exists. You have to forget that others sin. You cannot separate yourself
from sin until & unless you forget it exists the moment you become a Christian. You cannot forget that sodomy exists.
Sodomy is a sin. You are still thinking about the world & the sins of the world because you are thinking about the fact
that the sin of sodomy exists. You have not separated yourself from the world because you still think about the homosexuals
who exist & the sin of sodomy that exists.
In 2 Cor. 6:17, you are plainly told not to touch the unclean thing (sin/world/worldliness.) If you
look at me then your gaze is touching the world. You are told not to touch the unclean thing/world/sin/worldliness. Why is
your gaze touching me? It’s not supposed to be. You are not supposed to notice me or anything that I do or anything
that I have. If you cannot deign to compassionately notice the plight of the HIV/AIDS victim then you similarly should not
be noticing what the rest of us own, what we’re “worth” in terms of wealth, what type of music we listen
to, what we curse at or anything else about us. You have no business preaching about the evils of rock & roll, liquor,
wild women, homosexuality or anything else because you should not be noticing that these things exist. Similarly, you should
not be noticing any surplus of wealth we might have. Nor should you think we might have a surplus of wealth or any wealth
at all.
If we are beneath your notice because we are “worldly” (sinful/unclean) then our money/wealth
is also beneath your notice. I was born on earth. My planet & the wealth of my planet are beneath your notice. Whatever
benefits nature has to bestow upon mankind such as healing herbs, food, coal, oil, etc… is also beneath your notice
because this is our world too. If this is our world too then the world is also worldly/unclean. Just remember, everything
was once unclean/sinful/worldly because you were not Christian and this includes yourself.
You should not even be noticing those women in pants because you are not supposed to notice the world.
You cannot notice the world & be separate from it. If you notice the world then your heart still dwells in the world.
If your heart were not still in the world then what the rest of us do would not even begin to faze you.
I’ve had people ask me why they don’t see me at church or family functions. I’m
no longer Christian because I long ago chose not to be. In the course of many years it has become very obvious that church
& various family functions are not where I need to be. Church & various family functions are the part of the world
that I have separated myself from. 2 Cor. 6:17 says to separate yourself from uncleanness/worldliness/sinfulness. I have separated
myself from particular parties because it is best for me. I decided what was best for me. I decide what is best for me. It
is not your choice to make because my life is not yours.
Let it be known that somebody has the balls/gonads/courage to disagree with you & that person
with balls/gonads/courage is me. I don’t always get my courage out of a bottle either. Being a drunk does not automatically
make you invincible, as I’m sure many a barroom brawler can attest to. I know a drunk who got caught driving drunk by
a local deputy and I know the drunk did not expect to get caught and in fact he thought he would not get caught but that ain’t
exactly how it went down. I’ve heard about it enough to know. He’s almost here more than I am and I live here
and he does not.
I’ve been drinking a little beer, wine, rum and/or whiskey lately. I discovered that it relaxes
me to have a couple of drinks before bed. I also discovered that I needed/need to relax. There are few things that help me
to relax lately. I’m also not completely uncomfortable with who I am in my head/heart. I’ve also noticed that
when I’m relaxed I’m also inclined to speaking more about what’s on my mind.
Some of you may have just noticed that I disagree with you. It ain’t my dilemma. You should
have known better. You’re damned naïve if you think your naïve opinion is the only one that matters because it ain’t.
The Bible even tells you so in Matt. 7:1- Judge not, that ye be not judged. You don’t like me, you don’t like
rock & roll, you don’t like my long hair, you don’t like homosexuals, you don’t like Ford cars &
trucks, you don’t like Catholics, you don’t like Wiccans, you don’t like Satanists, you don’t like
Protestants, you don’t okra, you don’t like washing dirty dishes, you don’t like sleeping alone, you don’t
like whatever it is that you don’t like and I don’t like you. I can judge you for judging me & I can judge
you for judging others. In my judgment/estimation you need a dildo stuck up your anus.
Many of you believe that because you’re Christian you can freely judge others. Others can judge
you. Some of us do. Some of us have. I found you wanting/lacking. I always do. You don’t like it. So?!? If you want
to argue about it I might be able to arrange that. The fact that you want to argue about it might just prove that you’re
a violent psychopath. It might also prove that you don’t know how to turn the other cheek or are unwilling to. If you’re
unwilling to turn the other cheek and walk away before any violence occurs as the Bible tells you to then you’re not
very adept at actually practicing your religion.
Some words are violent/abusive/degrading words and not all of them seem that way to you. If you speak
them then you’re not turning the other cheek. If you argue then you are not turning the other cheek. If you’re
speaking to me then you’re not turning the other cheek.
Speaking of turning the
other cheek…
Matt. 5:38 & 39, KJV
(Thompson Chain Reference Bible)
Ye have heard that it
hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
But I say unto you, That
ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
The Bible may be telling you to “turn the other cheek” because you need a dildo stuck
up your naïve anus/derriere. What have you been trying to stick up my ass lately? Your foot? Your penis? Your Bible? The Bible
also says “an eye for an eye.” If you sodomize me then I get to sodomize you. If you scream/preach in my face
then I get to scream/preach in your face. If I have to wear a skirt/kilt in public then so do you. If I have to wear clown
make-up then so do you. If you get to order me around then I get to order you around. If I have to obey you then you have
to obey me. What comes around goes around. In the Wiccan religion this is known as “The Law of Attraction” and
“The Law of Return.” You get back what you send out.
Ex. 20:13, KJV (Thompson
Chain Reference Bible)
Thou shalt not kill.
By defending myself and/or my views I am also telling you not to kill. What part of that did
you miss? The Bible says you’re not supposed to kill. It doesn’t say a damned thing about me doing it. I don’t
have to see the Bible as only preaching to me. I can also interpret the Bible as preaching to you. You just don’t seem
to be listening or reading or comprehending. You never do. I seldom attend church because I’m not a hypocrite. You can’t
read anything to me that I have not already read & that I cannot read at home. What part of that did you miss?
I don’t feel any great need to seem to be praying in public. There is nothing I need
to say to God in church that I cannot say while in my home. There’s probably nothing I can say to God in church that
he has not already heard while I was in my home. Kiss my anus/asshole comes immediately to mind… Kiss my unholiest of
asses is right behind that… Any questions? Keep them to yourself. When I want your naïve opinion I’ll beat it
out of you. Your opinion is always naïve but I digress again don’t I? Hypocrites like to congregate is what I noticed
about church so I mostly don’t attend church.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Temper tantrums from Hell…
Unlike some of you I can control my temper (sometimes just barely.) The fact
that you’re still breathing is adequate proof of this. I’m continually being criticized for my temper anyway.
Some of you cannot say the same. Some of you have even told me how you tried to kill me or are planning to. It’s not
guns that are the problem. It’s the fact that some of you are on the wrong end of the trigger (and I know which end.)
I know for a fact that I’m not the only person who legally owns a gun. Possession is 9/10 of the law. All is fair in
love & war.
Author: M. Green, 2008
I find it odd that God would rather tell you my vocation than tell me. I’m not ever taking
the type of vow you say or think I am because I’m not. I don’t give a damn if you like it or not. Any vows you
want somebody else to take are probably the ones that you need to take yourself for yourself.
If you want somebody else to take a vow of silence then maybe God is saying that you need to take
a vow of silence. If you say that God wants somebody else to take a vow of silence then maybe God is saying that you need
to take a vow of silence. In fact, I’m sure of it. If you say that God wants somebody else to take a vow of poverty
then maybe you need to take a vow of poverty. If you say that God wants somebody else to take a vow of celibacy then maybe
God wants you to take a vow of celibacy. In fact, I’m sure of it. If you say that God wants somebody else to join a
convent then maybe God wants you to join a convent. In fact, I’m sure of it.
If you say that God wants somebody else to wear a skirt/kilt then maybe God wants you to wear a skirt/kilt.
If you say that God wants somebody else to wear a veil then maybe God wants you to wear a veil. If you say that God wants
you to wear the pants then maybe God wants somebody else to wear the pants instead of you. If you say that God wants you ordained
as his priest/minister then maybe God wants somebody else ordained instead of you. In fact, I’m sure of it.
I seem to be utilizing my right to freedom of speech again don’t I? The U.S. Constitution guarantees
me the right to freedom of speech. The Bible says to obey the laws of the land in which you find yourself in Matt. 22:21.
Matt. 22:21
They say unto him, Caesar’s.
Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are
Presumably you only render to God what is legally yours to begin with and my ass/self ain’t
it and neither is my personal property. I’ve paid the I.R.S. more than they are legally entitled to by virtue of my
poverty this year. If it were not my civic duty to pay my taxes I’d complain (to the I.R.S.) I made a decision to do
my civic duty & pay on my taxes. I cannot afford to pay the I.R.S. all of what I owe this year but I want my taxes paid
too (and probably more than the I.R.S. does) and so I did not complain when they kept my tax refund as I legally could. They’ll
probably keep it next year too. Eventually my taxes will be paid and we’ll all be happy. The tax laws do state that
since my income is far below poverty level that the I.R.S. is not entitled to my refund even if I do owe taxes or some other
government debt that they are trying to collect. Starving to death is not looking overly appealing from here but…
Author: M. Green, 2008
I’ve been accused of diverse & sundry things in my 41 years. Somebody
had the rudeness to accuse me of theft. Possession is 9/10 of the law, which means that if I’ve got it then it’s
legally mine. I’ve had police tell me that the person who physically possesses a thing is it’s rightful &
legal owner. This is in the U.S.A. Let’s see now, I own that and that and that and him and her… Finders, keepers,
losers, weepers. That’s a schoolyard rule/law. According to particular Wicca teachers, life is school until you die
(presumably of old age.) Of course old age only happens to Frosts but I digress.
