Ahura Mazda: Also known as Ohrmazd. He created
the first heavenly beings and then the universe as a trap in which to ensnare evil. He did not create evil or the Devil although
evil and the Devil exist. The creative spirit who exists independently of Angra Mainyu and eternity. The wise Lord.
Angra Mainyu: Also known as Ahriman. The Devil. The destructive spirit who exists independently of Ahura
Mazda and eternity.
Gayomard: The archetypal, perfect man who was created by Ahura Mazda.
Primeval bull: The source of all plant and animal life the was created by Ahura Mazda.
World year: 12,000 years.
Amahraspands: The seven Bounteous Immortals: Good Mind, Righteousness, Devotion, Kingdom, Obedience,
Wholeness, Immortality. They are divine beings as well as aspects of Ahura Mazdas nature. They are below Ahura Mazda in the
heavenly hierarchy.
Vahman: One of the Bounteous Immortals. He is male. He greets the righteous soul at death and conducts
it to heaven. He is also known as Good Mind.
Yazads: The worshipful beings who are below the Amahraspands in the heavenly hierarchy. Some of these
are ancient Iranian nature Gods who are associated with such things as the moon and sun and they were incorporated into the
Zoroastrian faith. Others are abstract Gods, such as Mithra, around whom the later Mysteries of Mithras were centered. The
prophet Zoroaster, through whom the Good Religion was revealed to the Good Creation is the only mortal included among the