Ancient & Modern Plagues
going to call me a horrible person after I say this but hearing about or reading your damned Bible for the millionth time
is NOT more important than everything else! 99% of Americans already know about your damned Bible and either accept it or
reject it.
A particular Christian Church
(cult) thought that your damned Bible was more important than curing the plague during the Middle Ages. It also thought that
the various forms of plague were caused by demons when science has PROVEN otherwise. Your damned Bible and needless exorcisms
caused 25,000,000 needless deaths from the various plagues during the Middle Ages.
The Christian cult that caused these
25,000,000 deaths from the various plagues is still in existence today and has NEVER apologized for murdering 25,000,000 during
the Middle Ages by disallowing people to be treated MEDICALLY for whichever plague ailed them. The Christian Church (cult)
that caused the deaths of 25,000,000 people by allowing the plague to kill them during the Middle Ages is the Catholic Church
The modern plague is known as HIV/AIDS
and the Catholic Church and many other Christian Churches (cults) are helping HIV/AIDS to needlessly kill thousands upon thousands
and nobody knows when it will end. The Catholic Church and many other Christian cults are NOT telling you that they are preventing
people from MEDICALLY treated for their ailments. They are NOT telling you that they wouldn’t give an HIV/AIDS victim
a peanut butter sandwich if they needed one.
Many Christian Churches (cults) are
NOT telling you that the money you donate to the poor in their buildings is sitting in a Church bank account somewhere because
they don’t like the hairstyle or clothing of whichever poor person asks for help. I asked a Catholic Church to help
me once and they refused because I wasn’t clean enough. They also didn’t like the fact that I had a cat.
I know of at least one homosexual
male whose death was caused by the Catholic Church because they wanted him to read their damned Bible for a million and one
times instead of a million. He died of HIV/AIDS when his life could have been extended by treatment. There is yet no known
cure for HIV/AIDS but sometimes lives can be extended. That may mean an additional year to say goodbye to everybody or maybe
read those five books that never got read that looked good.
I have repeatedly tested NEGATIVE
for HIV/AIDS but I have asthma and everybody is throwing a damned Bible at me instead of an asthma inhaler. I don’t
need to read your damned Bible AGAIN. I’ve already read the damned thing! Your damned Bible is full of contradictions
and mistakes. I don’t want to read your damned Bible AGAIN! I don’t NEED your damned Christian, Moslem or Jewish
religion because I have my own and I’m HAPPY with it. If you keep immaturely annoying me and I have to learn how to
hex you then I might be even happier with it.
We don’t usually hex people
in my religion like you Christians, Moslems and Jews do but we do get accused of it. Christians, Moslems and Jews are untrained
hexers, which means that they are not taught the proper way to hex nor are they taught the dangers of hexing. What comes around
goes around is a popular expression and many believe it and that is a magickal law. It is a law of Witchcraft but it’s
usually worded differently.
The Law of Attraction in Witchcraft
basically states that you attract what you give. If you give hatred then you receive hatred. If you give love then you receive
love. Many of you immature Christians are wishing HIV/AIDS victims dead. Wishing someone (anyone) dead is also known as a
HEX or CURSE. Wishing for someone to read your damned Bible and then die of HIV/AIDS (or anything else) instead of being MEDICALLY
treated is also known as a HEX or CURSE.
Many of you don’t know that
you annoy the wrong person when you annoy me because I’ve read your damned books. I’ve forgotten more than you’ll
ever know because you never tried to know. I understand more than you’ll ever understand because you don’t try
to understand.
There is a Bible verse that states
that if your Biblical teachings are rejected that you are to shake the dust off of your feet and leave. Why are you still
rudely here?
Matt. 10:14
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house
or city, shake of the dust of your feet.
I keep rejecting your damned Bible
and your damned Christian Church (cult) so why are you still rudely present? Let me ask you the same question for all of the
HIV/AIDS victims because nobody else is. Why are you still rudely present? I should be eating my dinner instead of hearing
about or reading your damned Bible so why are you still rudely present? I don’t NEED to be married to ANY of my relatives
or anyone my own age OR younger so why are you still rudely here?
I have things to do so why are you
still rudely here? I have a nice cat to pet so why are you still rudely present? I can easily think of even more things to
do and NONE of them include your damned Bible or your damned Christian, Moslem or Jewish religion (cult). I have already read
your damned Bible and it's NOT a personal favorite. I'm not homosexual or bisexual. I don't know if seeing other females naked
or reading your damned Bible offends me more. They're both rather obnoxious. You're not really going to force me to learn
how to hex you? Are you?
Christians are NOT the only ones who have exorcism rituals. Pagans and Wiccans
also have some and there are various reasons for needing one. Practicing Christians, Moslems and Jews are demons and this
is one reason to need an exorcism ritual. Malicious ghosts are another reason to need an exorcism ritual. Holy (unholy) Ghosts
are another reason to need an exorcism ritual. The demon that Christians, Moslems and Jews love to worship is another reason
to need an exorcism ritual. There are others.
A basic Wiccan/Pagan exorcism ritual involves
burning sulphur and rubbing alcohol in a censer. Sulphur was formerly burned in hospitals where
there were plague victims and the like to kill germs. What kind of germ, ghost or demon are you? Is it live or is it
a recording? Is this your mortal life or are you in Hell? I have performed a Wiccan/Pagan exorcism and I'll never tell.
Satan has presided at more than one Catholic and Baptist Church service because
I let HIM and I'm not too proud or tired to let Satan preside at some more Christian, Moslem or Jewish Religious services.
Just so you know... You never knew that Satan was even there and you barely knew that I was there.
Author: F. Holiday