Author: M. Green, 2008
The ethics committee from Hell…
As luck would have it I have yet to claim to know it all/everything. I still
say that a great number of you are not behaving in an entirely ethical manner. The problem is that few will tell you so quite
as bluntly as I. One slight problem with ethics is that it is unethical to choose what is ethical behaviour for another. Another
is that it is unethical to be ethical. Yet another is that it is ethical to be unethical. The latter two are paradoxes that
you’ll never comprehend.
Many don’t comprehend the fact that I have the right to defend myself. It might be a sin to
kill somebody else even in self-defense but it is also a sin to idly watch you kill me. If I idly watched you kill me then
I would be an accomplice/accessory to murder. In for a penny, in for a pound. Personally, I’d rather not sit idly by
& watch you kill me. What do you think about that?
Author: M. Green, 2008
I have yet to understand why it is popular in some circles to claim that you
have been cuckolded (that your old lady/girlfriend/wife is a whore.) This does seem to be the case though. What do you call
it when a man sleeps around? I’d call it cuckoldry if it were me…but I’m just a tad chauvinistic…
I rather like being chauvinistic… If you can call a spade a spade then so can I. And besides that your mother wears
combat boots… (Snicker. Snicker.)
Author: M. Green, 2008
it schizophrenia or is it delirium?
“Is it live or is it Memorex?” is a line they used to use in some
old Memorex cassette commercials. I was there so I should know. There are times when maybe it would be difficult to determine
whether or not it was live or whether it was a recording on a Memorex cassette.
For many years, I have been vexed by low-grade fevers. I have two digital thermometers so I should
know. I have two because I misplaced one & bought another to replace it and then I found the first one so now I have two.
I only usually check my body temperature when I’m awake (as far as I know.) I have no clue as to whether or not I “sleepwalk.”
Stranger things have been known to occur. At any rate, my fevers may be higher when I’m asleep. I have no way of knowing.
Nobody has ever said.
I was being treated by a psychiatrist who talked to himself because I talked to myself which according
to the unlettered/uneducated was a symptom of schizophrenia. I know someone else who has a B.S. in psychology that regularly
talks to himself & sometimes he even answers himself. If the truth were known, I was not just talking to myself. I was
stating my opinion about certain people or certain things I have had to deal with. I don’t yet live in a vacuum. I also
have these almost continual low-grade fevers to contend with. I suspect that sometimes my fever is not as low as I might like
to believe. I’ve caught it on its way down from 100.
Am I sometimes delirious because of my fevers? I have no clue but I have not yet ruled it out as
a possibility. People who are delirious do sometimes verbally rant & rave about all sorts of things. I have pointed out
to many people that delirium is not schizophrenia. I have actually had nurses argue with me about it. I know how to read a
thermometer & sometimes I boldly do so. It’s not my fault that they have not & so don’t know the truth.
I recently took yet another round of a sulfa based antibiotic and I don’t really care to discuss
the outcome. Let’s just say that my sinuses are still cleaning themselves of a great amount of various colored mucous
of every known type. Words cannot describe what has come out of my sinuses and I did not know that so much could be located
in my sinuses. I know for a fact that it was not anything that I purposely placed there.
I woke up in the middle of the night last week & found dried mucous under my eye. I’m guessing
it came out of my eye. I no longer wonder why the headaches that have been plaguing me were/are so fierce. My eye feels a
bit better and I don’t wonder why. That ¾-dried, thick discharge from my eye explains some of my eye pain. I probably
should go check with my Nurse Practitioner about it just to make sure that my eyes are okay but as of this moment I don’t
have the money. I had “pink eye” very bad when I was very small and I do remember being treated for it & waking
up with my eyes matted shut because of the “pink eye.” This would not be the first time that I’ve had it.
I suppose I should not be surprised but I might be anyway. The discharge from my eye surprised me. I had a cheek full that’s
for sure. I was last told that my eyes were fine but I have to wonder.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Being critical of others…
seems like everybody is so critical of others lately. Your hair’s too long. Your hair’s too short. Your skirt
is too long. Your skirt is too short. You talk too much. You never talk to me. You’re seeing too much kneecap. You’re
seeing too little kneecap. You smoke too many (tobacco) cigarettes. You smoke too few (tobacco) cigarettes. You drink too
much alcohol. You don’t drink enough alcoholic beverages.
You attend church too much. You attend church too little. You read too much. You read too little.
You’re showing too much kneecap. You’re not showing enough kneecap. You’re not feminine enough. You’re
too feminine. Your music is too loud. Your music is not loud enough. You’re doing this wrong. You’re doing that
wrong. Yada. Yada. Yada.
You’re seeing too much ass cheek/buttocks. You’re not seeing enough ass cheek/buttocks.
You’re showing too much ass cheek/buttocks. You’re not showing enough ass cheek/buttocks. What do others really
see when they look at you? Do they see too much ass cheek/buttocks or too little ass cheek/buttocks? Hmmm. You don’t
really want to know. Trust me. You don’t. You won’t like it either way.
That’s it dear, just turn your other ass cheek this way & bend over… The Bible does
say that you’re supposed to “turn the other cheek.” What if it means something a bit different than you’ve
been thinking? It does mean something different now because I just mentioned it & you never thought of it.
Author: M. Green, 2008
1 Sam. 15: 23
For rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected
the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
Eccle. 3:1
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.
There is even a time to rebel against your naïve, egotistical & self-righteous opinion and that time is always
now. I do have a question. How is it that it is always proper for you to rebel against my authority? You’re a nobody.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
What heaven consists of…
Jn. 14:2
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would
have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.
What if there are mansions for Satanists (Devil-worshippers,) apostates, Pagans, Wiccans, infidels & heretics? It might be lonely without us. You won’t have anybody to abuse if we’re
not there and therefore won’t have any fun without us. Heaven is supposed to be a fun place.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
1 Cor. 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man I put
away childish things.
Your understanding has not increased at all. Time and again I have heard various immature Christian ministers brag
about how mature they are. It looks to me like they are still in their first childhood and they will never get out of it.
Their wives are just playthings/toys.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
It’s all a matter of perspective. I’m never the infidel. You are. We can argue this point all day but I’m
never wrong. Ask anyone. You act as though you are never wrong about matters of spirituality. What if you are wrong? Too many
times the spiritual guidance you receive from whatever dubious source fails to work for anyone except you. You are the only
one who grows and what you grow is a pointed tail on your backside and horns upon your head. You grow horns and a tail every
time that you represent yourself as having the only true religious path because you do so falsely.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
Mystery religions…
Atheism: 1. You just as naively, egotistically & fervently (fanatically) believe there is no God just as naively,
egotistically& fervently (fanatically) as some believe there is a God. You’re both wrong.
I have had some naively volunteer to explain immortality to me by killing me or by bringing me to the edge of death.
Some of them even seem to insist that they have the right to do this because they are followers of the only ”true”
path. They are not a member of any respectable or reputable path just because I proved myself less naïve than they by refusing
to convert to their belief system.
One fellow even asked me how I could still be alive after praying to Satan in a Christian Church. He was baffled that
God would permit it & then took it upon himself to correct that little error that God made by not striking me dead on
the spot. At the time I silently said my little prayed to Satan in that Catholic Church I was wearing a pentagram shirt to
the services. It took them 15 years to discover that I was NOT praying to God during their church services despite the pentagram
that they all noticed. If their “God” is as slow as they are…
Opinions may vary.
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
I heard it thru the grapevine…
Royalty does NOT wear leather nor are they ever musicians. It just isn’t proper.” Various
“You’re never royalty and your naïve ass must be cold, naked as well as unlearned (unlettered.) You people
are self-righteous snobs.” M. Green
One of the best ways to relieve stress is to learn how to play a musical instrument and then play it often.
Flute: 1. penis 2. a woodwind musical instrument
Author: M. green, 2008 ©
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)…
“ I suffer from PTSD. I suffer from nightmares.” William E. Green
“You are a nightmare.” M. Green
One of the best ways to relieve stress is to learn how to play a musical instrument and then play it often.
Flute: 1. penis 2. a woodwind musical instrument
Author: M. Green, 2008 ©
The Horned God…
“You’re my Horned Goddess.” Emily Abels
“No as in never. I’m beginning to hate lesbians. This is just too much. It’s the straw that broke
the camels back. You don’t ever want to get within range of my steel-toed boot.” M. Green ©
Way & means…
* “If I’m wrong about you then
I’ll make amends when we get to heaven.” Mildred Marie Rumovicz
“What if one or more of us don’t get there? Then what? Then I get rudely screwed twice. I don’t
know where you’re going but I’m hoping it ain’t Hell, which is better than being with you. You only rudely
get rudely screwed once in Hell as opposed to repeated rude reamings everywhere else. I’m going to let someone else
explain that to your naïve, rude ass (self). I’ll be too busy laughing my ass (derriere) off in my respective“
closet. (It gets damned lonely in one o’ these bitches, don’t it?)
I’m very good at secretly (justifiably) laughing my
ass (derriere) off at you “people” and your naiveté. I kid thee, not. (I’ve been doing it for years, almost
more years than I’ve been alive, in fact.) Your beagle dog got “laid” (lucky) that don’t mean that
you’re going to. You have not the authority to reward me or take away my rewards in heaven. You’re not God.
You have not the authority/wisdom to decide what my reward or
punishment should be. You have not the authority/wisdom to decide my fate or the dispensation of my estate. That’s why
you’re not known as “God.” I might find it amusing if I get to haunt you because of your arrogance and snobbery.”
M. Green
Got laid: 1. had sexual intercourse
* “You could not possibly be a hippy.” Jill Green
“Oh, really?” M. Green
* “Everybody else will let me fuck them.” Thairon Ratliff
“I’m not as stupid as they are.” M. Green
* “Everybody else will suck my (naïve) cock (penis).” Thairon Ratliff
“I’m not as stupid as they are.” M. Green
else will marry me.” Thairon Ratliff
“I’m not as stupid as they are.” M. Green
else naively kisses my (naïve) ass (derriere).” Thairon Ratliff (among others)
“I’m not as stupid as they are.” M. Green
This ain't the garden of Eden...
Fundamental Baptist men claim that seeing the naked kneecaps of a woman sexually
excites them. Anyone with eyes can see the bulge of their erect penises in their trousers and some of us women get sexually
excited at the sight of a naked male kneecap which Fundamental Baptist men (among others) proudly show off by wearing swim
trunks & short pants.
Gen. 3:11
And he (God) said, who told thee that thou wast naked?
Who told me that I was naked? My mother. who told me not to wear pants, shorts,
a bikini bathing suit, a halter top, a cropped t-shirt, a mini skirt, etc. in public? Various Fundamental Baptists (among
Who told me not to listen to rock & roll? Various Fundamental Baptists (among
others.) Who told me that "The Song of Solomon" was not for the likes of me to read? A Catholic priest.
Who told me this, that or something else? Various parties. Who told me not to
like Democrats or gays? Various parties. Who told me the Bible was the infallible word of God? Various parties. Who told me
that you were/are never wrong? You.
Who told me that I was voting for a Republican? My father (among others.) Who
told me that I'm alive? Various parties. Who told me that I was/am gay? Everybody except me.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Character assassination…
On the one hand, when I was a child my paternal family was always telling me that if I got at least a high school education
that I could be anything I wanted to be and then when I mentioned my desire to be a fireman or such they’d say that
I could not be one because that’s traditionally a man’s job. Nowadays it is not uncommon to see female firefighters.
It is not uncommon to find women doing jobs traditionally thought of as male.
The interesting thing is that I live below the poverty level & for some weird reason the family that always ignores
me now expects me to pay all of their debts & I’m not doing it. I have never agreed to do so & I never will.
They all like to claim to be “self-made” men but they expect everybody else to pay their debts. That is not “self-made.”
My paternal Grandmother did not raise the most responsible children on the planet. My father is a prime example of
her inability to rear respectable children. My father abandoned me when I was a year old just because I was NOT male which
is his fault because it is the sperm that chooses the gender of the unborn. My father naively thinks that I should “keep”
him like a man “keeps” his mistress. All of my surviving relatives think that I am supposed to “keep”
them like a man “keeps” his mistress and I’m not doing it. I refuse.
I get criticized a great deal because I refuse to kiss their immature butts/asses. I don’t need to. I need to
be myself. Whatever that means… They only acknowledge my wallet. My wallet is all that ever interests them. They don’t
need my money or any of my property because I need it worse than they need a beer or a car to go visiting in. They can either
walk or stay home which is what I do.
Most of them bought property that they cannot afford to pay for. I don’t live there so I’m not paying for
it. I’ll never own it so I’m not paying for it. They’re never grateful so I’m not paying for it. They
don’t work for my money & they’re not the I.R.S. so I’m not giving them my money. They don’t give
me their money to blow (wildly spend/waste) so I never give them mine.
They can do without things because I do. I always have done without things. I don’t owe them for lying about
my sexual preference & ruining my reputation before I ever got into high school. I still hear all about it. I don’t
owe them because they naively try to get in my bed for sexual purposes. I don’t owe them because they lie about my hopes
& fears. I don’t owe them for brainwashing me. I don’t owe them for ignoring me. I don’t owe them berating
me. I don’t owe them because they threatened to kill me. I don’t owe them because they try to steal from me. I
don’t owe them because they try to take everything that I work for.
I don’t owe them for the high school diploma that I got from an accredited public high school because I had to
make that happen myself. They mostly tried to prevent me from having a diploma from an accredited high school. They want to
take my freedom. I don’t owe them my freedom. I don’t owe them for my birth. A couple of them wanted to fuck &
make babies and here I am because of it. My father was too naïve to realize that he could beget female offspring. I don’t
owe him for that. I never owe them. They owe me for my patience.
I don’t owe my father because he is not intellectual enough to be a Ford mechanic. I don’t owe my mother
for starving me. I don’t owe any of them for neglecting me and/or abusing me. I don’t owe them because I’m
not “in love” with their naïve asses. I don’t owe them because they’re naïve. I don’t owe them
because they’re Republicans. I don’t owe them because I’m white. I don’t owe them because I have long
hair. I don’t owe them just because they refuse to live in reality.
I don’t owe them for their slander/libel. I don’t owe them for destroying my self-esteem. I don’t
owe them because they’re not successful. I don’t owe them because they’re divorced. I don’t owe them
just because they’re not getting laid. I don’t owe them because they’re wrong. I don’t owe them because
they lie. I don’t owe them because they’re rude. I don’t owe them because they’re Christians. I don’t
owe them because they’re silly. I don’t owe them because they’re obnoxious. I don’t owe them because
they’re strangers. I don’t owe them because they’re disowned & they have been for a very long time &
they will be forever. I don’t owe them forgiveness or an apology.
I don’t owe them companionship. I don’t owe them a visit. I don’t owe them politeness. I don’t
owe them a nice dwelling to live in or a nice car to drive or an adequate diet. I don’t owe them a beer. I don’t
owe them nirvana. I don’t owe them peace. I don’t owe them love. I don’t owe them understanding. I don’t
owe them anything. I never have. I never do. I never will.
The Bible does say “an eye for an eye.” They may not like getting nothing but nothing is all they deserve.
They actually deserve less than nothing. I don’t owe them because they’re less than nothing. I don’t owe
them for trying to make a slave and/or a prisoner out of me. I don’t owe them because they’re rapists or because
they want to be rapists. I don’t owe them because they are incestuous or because they want to be incestuous. I don’t
owe them because they don’t own me.
I don’t owe them for what they don’t own. I don’t owe them a better life. I don’t owe them
a life. I don’t owe them goodness. I don’t owe them righteousness. I don’t owe them respect. I don’t
owe them my innocence. I don’t owe them my life. I don’t owe them “proof” of anything. I don’t
owe them a fuck. I don’t owe them a livelihood. I don’t owe them money. I don’t owe them wealth. I don’t
owe them happiness. I don’t them a retirement.
I don’t owe them a party. I don’t owe them idle time. I don’t owe them a “blow job.”
I don’t owe them celibacy. I don’t owe them honor. I don’t owe them honorable conduct. I don’t owe
them charity. I don’t owe them a “free ride.” I don’t owe them my soul. I don’t owe them my
body. I don’t owe them my time. I don’t owe them my inheritance. I don’t owe them control. I don’t
owe them domination over me. I don’t owe them for protecting me. I had to buy a .22 for myself. I don’t owe them
abasement. I don’t owe them because they’re chauvinists. I don’t owe them because they’re bullies.
I don’t owe them free labor.
I don’t owe them a caregiver. I don’t owe them a babysitter. I don’t owe them a housekeeper. I don’t
owe them a chauffeur. I don’t owe them a house sitter. I don’t owe them a nurse. I don’t owe them a live-in
companion. I don’t owe them a visit. I don’t owe them my obedience. I don’t owe them my independence. I
don’t owe them a relationship. I don’t owe them children or grandchildren. I don’t owe them my health or
happiness. I don’t owe them anything they want.
I don’t owe them everything they want. I don’t owe them a warm bed to sleep in. I don’t owe them
an air conditioner to sit under. I don’t owe them comfort. I don’t owe them necessities. I don’t owe them
their health. I don’t owe them fun. I don’t owe them any benefits. I don’t owe them because they’re
forgetful. I don’t owe them because they like to use others. I don’t owe them because they’re bigots. I
don’t owe them because they’re hateful.
I don’t owe them a career. I don’t owe them warm clothing. I don’t owe them niceties. I don’t
owe them poetry. I don’t owe them roses. I don’t owe them wine. I don’t owe them dinner. I don’t owe
them a free place to live or stay. I don’t owe them a place to visit. I don’t owe them a vacation/holiday. I don’t
owe them peace of mind. I don’t owe them an orgasm. I don’t owe them any explanations. I don’t owe them
my adoration. I don’t owe them my devotion.
I don’t owe them heaven. I don’t owe them agreement. I don’t owe them blindness. I don’t owe
them art. I don’t owe them for putting me here. I don’t owe them because they say I do. I don’t owe them
fidelity. I don’t owe them marriage. I don’t owe them hope. I don’t owe them goodwill. I don’t owe
them for their mistakes. I don’t owe them a pension. I don’t owe them a mansion. I don’t owe them a limousine.
I don’t owe them my privacy.
I don’t owe them my comfort. I don’t owe them because you say I do. I don’t owe them my health. I
don’t owe them whiskey. I don’t owe them a “pot” pipe. I don’t owe them yard sale items. I don’t
owe them property. I don’t owe them an education. I don’t owe them continued survival. I don’t owe them
any guarantees. I don’t owe them for what they never gave me. I don’t owe them privacy. I don’t owe them
a camping trip. I don’t owe them a picnic.
I don’t owe them an autograph. I don’t owe them power. I don’t owe them an ego-trip. I don’t
owe them attention. I don’t owe them an identity. I don’t owe their debts. I don’t owe them care. I don’t
owe them concern. I don’t owe them grief. I don’t owe them a smile. I don’t owe them a family. I don’t
owe them friends. I don’t owe them for wasting my time. I don’t owe them for poisoning me. I don’t owe them
for gossiping about me. I don’t owe them for lying to me.
I don’t owe them for stealing from me. I don’t owe them for browbeating me. I don’t owe them for
criticizing me. I don’t owe them because they broke the law. I don’t owe them because they have children. I don’t
owe them a gun. I don’t owe them a bodyguard. I don’t owe them my loyalty. I don’t owe them a Royal Title.
I don’t owe them a song. I don’t owe them entertainment.
I don’t owe them a kingdom. I don’t owe them a king’s ransom. I don’t owe them fatherhood.
I don’t owe them motherhood. I don’t owe them perfection. I don’t owe them their ideal situation. I don’t
owe them a chance. I don’t owe them opportunity. I don’t owe them holiness. I don’t owe them a full belly.
I don’t owe them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t owe them a “fatted calf.” They’re not my
son just because they’re prodigal children. I don’t owe them modesty.
I don’t owe them a good reputation. I don’t owe them “good report.” I don’t owe them
any compliments. I don’t owe them “rave reviews.” I don’t owe them my silence. I don’t owe them
a paycheck. I don’t owe them employment. I don’t owe them my own self-destruction. I don’t owe them somebody
to murder. I don’t owe them somebody to rape. I don’t owe them somebody to torture.
I don’t owe them somebody to abuse. I don’t owe them somebody to “preach” to. I don’t
owe them an audience. I don’t owe them somebody to scream at. I don’t owe them my self-esteem. I don’t owe
them my self-respect. I don’t owe them what they want. I don’t owe them somebody to accuse. I don’t owe
them somebody to misunderstand. I don’t owe them the ruination of my life. I don’t owe the power over me. I don’t
owe them a bulletproof vest. I don’t owe them the truth. I don’t owe them for teaching me anything.
I don’t owe them for finding me. I don’t owe them for finding each other. I don’t owe them for knowing
me. I don’t owe them for finding themselves. I don’t owe them for not knowing who or what they are or aren’t.
I don’t owe them bliss. I don’t owe them my ignorance. I don’t owe them reassurance. I don’t owe them
restitution. I don’t owe them because they’re egotistical.
I don’t owe them because they’re a nuisance. I don’t owe them for annoying me. I don’t owe
them for causing trouble. I don’t owe them sanity. I don’t owe them anything for their naïve opinion. I don’t
owe them a target to shoot at. I don’t owe them for chastising me. I don’t owe them a high opinion of themselves.
I don’t owe them the time of day. I don’t owe them protection.
I don’t owe them a mediocre opinion of themselves. I don’t owe them a slave. I don’t owe them a prisoner.
I don’t owe them a hostage. I don’t owe them a fantasy lover. I don’t owe them a lover. I don’t owe
them a fantasy. I don’t owe them what they like. I don’t owe them what they prefer. I don’t owe them any
favors. I don’t owe them fulfillment. I don’t owe them responsibility.
I don’t owe them their fondest wishes or desires. I don’t owe them Christmas in July. I don’t owe
them courtesy. I don’t owe them recognition. I don’t owe them recognition of their beliefs. I don’t owe
them because they’re them. I don’t owe them a tithe. I don’t owe them a dishwasher. I don’t owe them
a chef. I don’t owe them a laborer. I don’t owe them a home.
I don’t owe them a home away from home. I don’t owe them somebody to ridicule. I don’t owe them somebody
to laugh at. I don’t owe them somebody to mock. I don’t owe them somebody to crucify. I don’t owe them somebody
to burn at the stake. I don’t owe them a whipping boy. I don’t owe them sobriety. I don’t owe them an alibi.
I don’t owe them respectability.
I don’t owe them mutual enjoyment. I don’t owe them an orgy. I don’t owe them a feast. I don’t
owe them a prostitute. I don’t owe them what they need. I don’t owe them safety. I don’t owe what they say.
I don’t owe what they expect. I don’t owe them promptness. I don’t owe them quality. I don’t owe them
a family reunion. I don’t owe them the satisfaction.
I don’t owe them satisfaction. I don’t owe them answers. I don’t owe them replies. I don’t
owe them responses. I don’t owe them my mind. I don’t owe them my heart. I don’t owe them a confession.
I don’t owe them freedom. I don’t owe them somebody to persecute. I don’t owe them somebody to assassinate.
I don’t owe them somebody to make a fool out of. I don’t owe them wisdom.
I don’t owe them equality. I don’t owe them a bitch. I don’t owe them their fondest hopes. I don’t
owe them their delusions. I don’t owe them because they’re senile. I don’t owe them women. I don’t
owe them justice. I don’t owe them blindness. I don’t owe them gentleness. I don’t owe them dishonesty.
I don’t owe them prosperity. I don’t owe them compromise. I don’t owe them my death. I don’t owe them
an afterlife. I don’t owe them blessings. I don’t owe them a reward. I don’t owe them consideration. I don’t
owe them kindness.
I don’t owe them gratitude. I don’t owe them somebody to blame. I don’t owe them somebody to curse
at. I don’t owe them somebody to defile. I don’t owe them somebody to insult. I don’t owe them knowledge.
I don’t owe them skill. I don’t owe them “white” magick. I don’t owe them prayers. I don’t
owe them a conversion. I don’t owe them a convert.
I don’t owe them a pervert. I don’t owe them normal. I don’t owe them a heterosexual. I don’t
owe them a homosexual. I don’t owe them a bisexual. I don’t owe them an asexual. I don’t owe them circumcision.
I don’t owe them what they think they’re going to get. I don’t owe them easy. I don’t owe them an
easy “mark.” I don’t owe them a sacrifice. I don’t owe them bigotry.
I don’t owe them humility. I don’t owe them shame. I don’t owe them beauty. I don’t owe them
fruitfulness. I don’t owe them abundance. I don’t owe them experience. I don’t owe them for my successes.
I don’t owe them for their failures. I don’t owe them relief. I don’t owe them compassion. I don’t
owe them mercy. I don’t owe them passion. I don’t owe them attention.
I don’t owe them guidance. I don’t owe them prestige. I don’t owe them a heritage. I don’t
owe them a name. I don’t owe them a title. I don’t owe them the sun, moon & stars. I don’t owe them
a choice. I don’t owe them a forum. I don’t owe them a pulpit. I don’t owe them chastity. I don’t
owe them morals. I don’t owe them ethics. I don’t owe them fairness. I don’t owe them meekness. I don’t
owe them tenderness.
I don’t owe them assistance. I don’t owe them compliance. I don’t owe them an accomplice. I don’t
owe them clean feet. I don’t owe them purity. I don’t owe them the “girl next door.” I don’t
owe them love. I don’t owe them affection. I don’t owe them action. I don’t owe them a reaction. I don’t
owe them what they have been looking for/seeking.
I don’t owe them somebody to study. I don’t owe them somebody to heal. I don’t owe them my wallet.
I don’t owe them the contents of my wallet. I don’t owe them change. I don’t owe them the fulfillment of
their carnal desires. I don’t owe them the rainbow. I don’t owe them the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I don’t owe them a soldier. I don’t owe them a warrior. I don’t owe them a companion. I don’t owe
them the world. I don’t owe them salvation. I don’t owe them cooperation. I don’t owe them immortality.
I don’t owe them a long life span. I don’t owe them enjoyment. I don’t owe them blood. I don’t owe
them gold.
I don’t owe them diamonds. I don’t owe them temperance. I don’t owe them fertility. I don’t
owe them seduction. I don’t owe them prudery. I don’t owe them a lifestyle. I don’t owe them my happiness.
I don’t owe them my life. I don’t owe them my immortality. I don’t owe them my thoughts. I don’t owe
them frugality. I don’t owe them a daughter. I don’t owe them an acquaintance. I don’t owe them a son. I
don’t owe them reverence. I don’t owe them because they’re inexperienced. I don’t owe them because
they got “drafted.” I don’t owe them because they fought. I don’t owe them because they fight. I don’t
owe them because they’re alive. I don’t owe them because they’re dead.
I don’t owe them because they’re alone. I don’t owe them because others hide from them. I don’t
owe them because others run away from them. I don’t owe them because they don’t have a slave. I don’t owe
them because they’re not frugal. I don’t owe them because they don’t plan for the future. I don’t
owe them because they’re lazy. I don’t owe them because they’re misers. I don’t owe them because they’re
not chic. I don’t owe them because they’re not cosmopolitan. I don’t owe them a childhood. I don’t
owe them adulthood. I don’t owe them maturity.
I don’t owe them because they’re not sophisticated. I don’t owe them a family history. I don’t
owe them calm. I don’t owe them a funeral. I don’t owe them salvation from the big bad wolf. I don’t owe
them my eye teeth. I don’t owe them a patsy. I don’t owe them a martyr. I don’t owe them a scapegoat. I
don’t owe them character. I don’t owe them credit. I don’t owe them achievement. I don’t owe them
for wisdom. I don’t owe them for knowledge. I don’t owe them custody. I don’t owe them trust. I don’t
owe them belief.
I don’t owe them blind faith. I don’t owe them music. I don’t owe them passive receptivity. I don’t
owe them sympathy. I don’t owe them diplomacy. I don’t owe them my hobby or hobbies. I don’t owe them shelter.
I don’t owe them my personality. I don’t owe them excitement. I don’t owe them manhood. I don’t owe
them a massage. I don’t owe them a familiar. I don’t owe them cordiality.
I don’t owe them for my cowardice. I don’t owe them for their courage. I don’t owe them because they’re
honorable. I don’t owe them because they’re fertile. I don’t owe them because they have an erection. I don’t
owe them because they’re “horny.” I don’t owe them because they’re not “horny.”
I don’t owe them for their explanations.
I don’t owe them for their temper. I don’t owe them for their blindness. I don’t owe them for their
obtuseness. I don’t owe them because they disagree with me. I don’t owe them because they agree with each other.
I don’t owe them because they exist. I don’t owe them because they suffer. I don’t owe them for their condescension.
I don’t owe them for their callousness. I don’t owe them for my salvation.
I don’t owe them for their salvation. I don’t owe them for their wit. I don’t owe them for their
charm. I don’t owe them for their beauty. I don’t owe them a celebration. I don’t owe them a priest. I don’t
owe them a will. I don’t owe them a way. I don’t owe them blind obedience. I don’t owe them charm. I don’t
owe them subservience. I don’t owe them “rights.”
I don’t owe them grace. I don’t owe them a temple. I don’t owe them a nun. I don’t owe them
femininity. I don’t owe them a servant. I don’t owe them an exorcist. I don’t owe them meditation. I don’t
owe them a guardian angel. I don’t owe them paradise. I don’t owe them praise. I don’t owe them existence.
I don’t owe them lust. I don’t owe them somebody to betray.
I don’t owe them somebody to confine. I don’t owe them somebody to cripple. I don’t owe them somebody
to maim. I don’t owe them somebody to control. I don’t owe them somebody to experiment upon. I don’t owe
them somebody to test. I don’t owe them somebody to try. I don’t owe them patience. I don’t owe them virtue.
I don’t owe them pleasure.
I don’t owe them harmony. I don’t owe them balance. I don’t owe them justification. I don’t
owe them an acolyte. I don’t owe them validity. I don’t owe them validation. I don’t owe them an argument.
I don’t owe them a war. I don’t owe them for a war. I don’t owe them because they’re dangerous. I
don’t owe them because they’re a threat. I don’t owe them a country.
I don’t owe them a throne. I don’t owe them a culture. I don’t owe them awareness. I don’t
owe them wakefulness. I don’t owe them polish. I don’t owe them zeal. I don’t owe them customs. I don’t
owe them a pornographic moment. I don’t owe them subtlety. I don’t owe them etiquette. I don’t owe them
miracles. I don’t owe them wonders. I don’t owe them marvels. I don’t owe them a free piece of ass.
I don’t owe them for their misconceptions. I don’t owe them for an exorcism. I don’t owe them fanaticism.
I don’t owe them for their fanaticism. I don’t owe them for their zeal. I don’t owe them for their destruction.
I don’t owe them for their prowess. I don’t owe them for their judgmental attitude. I don’t owe them creation.
I don’t owe them creativity.
I don’t owe them a spouse. I don’t owe them open mindedness. I don’t owe them tact. I don’t
owe them reciprocity. I don’t owe them for being guardians. I don’t owe them for being managers. I don’t
owe them for being emotional. I don’t owe them because they don’t know one emotion from another. I don’t
owe them because they don’t know their own mind.
I don’t owe them because they cannot find their own ass/buttocks with both hands, a road map, a compass &
a sextant. I don’t owe them compatibility. I don’t owe them insurance. I don’t owe them their contempt.
I don’t owe them rhyme. I don’t owe them reason. I don’t owe them enlightenment. I don’t owe them
because they’re busybodies. I don’t owe them ugliness. I don’t owe them somebody to reprove. I don’t
owe them somebody to chastise. I don’t owe them somebody to castrate.
I don’t owe them a “dance.” I don’t owe them order. I don’t owe them a Wiccan. I don’t
owe them a Pagan. I don’t owe them a Satanist. I don’t owe them the pleasure of my company. I don’t owe
them a Christian. I don’t owe them an apostle. I don’t owe them a disciple. I don’t owe them a saviour.
I don’t owe them redemption. I don’t owe them a follower. I don’t owe them a “yes” man. I don’t
owe them their thievery. I don’t owe them what they take. I don’t owe them because they have balls. I don’t
owe them because they don’t have balls. I don’t owe them my sexuality. I don’t owe them for their indifference.
I don’t owe them for their chastity. I don’t owe them for their purity. I don’t owe them for their
salvation. I don’t owe them for their consternation. I don’t owe them because they think they’re God. I
don’t owe them because they think they know God. I don’t owe them because they think they are bigger than God.
I don’t owe them for being real. I don’t owe them for being atheists. I don’t owe them for being believers.
I don’t owe them for folklore. I don’t owe them for rumors. I don’t owe them for tomorrow. I don’t
owe them for yesterday. I don’t owe them for today. I don’t owe them for superstitions. I don’t owe them
because they’re fools. I don’t owe them for religion. I don’t owe them for spirituality. I don’t owe
them mechanical aptitude. I don’t owe them somebody to quarrel with. I don’t owe them finery.
I don’t owe them a buffoon. I don’t owe them buff. I don’t owe them the object of their desire. I
don’t owe them revenge. I don’t owe them for their malice. I don’t owe them for their fickleness. I don’t
owe them somebody to kick. I don’t owe them somebody to stone. I don’t owe them because you’re naïve. I
don’t owe them transportation. I don’t owe them self-control.
I don’t owe them self-contempt. I don’t owe them a continued existence. I don’t owe them self-annihilation.
I don’t owe them my suicide. I don’t owe them copulation. I don’t owe them fornication. I don’t owe
them a supplicant. I don’t owe them a victim. I don’t owe them somebody to victimize. I don’t owe them somebody
to rape. I don’t owe them somebody to mutilate. I don’t owe them a soul mate. I don’t owe them humanity.
I don’t owe them somebody to hate.
I don’t owe them somebody to punish. I don’t owe them somebody to humiliate. I don’t owe them somebody
to dominate. I don’t owe them somebody to diminish. I don’t owe them somebody to demean. I don’t owe them
somebody to degrade. I don’t owe them for their cowardice. I don’t owe them for their back-stabbing ways. I don’t
owe them for their hatred.
I don’t owe them because they are widowed. I don’t owe them because they’re divorced. I don’t
owe them because they’re married. I don’t owe them because they can fuck. I don’t owe them because they
cannot fuck. I don’t owe them for their impotency. I don’t owe them for their infertility. I don’t owe them
for being squares. I don’t owe them for being nerds. I don’t owe them for being cool.
I don’t owe them for spying upon me. I don’t owe them for stalking me. I don’t owe them for being
estranged. I don’t owe them because they don’t have all of the answers. I don’t owe them a welcome. I don’t
owe them correspondence. I don’t owe them a greeting. I don’t owe them for my values. I don’t owe them for
being gay bashers. I don’t owe them for being woman haters. I don’t owe them for any revelations. I don’t
owe them for any revolutions.
I don’t owe them for their infidelities. I don’t owe them for their prudery. I don’t owe them for
being adequate. I don’t owe them for being superior. I don’t owe them for my inferiority complex. I don’t
owe them good company. I don’t owe them a saint. I don’t owe them sainthood. I don’t owe them a “black”
magician. I don’t owe them what you want. I don’t owe them because they beg. I don’t owe them for my sanity.
I don’t owe them because they’re poor. I don’t owe them because they’re arrogant.
I don’t owe them for their insanity. I don’t owe them for their insensitivity. I don’t owe them compliance.
I don’t owe them for their greed. I don’t owe them because they’re fops. I don’t owe them neutrality.
I don’t owe them permission. I don’t owe them for their aggression. I don’t owe them mental stimulation.
I don’t owe them for their enlightenment. I don’t owe them for sharing. I don’t owe them for caring. I don’t
owe them a quick fuck.
I don't owe them for their
indiscretions. I don't owe them an avatar. I don't owe them a quick buck. I don't owe them for being playboys. I don't owe
them for their immorality. I don't owe them any heirs. I don't owe them the shirt off of my back. I don't owe thwm my survival.
I don't owe them for my survival.
If it’s not by mutual agreement then I don’t owe you anything and all too often it is not by mutual agreement
because you never say that I’m going to owe you. I don’t have any friends because nobody wants to occasionally
help me out just because they can. I don’t have any friends because you say that I owe you. I don’t have any friends
because nobody knows how to be a friend. I don’t have a family because nobody knows how to be a family. I don’t
have a husband because nobody knows how to be a husband. Your friends don’t owe you favors regardless of how much you
do for them. I won’t be used that way. I’m certainly not letting you set the price. I don’t owe you because
you’re forgetful. Don’t tell me what I owe you because you’re probably not worth it. I never agree with
my family. I owe me.
Author: M. Green, 2008
"You bought that guitar for your Uncle Charlie." Margaret Pluris
"No as in never." M. Green
Indiana wants me…
They want to frame me for a variety of crimes back there in Indiana as well as a few other places. I’m a native
of Indiana and it may never be safe for me to go home. I’m also an R. Dean Taylor fan.
"You hid marijuana in the van that your
Uncle Charlie was driving." Bob Green
"No as in never." M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
I find it utterly amazing that some of you don’t even have the beginnings of a clue as to how to have a successful
parent/daughter relationship. You never have had a clue and you never will. I also find it amazing that you don’t realize
that the nature of a parent/daughter relationship changes after your daughter reaches the age of eighteen. Which is why some
of you are rightfully ignored and I am the one ignoring your naïve asses.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“You burnt down our tabernacle.”
Mrs.Fred Vaught
“No as in never. If I had then your
abusive asses would be toast and you sure as Hell were not an eyewitness. You can be sued for libel. ” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
You did not hear it from me…
Sex change operations were invented because you need/deserve something hugely uncomfortable stuck up your naïve asses.
Author: M.Green, 2008
Whores wear red…
“You do?
You’d better dye your blood a different color then.” M.Green, 2008
“You whore.” Thairon Ratliff
“I’m not a whore just because
I’m never “in love” with your ugly, naïve ass.” M. Green, 2008
“Pardon me for knowing that you’re
perpetually naïve.” M.Green, 2008
Men can be bitches too…
“I’m a bitch.” C. Rhodes
“I’m a bitch.” Dwight
“I’m a bitch.” Sir Elton
bitch: 1. hag 2. shrew 3. female dog 4. gay man 5. complain
Author: M. Green, 2008
The three wise men…
You do realize that if I were the savior of mankind that I’d have to supply my own frankincense and myrhh. I
hope you enjoy smoking it.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I weary of everybody mistakenly
thinking that their little orgasm is the epitome of joy for everybody else.” M. Green
“You’re gay.” Various
“You’re bisexual.” Dwight
“Why is your naïve ass in my bed/bower?”
M. Green, 2008
“I’m not a hypocrite. You’re
just wrong.” M. Green, 2008
Assholes abound…
“I healed you of being gay.”
Bronwyn Frost aka Jo Swanson
“I healed Dwight (Emrich) of being
gay.” Bronwyn Frost aka Jo Swanson
“You need something overly &
uncomfortably large stuck up your ugly, naïve ass.” M. Green
Author: M. Green,2008
Biblical basis for a sex-change operation…
Matt. 18:9
And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from
thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
And if thine vagina/yoni/pussy/cunt offend you have it sewn shut, and if thine ovaries offend you thine have them
plucked out, and cast from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life as a male/man than to have an open pussy/vagina/yoni/cunt
and ovaries to be cast into hell fire.
Author: M. green, 2008
Matt. 27:35
And they crucified him, and parted his
garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, They parted my garments among them, and
upon my vestments did they cast lots.
Where is my property that was stolen from
Author: M.Green, 2008
“Are you going to drink all of my
beer?” C. Rhodes
“Are you going to drink all of my
whiskey/scotch/rum?” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Your mother & step-father agreed
to pay us for keeping you here and they have not paid us anything so you’re going to pay us for attending our (non-accreditted)
school.” Rev.& Mrs. Fred Vaught
“You’re going to pay for us
a new tabernacle.” Rev. & Mrs. Fred Vaught
“No as in never.” M. Green
“You agreed to pay Swift Transportation
for your schooling. We want our money now.” Swift rep.
“You can wait.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Libel suits…
You’re a libel suit against yourself
waiting to happen.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I’m Austrian.” C. Rhodes
“So was Hitler. I would not brag
about that if I were you.” M. Green
“So is Arnie (Swarzeneger.)”
C. Rhodes
Author: M. Green, 2008
Are you experienced?
“You’re rather naïve for an
expert.” M. Green, 2008
“I never obey my elders because they
never have a brain.” M. Green, 2008
I'm not quite as dumb as I look...
“My prison girlfriend/lover (a fellow
inmate) agreed to kill you for me so that I would not seem guilty. I’m
not gay.” Margaret Pluris
“What are you then? You seem to be
overly infatuated with little dominatrixes.” M.
Green, 2008
“You’re frigid.” William
E. Green
“Why is your naïve ass/self in my
bed/bower? You’re my biological father & I’m never required to fuck you or anybody else just to prove you
wrong. I’m not your wife. Remember?” M. Green
“I’m gay.” Various
“Why is your naïve ass/self in my
bed/bower?” M. Green, 2008
Disowned …
“You’re no longer a Green.”
William E. Green
“You’re the naïve asshole who
is no longer a Green.” M. Green, 2008
By the way…
If I had tried to convert you to Christianity then you’d have a Bible stuck up your naïve ass. Somebody was obviously
here before me because another one won’t fit.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Love potion #9…
I’d rather kiss a pig. That’s
what you are. Hmm. On second thought…
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Company gets what company wants.”
Starla Cornwell
“You’re not “company”
(a guest) because you’re family.” M. Green, 1977
“That explains why I got thrown out
on my ass. Don’t it?” M. Green, 2008
“You’re annoying & naïve.
What’s your point?” M. Green, 2008
To whom it may concern…
I’m never designating you or your
favorite designee as my beneficiary/heir.
I never obey my naïve elders and you are perpetually naïve. You’re too naïve to ever make any of my decisions
for me or know what any of my decisions are. You’re too naïve to ever know what any of my debts are. You’re too
naïve to ever manage any of my affairs. You never dictate who I owe. I am never the one who killed Doug Williams and he hid
his marijuana from himself in one of his shoes and then accused me wrongly of stealing it. I’m not taking the rap for
what you did. You ruined my reputation is what you did.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Dear Mother,
If you were so “in love” with Doug then why were you getting divorced from him?
Author: M. Green, 2008
Do tell…
“No heterosexual women want to be
men.” Various
“If you’d quit undermining
everybody else’s efforts you might find out differently. How would you know since you ain’t an heterosexual woman?”
M. Green, 2008
Whatever it is…
“Whatever it is that you’re
thinking I did NOT say.” M.Green, 2008
“I don’t mean the opposite
just because you like to ruin the lives of other people.” M. Green, 2008
Hearing Aids…
“You need a hearing aid because I
was really playing the trumpet and the guitar and you’re too stupid to know it or believe me.” M. Green, 2008
Bums & Liars…
“I’m surrounded by bums and liars. I’m always surrounded by bums and liars.” M. Green
“What if I do know how to play the
trumpet & guitar? What if I was really playing the guitar and trumpet. You
just can’t imagine anybody being smarter than you. Don’t you ever call me a liar. You don’t ever tell me
what I was doing. You don’t ever tell me what the truth is.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Everything you touch…
“Everything you touch turns to shit.”
Margaret Pluris
“I touched you so you must be shit
too then. You were already shit.” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green,2008
“ You will obey Doug. His word is
law.” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never. He’s a naïve,
rude, drunken bum and you’re a rude, ugly,naïve hag/bitch.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Misconceptions abound…
“You want to fuck me.” Margaret
“No as in never. You’re a disgusting,
ugly, naïve, herpes ridden old hag. What if I don’t? Hmm?” M. Green, 2008
“You’re Sue Green.” Margaret
“No as in never.” M. Green
“You’re not my wife (so you’re
not important.)” William E. Green
Teenage pregnancies…
“I erringly thought that you were
pregnant.” Mildred Marie (Bell) Ratliff, Rumovicz
“You need to quit thinking because
obviously you’re not very skilled at it and you’ve probably never heard of birth control either. Why is your naïve
ass/self in my bed/bower?” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Woody and I got married. You remember
Woody Anderson?” Margaret Pluris
“Who? I remember Woody and if you’d
shut your naïve mouth I could/would promptly forget him.” M. Green, I was far too polite to say the above which was
what I was actually thinking. Instead I said:
“Congratulations.” M. Green
I was also thinking that I already had a lover and even if I did not that Woody Anderson would never be important or
worth noticing and “no” I ain’t gay.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Woody said that I ruined his sex
life when I infected him with genital herpes.” Margaret Pluris
“He must have discovered that his
naïve ass wasn’t ever welcome in my bed/bower.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I love you.” Various
“You’re “in love”
with me.” Various
“I know what love is.” C. Rhodes
“No as in never. Why is your naïve
ass/self in my bed/bower? I never love you either now that you mention it. I always wanted a virgin such as yourself to use.”
M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I’m going to rape you.” William
E. Green, Gary Green
“You want your balls cut off. Don’t
you. You just said so.” M.Green, 2008
Earl Ratliff...
My daddy used to take things
away from me when I was a child living at home so I'm going to take things away from you." Margaret Pluris
"You're going to be the utter asshole that
you claim my maternal grandfather was?" M. Green, 2008
"We killed this white haired
imposter who claimed to be a Ratliff (Radcliffe.)" William J. Green
"My maternal grandfather had
white hair and his last name was Ratliff. His first name was Earl. He may not have been perfect in every way but he was mine.
I was his part-time companion when he was dying of gangrene. He never lied to me about the fact that he was dying.
For all of his faults and
some of them were very slight. I heard him call more than one woman a bitch and a whore in anger and I am old enough
and wise enough to now agree with him though maybe for different reasons.
I would never have learned
how to catch & clean a fish if not for him. I acquired a particular habit of washing my hands after being near a battery
& avoided being badly burned by battery acid because of him. He was the only who mentioned it.
He may not have been a saint
but he was mine & unlike some people that I could name I did not mind sharing him. You can all brag about how damned much
he thought of you & particular people may read this & they'll know who they are. Where the fuck were you when he was
dying? You were no where to be found. I'm not saying that I deserve every penny the poor dear worked for or any of it &
I'm not saying that I'm a saint either but where were your cowardly asses?
He suffered from diabetes.
In the early seventies it was treated differently than it is now. He was abused as a child. He sometimes flipped
out and once when I was very young he tried to kill me. After meeting the rest of his family (other than myself) I can understand
As he lay
dying in the hospital, his wife met another male patient and "fell in love" with him. She told him so as he lay there dying.
He owned approximately 50 acres when he died.
“I’m going to perjure myself
and tell everybody that you are guilty of child molestation. I’ll tell Angel what to say. I want you in prison.”
Margaret Pluris
“I may not want me in prison. You’re
already on record in Indiana for being a child abuser.” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
“You think Doug & myself are
your soulmates?” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never. If I had a soulmate
you’d stupidly kill him.” M. Green
According to some known authorities, soulmates can be a member of your family but this isn’t necessarily always
true. They can also be a total stranger or a lover.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I’m Canadian. I forgot that
there were different blood types & I erringly told some of my professional colleagues that I had discovered something
about HIV/AIDS. I’m King James.” Dr. James Poirier
“I’m getting custody of my
grandchildren.” Margaret Pluris
“Then I’m never giving birth
to any.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The “rod” of correction…
“Spare the rod & spoil the child.”
Rev. Fred Vaught
“You need a “rod” stuck
up your ugly, naïve ass.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Birth control…
“You need to have your birth control
removed.” C. Rhodes
“No as in never.” M. Green
I had a half-brother once…
“I guess I’m not getting married
because I just found out that you’re my half-sister.” William J. Green
“You’re no longer a Green.”
M. Green
“You’re going to support Doug
in his bid to be the Earl of Radcliffe.” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never.” M. Green
“I am
going to be the Earl of Radcliffe.” John R. Ellis
“No as in never.” M. Green
“You’re never getting remarried
to me.” John R. Ellis
“You’re just now figuring
that out? I divorced you because I didn’t like you and I still don’t like you.” M. Green
“Your family likes me better than
they like you.” John R. Ellis
“That doesn’t mean they have
any taste to speak of.” M.Green
“You shot Doug.” Margaret Pluris
“You killed my Woody.” Margaret
‘You killed a cop.” Hinton
“You killed my Bill.” Rosetta
“You killed my Billy.” William
E. Green
“You killed my mother.” Rita
“You killed my mother.” Marilyn
“You killed my daughter.” “Junior”
“You killed Trevor.” Fannie
“You killed my twin daughters.”
Peggy Ratliff
“You killed my unborn baby.”
Margaret Pluris
“You tried to kill Heather.”
Margaret Pluris
“You tried to kill us in California.”
S. Gavin & Yvonne Frost
“You killed Cindy Lou Mason.”
Emily Abels & Daryl Hockman
“You raped my Angel.” Margaret
“You raped my mother.” Marilyn
“You raped my mother.” Rita
“You raped me.” Dorothy J.
“No as in never to all of the above.
Does anybody else wish to make a stupid accusation? Where are your eyewitnesses?” M. Green
“I can kill you now!” Emily
“No as in never.” M. Green
Snicker, snicker…
“I’m going to live with somebody
else so that you cannot find me.” Margaret Pluris
Current whereabouts:
Margaret Pluris
375 Florence St.
DeFuniak Spgs., Fl.
Author: M. Green, 2008
According to the
Old Testament the definition of:
Witch: 1. poisoner
There are other definitions
of this particular word. Which one would you prefer that I use?
“I poisoned you.” Margaret Pluris
“Have you ever heard of the Inquisition or the office of the Inquisition?
I have no qualms about giving them your address. What about the minds that you are poisoning against reality and sanity? You
may be too guilty to know what you are guilty of but the rest of us may not be. Opinions may vary as to exactly what you are
guilty of & they do.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The I.R.S…
I’m no big fan of
the I.R.S. but when I can I do my duty and pay my taxes (unlike some of you that I could name.)
“You’re going to pay our taxes. We are hiding from the I.R.S.”
S. Gavin & Yvonne Frost aka Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Voisey
“No as in never.” M Green
What I propose is that the federal government pay taxes. I doubt they'd learn
anything from the experience but one never knows.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Dance all over your face…
“You’re gonna dance on our grave?!? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.” Yvonne
“I never said that but now that you mention it that’s not a bad
idea.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
A few years ago I went
to an Odinist gathering and was snubbed by everybody there except one of the children. I was invited to attend this particular
gathering and only one of them had any courtesy. This came as no big surprise.
“I’m gonna steal your “guardian angel” (spirit guide.)”
Emily Abels
“No as in never. You can eat shit on a Saturday.” M. Green
“I hate men.” Emily Abels
“You’re an ugly bitch.” M. Green
“Odin supports me & only me.” Emily Abels
“I’m not egotistically saying (like you) that Odin supports me
but what if you’re wrong?” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
There is a big difference
between me not being naive and me being paranoid and I’m not paranoid.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Your uniqueness…
have these unique, naïve, egotistical, weird thoughts and the rest of us don’t. What’s your point?” M. Green
naïve: 1. stupid 2. unsophisticated (a rube)
I’m really starting to enjoy this word.
How naïve are you?
1. You’re so naïve that you’ll never discover that you’re
naïve and unlike you I never egotistically said that I was the wisest or best thing on two legs.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Another brick in the wall...
"Turn those cartoons off." Steven D. Williams
"She doesn't have to. Mom said that she could watch them. M. Green
"I said that she cannot watch them. They're Satanic (The Smurfs.)"
Steven D. Williams
"They are not. That's stupid." M. Green
"I'm going to put you through a wall." Steven D. Williams
"You're wanting your balls cut off." M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Indiana wants me…
They want to frame me for a variety of crimes back there in Indiana as well as a few other places. I’m a native
of Indiana and it may never be safe for me to go home. I’m also an R. Dean Taylor fan.
Author: M. Green, 2008
I find it utterly amazing that some of you don’t even have the beginnings of a clue as to how to have a successful
parent/daughter relationship. You never have had a clue and you never will. I also find it amazing that you don’t realize
that the nature of a parent/daughter relationship changes after your daughter reaches the age of eighteen. Which is why some
of you are rightfully ignored and I am the one ignoring your naïve asses.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“You burnt down our tabernacle.”
Mrs.Fred Vaught
“No as in never. If I had then your
abusive asses would be toast and you sure as Hell were not an eyewitness. You can be sued for libel. ” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
You did not hear it from me…
Sex change operations were invented because you need/deserve something hugely uncomfortable stuck up your naïve asses.
Author: M.Green, 2008
Whores wear red…
“You do?
You’d better dye your blood a different color then.” M.Green, 2008
“You whore.” Thairon Ratliff
“I’m not a whore just because
I’m never “in love” with your ugly, naïve ass.” M. Green, 2008
“Pardon me for knowing that you’re
perpetually naïve.” M.Green, 2008
Men can be bitches too…
“I’m a bitch.” C. Rhodes
“I’m a bitch.” Dwight
bitch: 1. hag 2. shrew 3. female dog 4. gay man 5. complain
Author: M. Green, 2008
The three wise men…
You do realize that if I were the savior of mankind that I’d have to supply my own frankincense and myrhh. I
hope you enjoy smoking it.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I weary of everybody mistakenly
thinking that their little orgasm is the epitome of joy for everybody else.” M. Green
“You’re gay.” Various
“You’re bisexual.” Dwight
“Why is your naïve ass in my bed/bower?”
M. Green, 2008
“I’m not a hypocrite. You’re
just wrong.” M. Green, 2008
Assholes abound…
“I healed you of being gay.”
Bronwyn Frost aka Jo Swanson
“I healed Dwight (Emrich) of being
gay.” Bronwyn Frost aka Jo Swanson
“You need something overly &
uncomfortably large stuck up your ugly, naïve ass.” M. Green
Author: M. Green,2008
Matt. 27:35
And they crucified him, and parted his
garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, They parted my garments among them, and
upon my vestments did they cast lots.
Where is my property that was stolen from
Author: M.Green, 2008
“Are you going to drink all of my
beer?” C. Rhodes
“Are you going to drink all of my
whiskey/scotch/rum?” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Your mother & step-father agreed
to pay us for keeping you here and they have not paid us anything so you’re going to pay us for attending our (non-accreditted)
school.” Rev.& Mrs. Fred Vaught
“You’re going to pay for us
a new tabernacle.” Rev. & Mrs. Fred Vaught
“No as in never.” M. Green
“You agreed to pay Swift Transportation
for your schooling. We want our money now.” Swift rep.
“You can wait.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Libel suits…
You’re a libel suit against yourself
waiting to happen.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I’m Austrian.” C. Rhodes
“So was Hitler. I would not brag
about that if I were you.” M. Green
“So is Arnie (Swarzeneger.)”
C. Rhodes
Author: M. Green, 2008
Are you experienced?
“You’re rather naïve for an
expert.” M. Green, 2008
“I never obey my elders because they
never have a brain.” M. Green, 2008
I'm not quite as dumb as I look...
“My prison girlfriend/lover (a fellow
inmate) agreed to kill you for me so that I would not seem guilty. I’m
not gay.” Margaret Pluris
“What are you then? You seem to be
overly infatuated with little dominatrixes.” M.
Green, 2008
“You’re frigid.” William
E. Green
“Why is your naïve ass/self in my
bed/bower? You’re my biological father & I’m never required to fuck you or anybody else just to prove you
wrong. I’m not your wife. Remember?” M. Green
“I’m gay.” Various
“Why is your naïve ass/self in my
bed/bower?” M. Green, 2008
Disowned …
“You’re no longer a Green.”
William E. Green
“You’re the naïve asshole who
is no longer a Green.” M. Green, 2008
By the way…
If I had tried to convert you to Christianity then you’d have a Bible stuck up your naïve ass. Somebody was obviously
here before me because another one won’t fit.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Love potion #9…
I’d rather kiss a pig. That’s
what you are. Hmm. On second thought…
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Company gets what company wants.”
Starla Cornwell
“You’re not “company”
(a guest) because you’re family.” M. Green, 1977
“That explains why I got thrown out
on my ass. Don’t it?” M. Green, 2008
“You’re annoying & naïve.
What’s your point?” M. Green, 2008
To whom it may concern…
I’m never designating you or your
favorite designee as my beneficiary/heir.
I never obey my naïve elders and you are perpetually naïve. You’re too naïve to ever make any of my decisions
for me or know what any of my decisions are. You’re too naïve to ever know what any of my debts are. You’re too
naïve to ever manage any of my affairs. You never dictate who I owe. I am never the one who killed Doug Williams and he hid
his marijuana from himself in one of his shoes and then accused me wrongly of stealing it. I’m not taking the rap for
what you did. You ruined my reputation is what you did.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Dear Mother,
If you were so “in love” with Doug then why were you getting divorced from him?
Author: M. Green, 2008
Do tell…
“No heterosexual women want to be
men.” Various
“If you’d quit undermining
everybody else’s efforts you might find out differently. How would you know since you ain’t an heterosexual woman?”
M. Green, 2008
Whatever it is…
“Whatever it is that you’re
thinking I did NOT say.” M.Green, 2008
“I don’t mean the opposite
just because you like to ruin the lives of other people.” M. Green, 2008
Hearing Aids…
“You need a hearing aid because I
was really playing the trumpet and the guitar and you’re too stupid to know it or believe me.” M. Green, 2008
Bums & Liars…
“I’m surrounded by bums and liars. I’m always surrounded by bums and liars.” M. Green
“What if I do know how to play the
trumpet & guitar? What if I was really playing the guitar and trumpet. You
just can’t imagine anybody being smarter than you. Don’t you ever call me a liar. You don’t ever tell me
what I was doing. You don’t ever tell me what the truth is.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Everything you touch…
“Everything you touch turns to shit.”
Margaret Pluris
“I touched you so you must be shit
too then. You were already shit.” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green,2008
“ You will obey Doug. His word is
law.” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never. He’s a naïve,
rude, drunken bum and you’re a rude, ugly,naïve hag/bitch.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Misconceptions abound…
“You want to fuck me.” Margaret
“No as in never. You’re a disgusting,
ugly, naïve, herpes ridden old hag. What if I don’t? Hmm?” M. Green, 2008
“You’re Sue Green.” Margaret
“No as in never.” M. Green
“You’re not my wife (so you’re
not important.)” William E. Green
Teenage pregnancies…
“I erringly thought that you were
pregnant.” Mildred Marie (Bell) Ratliff, Rumovicz
“You need to quit thinking because
obviously you’re not very skilled at it and you’ve probably never heard of birth control either. Why is your naïve
ass/self in my bed/bower?” M. Green, 2008
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Woody and I got married. You remember
Woody Anderson?” Margaret Pluris
“Who? I remember Woody and if you’d
shut your naïve mouth I could/would promptly forget him.” M. Green, I was far too polite to say the above which was
what I was actually thinking. Instead I said:
“Congratulations.” M. Green
I was also thinking that I already had a lover and even if I did not that Woody Anderson would never be important or
worth noticing and “no” I ain’t gay.
Author: M. Green, 2008
“Woody said that I ruined his sex
life when I infected him with genital herpes.” Margaret Pluris
“He must have discovered that his
naïve ass wasn’t ever welcome in my bed/bower.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I love you.” Various
“You’re “in love”
with me.” Various
“I know what love is.” C. Rhodes
“No as in never. Why is your naïve
ass/self in my bed/bower? I never love you either now that you mention it. I always wanted a virgin such as yourself to use.”
M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
“I’m going to rape you.” William
E. Green, Gary Green
“You want your balls cut off. Don’t
you. You just said so.” M.Green, 2008
“I’m Canadian. I forgot that
there were different blood types & I erringly told some of my professional colleagues that I had discovered something
about HIV/AIDS. I’m King James.” Dr. James Poirier
“I’m getting custody of my
grandchildren.” Margaret Pluris
“Then I’m never giving birth
to any.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The “rod” of correction…
“Spare the rod & spoil the child.”
Rev. Fred Vaught
“You need a “rod” stuck
up your ugly, naïve ass.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Birth control…
“You need to have your birth control
removed.” C. Rhodes
“No as in never.” M. Green
I had a half-brother once…
“I guess I’m not getting married
because I just found out that you’re my half-sister.” William J. Green
“You’re no longer a Green.”
M. Green
“You’re going to support Doug
in his bid to be the Earl of Radcliffe.” Margaret Pluris
“No as in never.” M. Green
“I am
going to be the Earl of Radcliffe.” John R. Ellis
“No as in never.” M. Green
“You’re never getting remarried
to me.” John R. Ellis
“You’re just now figuring
that out? I divorced you because I didn’t like you and I still don’t like you.” M. Green
“Your family likes me better than
they like you.” John R. Ellis
“That doesn’t mean they have
any taste to speak of.” M.Green
Snicker, snicker…
“I’m going to live with somebody
else so that you cannot find me.” Margaret Pluris
Current whereabouts:
Margaret Pluris
375 Florence St.
DeFuniak Spgs., Fl.
Author: M. Green, 2008
According to the
Old Testament the definition of:
Witch: 1. poisoner
There are other definitions
of this particular word. Which one would you prefer that I use?
“I poisoned you.” Margaret Pluris
“Have you ever heard of the Inquisition or the office of the Inquisition?
I have no qualms about giving them your address.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
The I.R.S…
I’m no big fan of
the I.R.S. but when I can I do my duty and pay my taxes (unlike some of you that I could name.)
“You’re going to pay our taxes. We are hiding from the I.R.S.”
S. Gavin & Yvonne Frost aka Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Voisey
“No as in never.” M Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
Dance all over your face…
“You’re gonna dance on our grave?!? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.” Yvonne
“I never said that but now that you mention it that’s not a bad
idea.” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
A few years ago I went
to an Odinist gathering and was snubbed by everybody there except one of the children. I was invited to attend this particular
gathering and only one of them had any courtesy. This came as no big surprise.
“I’m gonna steal your “guardian angel” (spirit guide.)”
Emily Abels
“No as in never. You can eat shit on a Saturday.” M. Green
“I hate men.” Emily Abels
“You’re an ugly bitch.” M. Green
“Odin supports me & only me.” Emily Abels
“I’m not egotistically saying (like you) that Odin supports me
but what if you’re wrong?” M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008
There is a big difference
between me not being naive and me being paranoid and I’m not paranoid.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Your uniqueness…
have these unique, naïve, egotistical, weird thoughts and the rest of us don’t. What’s your point?” M. Green
naïve: 1. stupid 2. unsophisticated (a rube)
I’m really starting to enjoy this word.
How naïve are you?
1. You’re so naïve that you’ll never discover that you’re
naïve and unlike you I never egotistically said that I was the wisest or best thing on two legs.
Author: M. Green, 2008
Another brick in the wall...
"Turn those cartoons off." Steven D. Williams
"She doesn't have to. Mom said that she could watch them. M. Green
"I said that she cannot watch them. They're Satanic (The Smurfs.)"
Steven D. Williams
"They are not. That's stupid." M. Green
"I'm going to put you through a wall." Steven D. Williams
"You're wanting your balls cut off." M. Green
Author: M. Green, 2008